
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Day 26 to 27: The werewolf

It was early in the morning; the sun was about to rise while everyone was about to wake up. The first to awake in the house was Dennis after a long rest. He noticed he was in his bedroom instead of being in the living room.

"How did we end up in here?"

Questioning himself in his mind while feeling something warm in his hands. When he looked over, he saw it was the pup. Reassuring himself, he putted on his glasses and saw that everything was intact in the room. He then got out of the bed with the pup in his hands.

"Man... What time is it..."

Dennis said as he pulled out his phone from his pockets, but he forgot it has no power. He soon then realized that he could have used magic to recharge his phone.

Right on the spot, he focused his mana to cast magic. Creating a steady flow of electricity on the palm of his right hand where he held his phone.

The screen turned on, revealing an icon that the phone was charging. But he couldn't do nothing much. He went to the living room and sat down and waited it out.

It then become eight in the morning and Dj woke up. Finding out that Dennis wasn't in the bed. He wondered to where he got and got out to find his friend in the living room half asleep.

"Dude, are you okay?"

Dj said to Dennis. Waking him up and look over at his phone. He turned it on and saw the time, but there was no exact day to it or month but only a year. It is day twenty-six of the year xx13. With that amount of information, Dennis could deduct that time moves differently from back home.

"Yeah... I'm fine, let's go get ready... I want to check a few things around the woods today."

Dennis said to Dj. They both then got cleaned up, had breakfast before they could leave the house. While they were at it, Sara woke up and greeted them in the hallway.

"Good morning, you two. Where you two going this early in the morning?"

"Oh, me and Dj are heading to the woods to check a few things out."

Later on, they both went over to the woods on the pathway behind the house. Towards the direction of the beach, but the same presence from the previous days lingered around. They were standing on the cliff next to the beach, but before they could even go down, they noticed something on the other side they were planning to go. They saw a dark figure move in the distance but couldn't tell what it was.

"More things are roaming around than usual... We should return here tomorrow, in the morning."

Dj said to Dennis. But it was strange to him that something else was around yet close to the house. They then headed back home and followed on with their day until it was nighttime. Around this time, they were setting up their equipment. Dj was preparing a bad full of provisions while Dennis was creating ice marbles and crushed one in the palm of his hands that made a minor explosion and hurting his hands.

Sara was still around and heard this. And went to their bedroom to find out that Dennis hurt himself.

"Dennis, what did you do now?"

Sara asked as she grabbed his hands. Healing them by using magic.

"I may have hurt myself by experimenting with magic..."

"You should be more careful with these things, alright. Now both of you go to sleep. It's already getting late."

Sara said to them both. Following it up by them going to sleep and awaited to become the next day.

As time passed by, it was morning once again and they had gotten themselves ready wearing their usual clothing. But the sun hasn't set yet, giving them a sense of danger because it was still dark. They were standing near the cliff next to beach and made the first move.

Along the way, Dennis was holding the hilt of a sword that got while doing a request from the queen. Swung it around for the fun of it as they set foot on the beach.

"Say, did you ever wondered what happened to the blade?"

Dj asked. Trying to make small talk while looking for an available path to their destination.

"Not really... This is something I want to figure out along the way. And besides. If I want to follow the path of the sword, I need to at least own a proper sword."

As Dennis mentioned, they heard a howl coming from nearby. They looked to their left while walking around the beach and noticed something coming from the woods above. But it was already too late. A group of dire wolves jumped out of the woods and surrounded them in formation, but that was not all to their worries.

From out of nowhere, they saw an enormous shadow coming from above and soon landed near the water. Dennis and Dj soon saw a dark grey wolf with the body of a man walking on two legs.

"Wait a minute... You're all the pack of wolves that was chased down by the deformed wolf and you are a werewolf."

Dennis said as he pointed out the werewolf. It surprised the werewolf that Dennis knows about their existence while he approached with caution.

"Leave this place and do not return."

The werewolf said. The rest of the pack growled to scare Dennis and Dj away.

"Were not leaving. I want to make a tree house around here!"

"And I'm here to help him with that... Meaning that we won't leave. I don't want to bother you at all, but if you stand any closer. I'm forced to fight."

Dennis said as he holds the hilt of the sword. The werewolf saw it had no blade and laughed.

"You think you can fight with a sword that has no blade? You're a fool to even try."

The werewolf said. Striking one of Dennis's nerves. He then became mad tightened his grip on the sword while he needed to clear his mind.

"So what? At least I'm trying. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here as we speak. For the past couple of days, I have been learning, bonding with friends... Fighting for the sake of other while my life is on the line. I fought a giant flaming crow created by a red orb in the forest... Fought a harbinger for the sake of my life after harming innocent people and a shadow wolf not that long ago and saved a pup that belongs in this pack."

Dennis then recalled to those days one by one and leaned himself forward, getting ready for a fight.

"And if you think that I'm a fool, then yeah, maybe I am. But at the very least I'm trying to help around and solve the problem than just do nothing at all!"

Dennis shouted at the werewolf. Being consumed by his anger, Dj was holding him to restrain him before he could get himself hurt. Once the werewolf heard Dennis out. It changed his mind from his perspective.

"So, you fight for the sake of others and you're self. That is a code, something amongst the tribe's respects. You are welcome around these parts of the woods since you saved my son."

The werewolf said to Dennis, and it made him calm down his anger. And he soon apologized. Dennis soon understands while the werewolf tossed a silver pendant to him.

"Take care. I'll be seeing you soon."

The werewolf and its pack soon left as the sun was raising. With such an eventful morning, they went back home to rest.