
Gene System

Blake is a young man who has had to suffer through devastation over and over again losing more than just an arm. With no power of his own he could barely stand a chance against others or even be deemed useful by the military. All he can do is accept his sister's help bitterly knowing he can't return it to the same effect. After a series of events a meeting with near death shocks him to his very core changing his life forever. Awakening a hidden element buried deep within his genetic code. The Gene System, an advanced complex genetic technology used to expand and improve the overall potential and direction of evolution for the user's genetic code naturally mapping out and directing where the user should go with the growth they obtain. Not much else is known, only that few on every planet are given one through unknown means. The current state of the world is racked with unbridled chaos as the military fruitless attempts to stop the atrocities committed by the organisation known as the Gene hunters. Seeking to steal and splice any genetic data they can get their hands on by whatever psychotic means whether it be dissection, slow harvesting or cloning ethics are not a concern. Hundreds of thousands have been affected by the gene hunters including Blake's family. Some are never seen again, just used as cows for genetic harvesting over and over again until they dried up never to see their families again. Changes have begun to sprout in the background of earth leading to more and more mysterious events occurring, genetic powers becoming stronger, animals becoming mutated and evolving faster than normal generational lines. All the while in the background an unknown force beyond human comprehension lurks just beyond the veil waiting patiently for the time to run out and indulge in his planet level feast devouring all life in sight. Blake will give his all to overcome these brutal circumstances by whatever means. No matter the pain, suffering or loss he will continue to go forward no matter the cost. Failure isn't a devastation but a stepping stone in his larger goal. In his pursuit to build his strength he wont forget where he came from guarding the weak as someone who grew from that. Seeing the lack of care or acknowledgement to the majority viewed as weak in the military disdain makes him step up as the leader needed to change the structure of this world for the better. In the weak there is strength which Blake knows all too well. His reason to go forward is to become the man he wants to be. The only thing that truly terrifies is the idea of letting it all go, giving up and betraying himself and his potential.

NocturnOwl · Khoa huyễn
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145 Chs

Target For An Energy Source

"Our job is to trap a pretty boy in this custom cube and bring him here to be our new energy source". Celeste says as she squints one of her eyes at the bright blue cube in between her fingers.

"I already have a device prepared to check the surroundings for any unusual voltage spikes that wouldn't be generated normally". She says full of pride showing off what looked like an inverted tesla coil.

"So what do you want us to do"? The dishevelled guard says with a long yawn.

"That's for you to figure out sweetheart" She says while pointing her finger at him in the shape of a pistol.

"I'm going to be waiting for an opening and you're going to be my trustee distractions. Isn't it just perfect". Celeste says full of satisfaction, shaking her hands full of excitement.

"Umm are you sure this will work for the best Celeste" The younger guard chimes back in still a bit flustered by the appearance of his leader.

"Are you questioning your superior"!? She says with a dead glare.