
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Day 25

It was the middle of the afternoon. Dennis and Dj were out of the house to help Zack with the farm work. Leaving Nix to herself in the house. She walked out of the room she stayed in and wondered where the kids went.

"Dennis!! Dj!! Where did you two goes!?"

As Nix attempted to call out to them, there was no response. But after a while, she heard a faint howl coming from the bedroom that Dennis sleeps in and goes over there to investigate.

When she went to Dennis's bedroom. She found a grey wolf pup howling on the bed.

"How did you end up in here?"

She asked herself who could have tamed it. The wolf pup soon barked at Nix that caught the attention of the golem. It peaked through the window, giving her a scare.

"Oh, my god! You gave me a scare for a second..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

The golem said to Nix, and it left her speechless. Her mind was trying to process how the golem could achieve normal speech.

"I have so many questions..."

Nix then went outside of the house and spent her time with the golem. The golem then explained to Nix what happen. From how Dennis was trying to save its life, forcing him to harness healing magic. It as well fixed the golems speech that was broken, but its combat system wasn't fixed.

Later on, Nix told the golem that she could help it by using her own magic to fix the problem, but the golem refused. The golem couldn't accept her help.

After she waited outside until Dennis and Dj returned and noticed them in the distance. They were bringing a cart full of products while they brought along Zack with them.

"What is all this?"

As Nix asked. Dennis and Dj were getting the cart inside and took a rest on the ground for doing a hard day of work.

"Well... Since you were staying for the night... We went to get a few stuffs while helping Zack, but I didn't expect that she would overwork us..."

Dennis said as he passed out on the ground and was soon picked up by Zack that took him inside the house. But Nix recalled her conversation with the golem and went after Dennis while Zack was placing him on his bed. She moved her out of the way and woke Dennis up by gently smacking his face.

"Wake up right now. I heard you used healing magic, and it made you overuse most of your mana. Are you feeling dizzy or nauseous?"

Disrupted from his sleep. Dennis opened his eyes and saw Nix worried for him for what he did in the previous day.

"I'm fine actually, but I found out that I can't use healing magic on myself, but only on others. I learned this by trying to give my mana to the golem to replenish its core."

As Dennis mentioned. He remembered he needs to find an earth crystal to repair the golems combat system. But in order to do that, he either needs to find a shop around the capital or go to the mines.

"Thats a relief. For a moment there, I thought you got yourself in danger..."

Nix said to Dennis. She was worried at first, but knowing that he was safe made her feel relieved.

Time passes by, allowing it to become sunset. Where they were investigating the room that Dennis found the other day. Nix looked around and touched the blue orb in the middle of the room, where it opened a holographic map made by magic. She was familiarized with it for over the years. It was enough to be said that it surprised her that the device was still function able.

"Damn, I thought this thing went missing over the years... But honestly, this thing right here is a navigation device to help us locate or mark stuff when we were hunting for rare stuff back in the old day."

Nix then remembered the days of her youth as she explored the world. From a tropical island to a lost temple floating in the sky and to an underground city. There were some memories she was still fond of to this day. Dennis then approached the blue orb and was tinkering around with it till he located something strange that Nix hasn't seen before. It was a dark cloud that was forming itself around the ocean.

"Now, what is this? I haven't seen nothing like this before."

"Maybe is has something to do with another red orb of light... We only dealt with one, but someone could manufacture them as we speak..."

Dennis said. He felt that something was making the dark clouds while sensing an approaching storm. By guessing that it could be another red orb, it was only a matter of time before it gets active.

"Well, for a kid you maybe on to something. But if you're correct about this, we need everyone on board on this."

As Nix mentioned. She soon left the house to go prepare. Leaving Dennis and Dj to themselves. With nothing else to do, it was about to be nighttime. They had a simple dinner and stayed up taking care of the pup until they all got tired and went to sleep.

Eventually, Sara showed up to see how the two of them were doing. When she entered the house. She found Dennis and Dj a sleep on the floor alongside with the pup.

"Oh, my... You two need to get some proper rest in a bed."

Sara said. She then picked up both of them and placed them on the bed while making sure that they were tucked in. Then she grabbed the pup and placed it alongside Dennis and saw him go for a hug in the middle of his sleep.

"Now sweet dreams, you two."

She then left the room and stayed over for the night.