
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Day 21: The flower festival

The day finally arrived. The moment the town's people awaited for. An activity that only happens once every year.

It was the middle of the morning, as usual. Dennis and Dj were waking up to the sound of singing birds and it soon hit them. They went out to see if the ice pillar was still standing, but they saw a puddle of water. Showing that the pillar melted over night.

"Dennis, we can talk about this. I know that there's another way to handle this."

"Its already too late. We should just enjoy this day while we can, shall we?"

As Dennis said to Dj. They were trying to understand their solutions, but Dennis had already decided. Before they could even leave the place. Dennis made sure that he had everything that he needed. While Dj was making sure of a bag full of provisions.

"Here, you will need this just in case."

Dj said as he handed over a bag to Dennis.


"Yeah, just in case you need to heal yourself while the fight goes."

'Well thanks, we should celebrate if everything goes well."

Dennis said before he grabbed the sword. They went out wearing the clothes that they received from the others. When they were on their way towards the town. They stopped by the farm to visit Zack, but they saw people wearing fresh flowers over their heads. That made them wonder if this was a certain custom because of this event.

Before they could even ask someone. Zack arrives while wearing orange flowers on her hat.

"Welcome, you two. I have been expecting yawl to show up. Nix sent us a letter stating that the harbinger showed up."

Zack said. It then made Dennis wonder if it's connected with the dream eater.

"Well, that's just great, a harbinger and a dream eater. I don't think I'll be able to catch a break today…"

"Its alright, the queen sent her best guards to make sure nothing bad happens."

Zack said, but it really didn't convince Dennis. They soon then looked around the various stands until they found one with clear flowers. Dj was the first to approach it and saw a lady with white hair giving out these kinds of flowers.

"Hey, what's this?"

Dj said as he soon touched one of them and it changed into a bright dark orange flower.

"Welcome. You seem to have touched a crystallization flower. The flower will show the element you best resonate with and your resonating element is earth."

The lady said and handed over the flower to Dj.

"Wow, hey Dennis, you need to check this out."

Dj then called over Dennis that was ordering eatable sunflowers. When he arrived, he saw the flowers that Dj wanted him to see and touched one of them. The flower that he soon touched was changing to all kinds of colors. Meaning that he didn't have a resonating element.

"Strange, that never happened before."

Zack said.

"Thats because I don't have an element. Nix made it clear to me, but that just means I haven't found my element."

After that, they continued to look around the area till they found themselves with Sylvia that was making a flower dress in the barn.

"Hey Sylv, hows the dress going?"

Zack asked, but as what she could see. Sylvia was having a bad time working with the dress.

"It is terrible. I can't find a flower that can work with this dress!"

Sylvia then panicked, causing her hair to become a mess. She then noticed the flowers that Dennis and Dj had and the one that called her out the most was the one that Dennis had. When she saw it, it gave her an idea of what to do.

"You! How did you achieve this flower to become like this?!"

She asked while seen all the possibilities she can make with the dress.

"I don't have an element Sylvia, when I touched it, it created this. But you can have it."

Dennis said as he offered the flower to Sylvia. Without even thinking, she grabbed the flower and put it to use. They all saw her go into work, changing the dress entirely to match with the flower and when she did. She had created a dress that can resonate with the flower.

"I present yo you the midnight luminescent rainbow!"

As Sylvia revealed the dress. It was a complete black dress that showed properties of the resonating flowers. Allowing it to spread its colors amongst the hands, legs, and chest. The dress impressed them all and gave out a few claps.

"Wait, who's going to wear it?"

Dj asked. Curios of who will be the one to wear it, but Sylvia already had someone in mind.

"I will not tell. If you wish to know, you better be on time for the gran act tonight."

"Fine then, I will."

Dj said to Sylvia and continued on with the day. They stayed around the farm for a while until it was nighttime. All the town's people went to the park and when they arrived. They saw it was like a carnival of sorts. Dennis and Dj were amused when they arrived, along with Zack at the entrance to the park.

"Alright, you two, I need to go help around before the final event starts. See you boys in a few hours."

Zack then left to help around the place. Leaving them alone with nothing else to do. They soon noticed P with a box full of fireworks and went over to greet her.

"Hey, P. Whats all this?"

Dennis said, greeting her as he got a better look at the fireworks.

"Dennis? What are you doing out here? It isn't safe for you out here…"

P said as she tried to keep her voice down and whispered something into his ears that made him go alert.

Dennis understood and soon followed her to where they set up the fireworks. But when they arrived, they saw a group of knights on the ground while the team that works around with the fireworks were vast a sleep. P dropped her box of fireworks went to the firework members to wake them up.

"Hey, guys. Wake up!!"

But there was no response. And out of nowhere, a dark mist surrounded the area, and it forced one of the loaded firework cannons to shoot one into the air. They all saw a firework go into the night sky and detonate, revealing the roman number twelve.

It then come to Dennis to believe that the harbingers did this. He was mad that innocent people were harmed and soon, they all heard a laugh. Coming from the forest.

Without even thinking, Dennis went after it. Going towards the forest.

"P can you promise me and not let the others know? I'm going after him."

Dj said to P as he was about to grab one sword from the knights on the ground.

"Don't worry, just make sure he is safe and bring him back!"

Once Dj heard her. He ended up taking an iron shield just in case and went towards the forest to find Dennis.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts