
Garou of WTF???

This is a story about a guy have Garou body and a systems from a God will trying to find out what him really want to do PS i am is a newbie author and there will have a lot line and idea i am take from other novel to improve my novel . And English is not my first language so be prepared for a grammatical mistake or two. Because of my busy schedule I can not guarantee a consistent publishing rate Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor any of the anime in this fan fiction, belong to me. They belong to their respective owners PS i am is fanboy of Garou and check this magazine cover https://i.redd.it/dozf1htru8111.jpg

mikatamo1 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
24 Chs

Chapter 22

Caster POV

"Witch?, he called me Witch. Why everyone I meet always calls me a witch..." Caster struggled while walking and muttered, she never wants to be called as the witch and that is not her fault, but why, why doesn't everyone understand that it's not her fault, that she doesn't want to be the witch everyone calls her

Then after walking a bit, Caster finally exhausted and fell to the ground, she looked up at the cloudy sky and thought of herself as she laughed at her fate when in the end she would die this way again, after being passed around for others' convenience, exploited..., and in the end being reviled as a traitor. As her life was filled only with betrayal, it is said that the princess became a true witch and continued to roam the Greek lands

"All I wanted was to return to my homeland again..." Caster muttered while reaching out to the sky like she was trying to catch something, but in the end, no matter how much she tried, she would never be able to catch it or return to her homeland, and everyone she meets will call her a witch and take advantage of her and throw her away

As those words were the last words she said, she gave up on running and lying on the cold, muddy ground waiting for her spiritual body dissipating or Lance came up and finish the job, then she suddenly heard her footsteps approaching and when she looked in the direction of the footsteps, she saw two people standing near her, one of whom was a man who seemed to be in his mid-twenties, while another was a young girl who looked around 20 or 21

"So you are is a Caster right," the man said

"Magus, what do you want?, to make a new contract with me to join the Holy Grail War?" Caster says, after all, the only magus is knows about the Servants and the person who said that she is Caster immediately without asking like a normal person and she can feel energy like Magic radiating from the two of them and the only reason magus is finding her is to join the Holy Grail War

"Magus, no, no, no I'm is not magus, so please do not compare me as those ones and yes I find you to join the Holy Grail War, but just for fun, not for the bullshit thing, they call the Holy Grail because it's useless to me," the man said while the girl standing next to him just stood and looking at her and after the man finish saying then the girl said

"Dear how about we continue this talk in the house is it, talking while standing in the rain and mud is no the good way to introduce yourself to other one and I bet Caster doesn't feel comfortable like this either" the girl spoke while looking at her with interesting eyes

"(sigh) You just want to go back to your lab right? Even when we just started traveling is it" the man says

"That can't be helped because I need my lab to further analyze the energy I just collected earlier and since coming to this world, I haven't met anything that could catch up on my interest at all, so I'd rather be in my lab to research something else from a tablet than stand here," the girl said

"You are truly a passionate researcher in science and technology, but I understand why, in fact, I also feel that there are so many interesting things in DC science and technology, but unfortunately, I am not a genius on that topic"

"I know, that's why I will take care of things related to that topic and you'll be a muscle while I'm your brain, besides that if anything interesting you can call me anytime right," the girl said

"Yes I am, but I have to fix something about what you say first, I'm just not a muscle, after all, I just not good in those areas as you are, you know, and if there's anything related to fighting and killing, then I'm a genius in that field." The man say

"That's similar to what I just told you, you know, so how about bringing the house out first, and then we can talk about it later darling"


"Done, the house is already taken out, you can come in anytime" The man said after he snapped his fingers

"Thank," The girl said and kissed his cheek

"…" Caster was completely dumbfounded, after all, this was the first time she had heard anyone deny that they were a magus or saying that the Holy Grail was bullshit and furthermore, this was the first time she was completely ignored by someone knowing she was a Servant and talk to each other while she is lying on the ground near them

After the girl finished speaking, she snapped her fingers and a wooden door appeared in the air in front of her and the girl stepped up and opened the door and then entered after the girl walk through the door then the man said

"Almost forgot, you can call me Garou and the girl is named Merlin. Yes, she's the famous "Merlin" everyone knows not someone with the same name and she comes from another world, just in case you are curious" The man named Garou said then he went to Caster and picked her up and holding her in princess-style and led her through the door while she digested the amount of information he just told her, besides, it's not like she has the strength to resist or go on her own to do anything about it anyway


"Welcome to my house, this is The House of Mystery, the most comfortable house that you can take with you anywhere," Garou told Caster after he entered the house, then he put Caster down on the sofa in the living room and he continues

"We're inside the house now, so let's start introducing each other more properly this time after we have a drink first then we can talk, if that is okay with you"

"…" Caster did not say anything and just silence look around the house

"Wonderful, I will consider silence to be yes, house we need two big glasses here, by the way, this house is a sentient being and also is a maze to all those uninvited guest or rude people, so I hope you will not do anything harmful to the house or not, I'm not sure what the house may do to you, but at least the house won't kill you, anyway, you're my guest, so I'll only remind you in case you try to use magic In the house without me permission," Garou said and explain about the house while he sat on a nearby chair, then suddenly two big glasses appeared on the table in front of the sofa that Caster and Garou sat on, and Caster saw Garou conjure out two bottles of liquid-like cola based on the knowledge she had when summoned

"Please enjoy it, not every day you can get the perfect cola-like this one," Garou said after that he opened the lid and poured a whole bottle of chilled cola into a two big glass and started to enjoy it while Caster hearing Garou introduce and telling her about himself and she tells her story to him as an introduction and to see Garou, the man who denies himself as a magus, what kind react he will have after hearing her story or he is like everyone else




Two hours later and on the table have a couple empty bottles on it

"I see, it seems whatever the world is it, it still has an asshole god or people like everywhere else, but I think you should take revenge on the goddess Aphrodite whose mind-controlled you, instead of wandering around the Greek lands" Garou say after he hears about Caster story from herself

"I had that thought at first, but after all, I couldn't defeat the goddess, so I gave up on that ideal"

"No, no, no, giving up that idea is wrong, you shouldn't do that and if I were you I would I would fight to the end, just like a man once said "The popular will win; the hated will lose. It's such a tragedy. Then I won't lose to anyone. I will become the strongest monster ever and change this scenario" and the goddess is biased and unfair like that should be beaten down, been trampled on the ground, so they can taste what they do to others, and god should support and guide people rather than favor one person and control the mind of another to support him, that is not right, show them the way to grow up, not force others to love someone she doesn't know by controlling her mind as that" Garou spoke in an angry voice because even now he has become Endless, but there are still some Garou memories left in him and from those memories, he fully agrees with Garou's ideals, after all, he hated the stench of hypocrisy that people told others in the name of justice, for the benefit of everyone, but the truth is the only one is being benefited is they are not everyone else. Therefore, he will try not to be a hypocrite like them, after all, he does not need to be a hypocrite because there is no reason to become such a person when you can do anything you want and maybe one day he should imitate Lucifer refusing to lie, but at least now he's lying a little to everyone because it's like a habit before he becomes like this

"Maybe like you said, I should fight to the end to what that goddess do to me, but it's too late anyway, the past is the past, by the way, can I ask who said those words?" she spoke with a bit of sadness in her voice and with something else inside, maybe anger and regret, but since Garou wasn't good at that, so he wasn't sure what it was

"Garou, my old self one said those words," Garou said and technically was not wrong because the current Garou and the old "Garou" are two different people

"So you are the one who said you want to be the strongest monster ever, I can ask if you have become what you want or not," Caster asked in a calm voice

"Yes, I am, I am no longer a human, today I can say that I have become one of the strongest monsters ever but not the strongest of them, because after all, outside that endless world there could be someone stronger than me. By the way, I think it's time for you and me to make a new contract because I don't think you have much time left before your spiritual body dissipating" Garou say after a while talking with her and right now he can feel that she don't have much timeless before she completely vanish

"I guess so, please hold my hand" Caster stood up and spoke to Garou and after Garou came and held her hand, he heard her chant some kind of magic spell from this world (P.S I not sure how Caster was forming the new contract with Souichirou Kuzuki, so I just make up with something I can think of)

After couple minutes later when the Caster is finishing the chant, then the command spells of Caster is manifest on the back of Garou's right hand

"So this is a command spell, it's fragile than I thought," Garou said that after the command spell is manifest at the back of his right hand, it felt very fragile, like the glass that he could remove or break it whenever he wanted, while Garou have that feeling then Caster has other through after she feels the energy is flowing into her

"What is this tremendous energy, this strange energy that I have never seen or known before, but this energy is as strong, pure, and infinite as the energy of the world itself" Caster gasped and said that after she was overflowing of energy from Garou, that made her wonder was the man before him was a god or the stronger monster, that he was claiming and then she looked at him and asked him

"What are you exactly?"

"Me? I am is the Endless, you can think I am an existence like Gaia and Alaya"

"How that could be possible if there is an existence like Gaia and Alaya, how could I never know about that, why nobody wrote anything about you about the history of the magical world," Caster says in the surprised tone because she is was a magus, but she never heard or know about the Endless

"Well, if you know about me then I will call that's strange" Garou chuckled a little, after all, if someone in the world without a DC comic could know about Endless it would be very strange, then he continues saying

"But don't worry about that now, we can learn more about each other later, as for now, please excuse me I have to send someone goes to fetch something first"

"Clone go fetch those things back here" After Garou finished speaking, Caster suddenly saw a person who looked exactly like him appeared after a smoke and the man has just stepped out the front door and disappeared

"Alright, now let's continue our talking while waiting for my clone gets the thing back and if things go as I expected then I may need your help with something related the magic of this world"

Do tell me what you guy think about this chapter so I can improve my write type

mikatamo1creators' thoughts