
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Letters Division

10:30 AM

After the confrontation with Mark had ended, both teams had walked down the long, brightly lit hall in a tense silence. Mark would occasionally glare at the other team, but they ignored it; except for Zak-who glared back. Once they had reached the double doors of the room where the meeting was being held, Pax waved her bracelet over the scanner next to one of the handles. The doors slid open and both teams walked inside.

The room was enormous and modern with a large Holo-screen on the front wall and a control console in the center of the room. The walls and floor were a shade of cool grey and the 4 large electric tables around the console were a porcelain white.

The room was already packed with other teams that greeted both teams as they came in. Mark and his team immediately took off in search of a place to sit, all the while glaring at the others.

Kira rolled her eyes and led her team to their seats at the head of one the tables. Kira stood and called everyone to attention.

"Hello everyone, I am Captain Kira Ruse of team Z. I hope you're all doing well. Today, we will be devising a plan for the next confrontation with aliens. We will go over multiple topics, but we will start with terrain placement."

Kira sat down and Wish stood up.

"First off, a large Foha of about 1000 aliens and 15 supports are expected to land in the Conservation Forest in Asi, an hour away from the nearest city." Wish said.

She then walked to the giant board in the room and her bracelet over the screen. It instantly changed to show a picture of a landscape filled with healthy, green vegetation, and tall trees, from which sunlight peaked through the thick leaves. (Detail)

"Since the place in question is a sanctuary and dense, we will have to limit our movement." She continued. "We will have to spread out forces enough so that no one gets hurt."

She waved her wrist over the screen again. The picture was then replaced with an altered version of the previous screen. There were 5 arrows each pointing to a different spot.

She pointed to an arrow. "The best vantage point would be from the sky. The other arrows points to where there is a little more room to maneuver. These are the best places to set up defenses and fight from."

"We will now go into the actual combat strategy." Wish walked back to her seat as Helix slowly stood up.

He sighed in exasperation as he regarded the room.

"So... since Wish suggested air support, there will be a small unit of aerial skill users led by me, together we will be leading the Supports away from the aliens."

He pointed to the the 4 arrows on the ground. "As for ground soldiers, we will be using close combatants as the main attackers and long range units to build protection and prevent harm to the forest. Mason will be leading the close combatants and Pax leads the protectors."

He waved his wrist and spreadsheet with names and locations appeared. "On this sheet you will find exactly where you will be sent. Those of you who are assigned as Aerial attackers will see me tomorrow for a full briefing."

"Ok, I'm done now." Helix said as he took his seat.

Kira walked to the screen. "I will now be taking suggestions as to attack formations."

A couple people raised their hand and she called on a girl sitting by her.

"I suggest a staggered formation, ma'am." The girl said. "Spaced a decently away from each other, so there is space to attack."

"I don't know if their is enough room for that." Kira said. "But I will keep it in mind."

She turned to the rest of the room. "Anymore suggestions?"

A smug voice came out from the crowd. "Yeah, I have one."

Kira sighed inwardly and regarded the voice. "Yes, Captain Dirnham?"

Mark stood and walked to the center of the room, just before Kira.

"If team Z is soooo strong," Mark said sarcastically. "then why don't you guys just do the mission by yourselves."

Kira tilted her head. "That wasn't a formation, Captain Dirnham. Please go back to your seat, now."

Mark smirked. "Listen Captain Ruse, I think you can understand where I'm coming from. I just wanna let you guys shine."

"Thank you for being considerate," Kira said sourly. "but taking out 1000 aliens is quite difficult. With 15 Supports no less. If you understand, please take your seat."

"You can't do it?" Mark said smugly. "I thought you could do everything, Captain."

Kira ignored his comment and once again, asked the crowd her question.

Mark sneered. "Kira, I think-"

Kira's head swiveled to him. "Be quiet, otherwise I'll demote you and your entire team."

Mark scowled. "You can't-"

"I can and I will, if you don't shut up." Kira replied.

Mark glared at her. "You don't have the power to."

Kira shrugged. "Maybe, but I'm on good terms with people that can."

"So don't step out of line again." She said.

Mark scoffed, but sat down, turning to whisper to his teammates.

Kira sighed loudly, before turning to the crowd.

"Any suggestions?"

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