
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Day 8: Danger in the woods

On the previous day. Everyone helped Dennis train. Making sure he was ready to handle the challenge ahead, but as a new day arrives. He was ready.

It was morning, and Dennis stayed over at Nix's house. Making sure that he had studied all about the other forms of magic. He was in the living room, catching up with his studies until he found a blank page.

"Hey Nix, why is this section missing?"

Dennis asked. He then handed over to the book to Nix. Wondering why a page was unfinished.

"Hmm… This is the first time I see this happen… I'll investigate this. I'll let you know if I figure something, and good luck."

"Okay then… Thank you for teaching me how to use magic Nix…"

''And I must thank you for being a brilliant student, Dennis."

They both went for a hug, but it became awkward. Dennis soon left and headed out to the park, when stepped out of the house. It got cold.

"Why is it so cold suddenly?"

Dennis asked himself, and he soon realized that someone had placed a coat on him. When he looked back. He saw that was Nix who did it.

"You forgot the coat that Sylvia made."

"Thanks, as well. Have you seen Spike? I haven't seen him around last night or even today."

Dennis then adjusted the coat. Wondering where one of his friends went to.

"He is just doing a few things and won't be back till tonight."

"Oh? Okay, I was going to ask him if he could help me with something, but I guess I'll wait."

Dennis then left. Nix waved at him while he was getting distant to the house. Hours later, Dennis makes it to entrance of the dark woods and remembered what happen that day. The day he got saved from a dire wolf. It soon gave him fear it was not the only one around.

"The knights were here a few days ago to clear the woods. Yet, nothing feels any different."

He soon takes a step into the woods and senses an overwhelming presence that called to him. As a bright light shined the way. It was a clear path that Dennis needed to take.

Running deep into the woods. Dennis finds himself on the three paths from that same day except the fog was darker and the forest had the powerful scent of blood.

"Oh god… What happen here…?"

Dennis asked himself. It was getting hard to breathe, and he covered his face with his scarf. Soon after. A howl was heard in the distance while the light was going on a straight path. He didn't want to be chased once again, so he took it and its thorns closed the way behind him.

Meanwhile, at Nix place. Dahlia and Sara came to visit. Checking to see if Dennis was still around. When Nix opened the door, she was holding on to the book that Dennis gave her to decipher the blank pages.

"Good morning, you two. What brings you here?"

"We came to check if Dennis was still around. Is he still here?"

Dahlia asked and intruded into the house without permission.

"No. He left a few hours ago. Just hope that he encounters nothing weird…"

Back with Dennis. He was running towards the light. As he keeps going, the dark woods got even darker, and the leaves turned dark red. The scent of blood got even stronger and, to his surprise. The light disappears and reveals that Dennis was heading towards a cliff.

He couldn't stop his momentum or else he would fall to his demise. Instead, he casts a spell.


Calling out its name. With no time to think. Dennis casts the spell on himself and formed a pair of ice wings on his back. He then jumps over to cliff and sees that the woods had a giant three in the center that reached the sky.


Dennis said as the sight amazed him. Taking away all of his fears until he heard a loud screech coming from below. He looked down and saw a flock of crows flying out from the trees until he noticed a giant one heading straight for him. It flew right in front of him and looked at him in the eyes.

"I never seen a bird this big before… Not even in pictures…"

Suddenly, the giant crow charged at Dennis. It went over him and it made Dennis lose focus. Forcing his body to fall towards the trees below and make a landing.

"Guess I won't be able to use this for a while now… But now what direction I should go…"

He said to himself after inspecting his surroundings. Dennis saw he was lost deep in the center of the dark woods. Trees of oak to dark oak were all around and with no trail in sight.

Wondering what way to go. Dennis's wings shattered towards the way of wind that was going to his left. He followed the trail of the wind and found a pathway that was leading towards the giant tree.

It was peaceful. The sound of the bird was calming to him, but Dennis felt that something was wrong. The ground shook, and it was felt from over the town to the capital. Dennis ended losing his balance and stumbled on to the ground. From out of nowhere, Dennis heard loud footstep.

"Who goes there!!?"

Dennis asks. He turned around and saw the ground break. Creating a hole and a giant stone's hand came out. Dennis panicked and stood up once the ground stooped shaking. The stone hands pulled itself out to reveal itself that it was a golem.

"Hey, sorry if I'm trespassing, but I don't mean to cause any harm."

Dennis said to the golem, but to its response. It grabbed a tree and threw it at Dennis. He dodges out of the way and countered by using casting a spell.


As Dennis called out its name. A fireball came out of his right hand, but it stayed there. He then throws it at the golem and it detonates half way. Creating a smoke screen to make his escape.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts