

Zhang was at home, baffled. He didn't believe in reality anymore. it was still noon and he had a lot of time on his hands. He decided to take the day off.

*. * *

Mike, Zhang's son, and his friends Scarlett and Rick were at the national skate park, making TikTok videos. When they were done, they went to Starbucks and ordered coffee. Scarlett stirred her coffee with her straw and looked glum.

" what's wrong, Scar?" asked Rick

" I don't know, I need something exciting... making skating videos are getting boring. I've been reading detective books and I wanna be involved in a case."

Mike smiled. He remembered that his dad was a cop and always on a case. he decided to ask about any case when he gets home.

Zhang was washing the dishes while humming a tune. Mike came in and joined him. Mike needed cash the next day to replace his old skateboard. " hey dad." said Mike.

" hey, buddy. Watcha up to?" asked Zhang.

" nothing much..." said Mike. when ever he said nothing much, it meant that he needed something from him. "... it's just that I need some cash."

' bingo ' Zhang thought ," okay but you have to wash my sports car ." said Zhang.

Mike rushed to the garage and washed his car

When Mike finished, he rushed to Zhang's room. Before he knocked, he heard Zhang talking about Liam's case. ' uh..dad?' asked Mike expectantly.

Zhang quickly hung up and opened the door for him.

" my cash.." said Mike. Zhang gave him twenty dollars. " thanks, dad. So, any new case?"

" nothing you should worry about."

" okay..."said Mike and he left the room.

the next day, as Zhang was going to work, a note fell out of his pocket. Mike picked it up and rushed to Scarlett's house . He found her drumming. He rushed over to her and brought out the note on her cymbals. " hey what the he-" said Scarlett then she took a good look at the note. " is this a real challenge?!" asked Scarlett.

" it is..." said Mike