
General ZIRI

SYNOPSIS The Population on Earth has become too much, the atmosphere expanded and interfere with the Dark matters and it led a disease known as Odiene's Curse. Billions of people lost their lives, the disease stop but portals opened all around the world and Zombies were coming out of the portals and creating choas and destruction. The Government found a way to destroy the portals but new ones keeps coming up, everyone has to join the military in order to learn how to protect themselves and loved ones. Ziri was a young boy that was caught up in the mess, he became an orphan but he went on to become a General and great warrior, but what he truly desire was peace, it seems impossible as the war upgraded from a war between humans and zombies to a war between humans and different aliens from strange dimensions and his adopted father stood as an obstruction in his path. Ziri father wishes for a world without suffering and in order to achieve that world, he has to kill adults and train the children to love and care for each other but it will lead to the very mayhem that Ziri was avoiding. The Question is who will prevail. The Aliens and Zombies Ziri, the peace maker or His Father , the world cleanser Find out in this thrilling novels.

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28 Chs

Destroy the Academy

Three healers rushed to Tim and put their glowing hands on her ,she cough out some blood as she sat up.

What is her longetivity" Croc asked"

Three to six months "one of the healers replied"

What do you maen by longevity "Tim asked"

It is the time you have to live.

This nonsense should stop, soldiers head to the barracks and students to your hostels."Captain Croc ordered"

The N.S quickly run towards their hostel only few remained, while the soldiers waited for Tim order.

Go and finish what we came here for ,I am retreating but no one else is retreating. "Tim said"

Anyone that choose to obey her will be killed." Croc said in anger"

Remember that this is an assignment ,failures leads to punishment." Tim said"

The team rushed to attack Croc ,while Tim went back to the barrack.

Different high range attack came towards Croc ,he opened a portal and all the attacks went through, he opened a portal at the front of the soldiers ,the attacks came out and killed a lot of them, The remaining once rushed after him .

Croa opened another portal and three humaniod beasts came out ,they were dark beasts ,they were slim but muscular ,had tail and wings ,their skin were jagged ,they had bloodshot eyes and their skin were red.

The beasts quickly threw a huge blood swipe , they formed weapons with aura that looked like blood, one had a hammer ,the second one had an axe while the last one was holding two swords.

They rushed at them ,they were bitting heads off, the one that holding sword, bit one of the soldiers at the neck, it reused to release him, it was dragging it with it mouth and was using sword to slash off the soldiers neck, others was chomping off people head and chewing it.

Tim was watching them through the CCTV, she quickly brought out her phone.

"All Soldiers should head to the new students arena ,wipe off Croc and his teammate ."

Soldiers were pouring out the Barrack, few had already unlocked the U.N.S hostels and was killing them.

Boss"one of the Croc teammate called their boss as the students were attacking him from every angle" all the soldiers have been involved ,they are overwhelming us.

Let me talk to Marshal Aaron ,we will be there, this will be the right time to destroy that academy "His boss replied ".

The soldiers were too much and a lot of children were dying, Croc has become very angry, he decided to use his override skill.

Override skill was the highest skill of an ability, it absorbed part of the person life force and if the person is not powerful enough, it might lead to instant death or reduced the person lifespan.

White aura surrounded Croc, he raised up and floated in the air, his eyes were glowing. White aura was glowing on the ground ,it was drawing spells on the floor and a portal opened , a lot of dark beasts were coming out of the ground , they were killing everyone in sight .

Bernard appeared and was floating in the air, he looked strange, his body was made of shadows. Different portal that was in the form of shadows appeared and people that wore black uniforms was falling out of the portal.

Bernard touched his earphone and said, "soldiers, rest we are taking over,

Team, kill all the soldiers, but spare the little ones, "Bernard said and came down towards Croc".

who was leading the soldiers "he asked".

Please sir "Croc knee down and pleaded" don't harm her, it was my sister.

You better deal with her, that girl is beginning to annoy me.

Okay sir, I appreciate.