
Welcome to Blue Zone

Sound of People Bustling in the city, walking, shopping, Cars driving the road, and many more thing can be seen everywhere on the street.

All of YoRHa androids just continue to stare with their mouth Open from seeing the place.

But for apparent no reason, all of them shed tears, some of them even drop to their knees.

"Huh?" I show a surprised expression

"....I C-cant believe it, a human city!" 4B raises her hand and kneel down, 11B also kneels down behind her

"S-so our fight does have a meaning" Even though teardrop from her face, 1D smiled brightly at seeing the People smile

"Uwahhh" 12H cried

"...." 7E was lost in her own world and currently in crisis

(Inside her Mind)


(Outside Pov)

I was literally surprised by their reaction i even Saw 9S and 2B crying too!

Other People who watch the commotion begin to gossip.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, Stop it please you are embarrassing me!" i try to stop one of the androids who kneel down first

After a bit of persuasion, we continue the tour, but they still keep staring dagger-like they want to burry this memory deep in their heart

I starts to show them many places we have construction, but of course, the living hell scanner model would be curios

"OH OH what is this?" He jumps like a rabbit and points to the Place

I look over the place where he points and answers his question

"This place is a house where humans live"

"Ohh can we take a look?" 9S ask me

"No, that's Rude to enter someone else home" I warned the little scanner so he does not have any idea

"Oh, hehe sorry"

"Then what is that place where a lot of people gather?" 1D point the place

I look where she points, and see a crowd trying to get the discount items

"This one is where buy food, necessary, tool and many other. And the reason it is crowded must be because of the discount where everything it is cheap"

"Ohh that makes sense" 1D nod at me

"Then that one?"


The question continues as each android asks a question to me until it reaches the last place

"This is a mall where people can go shopping"

"Shopping?" 2B says it like she has a flashback of a memory

"OH OH, I know this is where humans buy anything necessary right?" 9S says with great excitement


(You Might wonder, how did i construct a bunch of buildings? well with most of our unit hidden and they were bored because i can not give them task they were pretty eager to do something, so i give them task to build, Repair, constructed a bunch of building like house, restaurants, mall, agriculture, factory and many others. Of course, the one we employ is soldier Because that's the only one we have and with such high manpower it did not really take that long to fix. There is some area where it is under construction but at least the economy is growing.)

There are over 25.000 people and almost all of them are soldier that i can call if i need their service.

And if i am right, 5/10 is ground unit, 1/10 Navy Unit, and lastly, 2/10 is Air unit while the rest 2/10 are android, intelligent officer, Agriculture, Factory Worker, Doctor, Firefighter and many other that is needed for the city to function.

Even though i have this many soldiers, it is still not enough to fight the machine because there are million even billion of them out there, i don't know their exact number but if they manage to take entire Africa as their territorial i guess they have that much

I did plan to increase the number of people, but with such tight space it was not an option, and expanding the Blue Zone will only bring severe risk to our area.

"CAN WE GO INSIDEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-" 9S keep shaking my body from excitement

'Holy shit, he is almost like Ruby from RWBY'

"Sure why not?" i Replied immediately while a bit i dazed from the shake

"YEYYYY" He raises his hand in excitement But i collapse from the shake when he lets go of me

He notices me dropping but feels the gaze from other YoRHa

"Ehehe whoops" the others shake their head in disappointed

When the android enter the place they were surprised to see a variety of things here


All of YoRHa android was excited about seeing the place, even 2B was showing emotion even though it is forbidden.

"You can go anywhere you like, take what you need" The android the scatter around the place

I notice they immediately that they run to the item and try to use it on the spot 'Good thing i already forward a message if they found a Gothic Clothing people, the one they choose i Will pay'

9S and 2B went to Clothing Store I was curious so I follow them

"2B a T-SHIRT" 9S run to the clothing store

He then brings a T-shirt they both then wear it. They then try to change here but i stop them

"STOP STOP, if you want to change cloth there is room for it" i point at the room changer

Both androids were confused by my order but still follow it. They went to the room but forgot to close the curtain so I close it

'I really have to teach these guys common sense, I already feel a headache from these guys'

After a few minutes late they come out of the changing room, i look at their choice of clothing i and was dumbstruck

9S shirt says I am stupid while 2B says I am with stupid

"...HeheheHahahahaha" 9S laughed at the word, even 2B was smiling at it

I touch my head from dealing headaches at their taste in clothing

"I want a T-Shirt too" "Me too"

The other YoRHa android was following them and when they got back they wear a ridiculous name set of T-Shirt

Everyone's name was unique we had Words say horayyy, This is dumb, hungry, Steak, wait Why do they even sell that?

"...Pfttt hahahaha" one of the android laugh and the other follow suit even i laugh at their choice of clothing

Other androids enter the women's section, this was their first time hearing make up so they were confused.

"Makeup? Lipstik? what the heck it is used for? is it used to fight??" 7E said while trying to look over instructions on how to use it.

"It is used to make women beautiful" The employee answers the android question.

"Use to make women pretty? How do I use it?? am I supposed to eat it?" she tries to eat the cosmetic "Bleh taste bad"

"Humans are weird," 4B said

"Yeah" 7E nod at her

The employee's smile falters for a second and sweat drops from her head because of the 2 weird people in front of her

Next, i show them the gaming station

Their reaction was.... pretty interesting

"What is this?" 2B said

'You guys are really clueless about this place' "This place is where humans play a game"

"Game?" 2B was even confused by this

"You know where Human have fun playing, here let me show you how to do it"

I show them many games, the first one was Dance-Dance of Revolution

"All you had to do was to step on the pressure plate, and they give you an order on which step from the screen try it" i step on the pressure plate

"Let me try" 2B said and coming up to the game

'This is only a game, so i doubt they are going to bring any serious trouble'



Smoke comes out from below the pressure plate

"I said step on it, not literally smash it 2B!"

i forgot that they are heavier than most humans and the pressure plate can't handle the weight and it fucking broke down.

The whole android turns their face to me 90° and tilt their head together in confusion at the same time.

I got scared by their sudden same movement 'Holy shit they are scary, i forgot they are still android'

So to not damage game Equipment i pull all of them for the next game where it does not require any heavyweight

Next was Air Hockey 3 Vs 3

I decide to make the team

9S, 2B, 7E Vs 1D, 4B, 11B

12H is not included because she does not like the game

"Try not to slow us down 9S" 7E said while preparing herself


'Man 9S is really popular with E model lately, must be protagonist thing' i thought my self

After knowing the rule and how to play, I immediately start the game.

A few minutes later I was sweating heavily, what reason you say?

Well.... The Battle was... One side you could say.

"HOLY SHIT" I cover my face from the air current heading to me

"9S!" 2B deflect the pin to 9S

"Yes!" 9S hit the pin and it headed to the other goal

"Show these androids what Model defense is really made of!" 1D screamed at her member

"Yes Leader!" 4D and 11B said at the same time

Spark come out with each knocking from the Pin, Their arms were moving was Soo fast that Even the air is being cut on how fast they move their arms, I can not even see the pin anymore because of how fast they moved.

"WOW" "Holy shit these guys mean business" "Yeah, Commander is lucky to have them"

A crowd came to watch our battle

"Cih, her defense is too tight," 9S said

"Don't underestimate Defender Model, Take my counterattack!" 1D said

She deflects the pin and it is moving to the goal area FAST and it fucking penetrate the metal also knocking all of YoRHa on the other side from the blast alone

I notice immediately from the sudden rise of strength 'She fucking use Maso on a game'

"GOALLL" the speaker sound go off and the winner was 1D, 4B, and 11B

"That's cheating!"

"There is no such thing as cheating in battle" 1D Smug at the little guy

And all of them begin to argue about the battle, but i notice another game was destroyed and saw the owner is looking at me angry

I sigh and think i have to pay for the damage "GDI will pay the damage just tell them my name on it" the owner nod at me and leave me alone

I look at the YoRHa android and notice they still arguing but they stop arguing when they hear a clap from the crowd, some people were pretty impressed by their play.

"THAT WAS COOL" "Hey can i be your friend?" "How did you even do that?" "Hey you are soo beautiful, how did you make your skin like that?"

A crowd suddenly swarms them, they were surprised and pretty embarrassed because this is their first time being praised by humans, but more humans came to the crowd and they were overwhelmed by the number.

Seeing as they need help i pull them from the crowd "Come on guys that's enough let's go to another place"

So to stop these guys from continue destroying the area i pull them out from the gaming station, and lead them to a place where it does not require any strength or weigh

"Where we are going, next Commander?" 2B ask me

"Hehehe it will be a surprise for you all" i replied to her

Next was the Garden where flowers grow



Rows and rows of flowers were everywhere in the place, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple any color was everywhere across 500 meter, water fountain spewing out of water in the middle of the Garden.

All of them were speechless seeing the Garden and are now mesmerized by the Place

"You all have already fought for many years, right? i thought by bringing you here it will heal all of your minds from the trauma of war"

I know that Commander White was such a slavedriver making these androids fight 24/7 that it wear everyone down, so to heal their mind i decided to bring them here and remind them again how beautiful this world is, and don't give up fighting.

"Go, take a walk and look at the place yourself" all of them separate themself and take look at each place

I look at them all when I notice 2B standing there alone, looking at a flower

Seeing as this is a chance to talk to her alone I head there personally

"Where's 9S?" I ask her

She turn her head to look at me, but look back at the flower again "He said he want to take a look at the butterflies in here"

"Hmm..." I nod at understanding

Silence dominated the area after convervasion, I try to make a conversation even though I have hard time dealing her type

"Never seen a place like this?" I ask her

"...No, with such a long state of a war nobody has the time to grow flowers, but to think there is such a huge garden" 2B replied while not looking at me

"Heh, I notice that with such a long state of war, some People will be traumatized by the war, so I decide to build this place to heal their minds"

I notice that if I don't do something to these androids, they will snap and lose their mind from such a long state of war, I even heard that most androids don't live more than 300 years before snapping and losing their mind.

'You know, now that I think about it, these androids need therapy.... wait do they even have therapy here??' useless thought comes in my mind

".....It is such a waste of time to spend time growing a flower"

"Ugh" that hit right in my heart

".....But it is beautiful" she mumbles to herself but I manage to hear it

"Yeah I am glad you like it" i smile slightly

We stand silently until i drop a Bomb on her

"...From now on you don't need to kill 9S anymore" she looks at me in shock from knowing this

"Heh, did you forget my identity? Anyways there is no reason left to kill 9S and you killing him would only bring more problems"

"...." she keep looking at me like she did not believe what she heard

"Are you scared YoRHa are going to turn their back on you? don't worry i will tell Commander White herself if I meet he-" I was cut off by a sudden hug

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-" She continue saying until she broke down crying on my shirt

I was a bit surprised by the sudden emotion, but I return to hug her back '...Guess her guilt has finally ended, 1 problem gone many more to go' I remind myself again in this dark world

5 minutes late she let go of the hugs and look down in shame

"I am sorry that I make your shirt wet"

"It's fine if it makes you release all of the guilt, well I'll go change clothes first" i try to leave her when i remember something "Oh yeah, you don't have to suppress your emotion anymore, just have fun for today okay?"

"...Understood" She smile brightly at me, and my heart literally jumps a little

So to not see my embarrassment i immediately left her '....That was dangerous'

After seeing the Garden, i show them many more places we have to offer, playgrounds, photoshoots, restaurants,s and more places that the city has to offer.

We keep fooling around, and I was actually having fun even though I don't like playing outside, i even take a photo of them doing dumb things and laugh alongside them.

3 hours late having fun I was tired as heck, Right now it is 15:37 even though it is kind sucks that I can't see nighttime because of the tidal lock

'What the hell, their stamina, and curiosity are like a black hole, wait of course they will be curious if they have not met any human for thousand of years' i wipe out the sweat on my forehead with my arms when I remember something.

'Wait what were we doing again?' i try to remember when something clicks on my tiny brain.

'Oh yeah i was supposed to lead them to Pentagon and ask for their help, we are getting off-track by Tourism' i immediately head to YoRHa android and notice all of them from their beautiful face.

"Alright everybody that's enough for today" i clap my hand and all of them look at me.

"But but i still have a lot of questions and places i want to visit"

I look at 9S closely and for some reason, i notice he is wearing a skirt and a Teddy hat.

'It's a trap- *Cough* I mean Sense when did you wear a ridiculous clothing 9S? and we are doing a mission, not tourism'

"I know you all are having fun, but i need some of your help remember?" i take off his ridiculous hats

9S looks down sad

I sigh at this "After we are done i can show you many things more fun if you manage to finish why i kidnap you guys from the start"

"..Thank you" 9S then walk to me hug me

"Yes yes" I return the hugs to him

'He is a bit warm, kind want a body pillow of him'

While me and 9S are having a moment a murmur broke out

"Soo it is true" "I can not believe it" "That actually makes sense"

I notice the look from other people so i let go of the hugs and look at them, but they immediately turn their faces and walk away Weird

"Anyway the reason I captured you all from the start is that there is one reason, but first we should move to another area where is it safer to talk" i immediately call for V-35 Ox transport

"We are coming, hold on down there!" V-35 Ox said to me

(To be Continue)


Sorry for the late upload, i was having an Exam and had to focus on it, there is still an Exam in the next 1 week Soo i am not gonna write anything yet.

Anyways don't forget to support the chapter by giving out reviews, telling me a mistake in writing, and giving out suggestions for faster chapters, with that said i see you all next week or two.