
Lover Number 1.6

"But..." Li Jie lifted his head and promptly banged it back down onto Huang Yiming's lap. "Can't you understand that those in the harem are considered concubines?"

Huang Yiming didn't want to leave Li Jie to face it alone. He shook his head and replied, "It's different in the imperial harem, Your Highness." Pointing at himself, Huang Yiming continued, "No one will be just a mere concubine there."

"True, true," Huang Baozhai quickly chimed in to support her brother. "He would be the crown prince's consort, which would outrank many officials in the court."

Huang Yiming, for once, spoke freely in front of his sister, seizing the opportunity. "And I can manage affairs secretly as well." He smiled, subtly running his hands through the crown prince's hair.

Li Jie remained silent.

Truthfully, he longed for someone familiar in what would undoubtedly be one of the most unfamiliar environments of his life, and there was no one he trusted more than Huang Yiming.

Yet, even with his desire for it, the idea of Huang Yiming becoming a concubine—even as the crown prince's consort—was too much to ask of his friend. Li Jie couldn't bear to see Huang Yiming make such a tremendous sacrifice for his sake.

But no matter how much he wanted to oppose the idea, a part of him immediately supported and liked it the moment Huang Baozhai had mentioned it.

The crown prince's thoughts became muddled, his surroundings blurring, but his reverie was abruptly interrupted by a double knock on the door.

"Your Highness?" Li Jie heard the voice of his personal maid, Han Yasheng. "Counselor Shi wishes to meet with you."

Li Jie and Huang Baozhai quickly composed themselves, adjusting their appearances. They moved to sit behind the table, creating the illusion of engaged discussion.

Huang Yiming, however, remained in his previous position, slightly turning to face Li Jie, his brows furrowed.

Although Li Jie knew Huang Yiming's frown wasn't directed at him but rather a reflection of his dislike for the ex-general Shi He, shared mutually between them.

Li Jie cleared his throat before responding, "Inform him that I will meet him in the garden in a moment."

"As you wish, Your Highness," Han Yasheng's voice came from behind the door, followed by footsteps.

"If you weren't going to let him in, what was the point of us pretending to be proper?" Huang Baozhai sprawled on the floor again, yawning as she did so.

"Go and see what this moody little bitch wants to say," Huang Baozhai closed her eyes, finding the floor more comfortable than anywhere else. "I'll just be resting in peace."

Li Jie shook his head in response, knowing that offering advice to his friend was futile at this point. He got up, and Huang Yiming also rose, asking, "Can I accompany you?"

Li Jie wasn't sure why Huang Yiming would want to accompany him to meet someone who clearly bothered him, but he nodded nevertheless.

In the hallway leading straight to the garden from the crown prince's chamber, Shi He awaited them beneath the prince's personal room's door.

"Counselor Shi He," Li Jie acknowledged him with a respectful nod of his head.

Technically, he wasn't obligated to do so, but the counselor was highly regarded in every aspect, even gaining the acknowledgement of the emperor.

"Counselor Shi He," Huang Yiming also acknowledged him, although unlike Li Jie, he didn't have to look up due to his height. His pride mattered more to him in such matters.

The personal grudge between Huang Yiming and Shi He was the reason they showed no respect for each other, though Li Jie and even Huang Baozhai had no idea what had caused their enmity.

"What brings you here, Counselor Shi He?" Li Jie smiled timidly, feeling uneasy whenever the ex-general's dark eyes fell upon him.

"This matter should be discussed with you alone, Your Highness," Shi He said, glaring at Huang Yiming. "Can we find a more private place to talk?"

Li Jie understood that Shi He was intentionally offending Huang Yiming with his suggestion. Quickly weighing the pros and cons, Li Jie knew he couldn't speak confidently when left alone with someone like Shi He without the presence of a familiar person.

However, asking Huang Yiming to stay might offend Shi He, and Li Jie didn't want to cause any further tension.

Understanding his own position, Li Jie made a quick decision. Trying to avoid stating his opinion directly, he twisted his words.

"If this matter concerns what was discussed in court today, then Huang Yiming is already aware of it, so there's no need for secrecy," Li Jie replied.

Shi He gritted his teeth but didn't object. Looking around and finding no maids within sight, he proceeded to discuss what he had previously discussed with the emperor.

"Your Highness, the emperor believes that you agreed to build the harem for the future of the kingdom," Shi He got straight to the point. "But I assume that's not entirely true, is it?"

"W-what!?" Li Jie stared at the ex-general in surprise. "I-I am..."

"Counselor Shi He, are you here to speculate about His Highness's personal affairs?" Huang Yiming's expression remained resolute, though his words held a sharp edge.

"Your Highness?" Shi He disregarded Huang Yiming, his face showing less restraint than Huang Yiming's, as he had a more volatile temper.

"Since you cannot answer, I can only speculate that my assumptions are accurate," Shi He nodded to himself. "If Your Highness is also seeking a lover among the chosen consorts in the harem, then I'm afraid we will have only a few number of trustworthy options, considering the presence of snakes and their sons within the court."

"I have considered that as well," Li Jie regained control of his expression. "But I believe I will manage." He chose not to mention that Huang Yiming would be there to protect him.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid that alone won't suffice, and the emperor agrees," Shi He's voice grew colder, tinged with a hint of anger, leaving Li Jie wondering what he had done wrong again.

"And so, I spoke with the emperor, and I believe you should have someone trustworthy in the harem. Given my age, I happen to fit the criteria, so I wanted to inform you that I will be a part of your harem as planned with the emperor."

Coming up in the next chapter: Stolen—and already said—method~

annnnnnnnnnnnnd another suitor finally appeared :)

SagharShirazicreators' thoughts