
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Day 11: Problems at the farm

As the day began, Dennis went off early to visit one of his friends. He had a list of who he needs to visit in order for the next upcoming days and the first one on the list was Zack.

It was early in the morning and Dennis was walking on a pathway next to some wooden fences. He soon noticed an orchard of apple trees. Giving him the sense that he was getting close to the farm.

"Man… Thats a lot of apples… I wonder how long it will take to harvest them all…"

Dennis said to himself. Later on, he notices his friend Zack trying to pull a wooden giant cart full of products such as fruits and vegetables.

"Hey Zack, do you need any help with that?"

Dennis soon asked and jumped over the fence to help.

"Sure, I'm the only one on duty for today, so you won't be seeing a lot of folks around."

Zack said while holding on to the front side of the cart. Dennis then went from the back and started pushing the cart. It was then easier to move around and after some time. They arrived at the entrance. It had groceries stands with each section of their products. From juices to edibles. Many ingredients can be found around here.

"Is this a farm market?"

"Yes, it is. Is this your first time on a farm?"

"I guess you can say that… I'm mostly more of an indoors person. Yet a change of scenery doesn't hurt no one…'

Dennis soon said and whipped off the sweat from his forehead. Afterwards, Zack throws an apple at Dennis and he catches it with both his hands.

"You should get more exercise for your body, and I can tell that you are getting sluggish. We don't want for Dahlia to find you like this…"

Dennis then got scarred and didn't want to go in a serious training regimen. He then agreed and followed Zack to the next area and saw that they were a few crops that got eaten by a creature.

"What happen here?"

Dennis asks. Wondering what could have something like this.

"Mostly vermin's small, cute critters come by and eat our stuff. But it is unusual for them to go for the crops…"

As Zack grabbed one of the many vegetables that are eaten in the ground. She found a small stain of blood on it and immediately dropped it. Dennis was looking around and saw that their friend was in shock and was soon worried that something happen.

"Its everything alright?"

"No… But I know what caused this and we are not safe standing here…"

As they know now that they are in danger, a tree from the orchard has fallen down. One after another. As the trees fell to the ground. A tremendous step was heard and made them go into their guard.

"Wait a minute… Is that what I think it is?"

Dennis soon asks as they see a giant white body walking out of the trees.

"As you may think of it… It is…"

They saw a giant rabbit that was missing a few body parts. It was missing a right eye, a left ear and had bones coming out from the rest of its body.

"I… I don't get it… This is a rabbit, but is huge, yet is undead!? Is there like someone that can make zombies!?!"

"No!! This is a rabbit houndler. They can only be found in the far plains to the west!"

"Well, then… time to get this body warmed up…"

Dennis then took off his fur coat and around that exact time. The rabbit houndler charged in with a tackle. Dennis saw it coming and moved out of the way. Attempting to find a weak spot by using magic.

He used a fire spell. A fire ball formed in the palm of Dennis's left hand and he released it. When it hit the rabbit houndler. It seems like it did nothing at all.

"They are resistant to magic, Dennis!!"

"Do you have a plan?"

"Only one so far. Hit them hard!!"

She said with enough determination and went after the beast. When she got close to it, Zack grabbed it by the tail and lifted with tremendous strength. It surprised Dennis for what he has seen, but more concerned when the beast was about to fall on its back right at him. He moved out of the way in fright.


Dennis calling out the magics name. He creates a giant cage that surrounds the rabbit. Putting it on a lock down for their own good.

"Good job, kid. You manage to give it some jail time."

Zack said. She then placed a hand on Dennis right shoulder while standing right behind him.


Dennis then focused his mana on changing the magic. He cast wind magic and made a strong wind that circles around the jail.

"I'm sending this back to the west. You may know what they can do, but I'm not taking any chances today…"

Dennis said. He then raised his left hand, and it lifted the jail into the air. The winds then took it flying all the way to the west. Never to be seen again.

"I must thank you for taking care of my problem, Dennis. If you weren't here today… This place would have been upside down."

"Don't worry, it's the least I can do."

Once the problem was solved. Dennis and Zack continued their work around the farm until it was sunset. Both tired from working and giving it their all.

Around this time, they were at the entrance about to say their goodbyes until Dennis remember what he was here for.

"Dang it, I almost forgot about something! Zack, can you help me tomorrow by making a fence around the house?"

"A fence? What for?"

Zack asked. Wondering why Dennis wanted to make a fence.

"I want to keep the house away from monsters… I don't want to deal with a swarm if the time comes."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Zack said. Dennis then left and went back to the house and called it a day.