
Garou of WTF???

This is a story about a guy have Garou body and a systems from a God will trying to find out what him really want to do PS i am is a newbie author and there will have a lot line and idea i am take from other novel to improve my novel . And English is not my first language so be prepared for a grammatical mistake or two. Because of my busy schedule I can not guarantee a consistent publishing rate Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor any of the anime in this fan fiction, belong to me. They belong to their respective owners PS i am is fanboy of Garou and check this magazine cover https://i.redd.it/dozf1htru8111.jpg

mikatamo1 · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 19 Love?

Garou POV

4 years have passed since the day I'm meet Merlin, in there 4 years, there is a lot thing happens, one of them is the destruction of Belialuin, which happened at some point in the second year, at that time Garou and Merlin not meet Meliodas yet, but I can easily know when that event happened when especially when a part of the sky was lit by the rain of fire and lightning for days, personally I thought that event would happen anyway, after all, there was no way for the people of Belialuin to hide the fact that they had sought weapons against the higher ranking goddesses and demons for so long, So for me, it was only a matter of time before both sides realized Belialuin 's true purpose anyway.

Therefore, the destruction of Belialuin is only a matter of time, when I informed Merlin of what was happening to her homeland and Merlin didn't even bat an eye when she heard about the destruction of Belialuin, she just brush-off and went on living like nothing happened or unrelated to her. Well, I think it can't be blamed her for that, after all, she was used as a test subject under the pretext of ultimate magic research, If I were her I would act the same like her

After the destruction of Belialuin, then Merlin and I finally met Meliodas and members of Stigma in the third year by accident, okay, it's not exactly a coincidence since I planned for me and Merlin to meet Meliodas using Haki to check the route that Meliodas went through then I made it like a chance encounter intentionally. The meeting with Meliodas went more smoothly than I thought I guessed that because he is currently on the side of the goddess with other clans such as Giant, Fairy, Human. Therefore, if I am not a Demon Clan, I'm not a Demon then I can easily talk and make friends with him. After all, there was a fierce battle between those who sided with the goddess clan and the demon clan

After becoming friends with Meliodas and the other clans on the side of the goddess, then I began to ask giants and other clans, who is the best craftsman among other the clan, It didn't take long to discover that Dabuzu from the giant clan was one of the best craftsmen among the other clans, but it was surprising to know that Dabuzu is a woman, but I guess that is fine because right now is the time of war so gender is fair to everyone

Now after I know who Dabuzu is, Therefore, I now need to find a way to convince her to create the Coffin of Eternal Darkness to seal Demon King and the Supreme Deity. Well, all she needs to know is that Coffin of Eternal Darkness was created to seal the Demon King, not the Supreme Deity, so to convince her, I intend to buy a barrel of Rainbow Fruit wine nearly half her size, but it was more expensive than I thought, so I changed my plan and replaced Rainbow Fruit with whiskey and a small bottle with a few drops of Rainbow Fruit after buys all that, I opened the giant whiskey barrel and poured all the Rainbow Fruit drops inside and Voila the Rainbow Fruit wine completed, cheap and delicious

After I handed Dabuzu Rainbow Fruit wine as a payment to the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, I asked her to create it. It took a few months for her to make it, but eventually, I got what I needed and now all I need is somehow giving it to the goddess clan and because I could not think of any good plan to give it to the goddess clan, I decided to give it to Elizabeth aka Bloodstained Ellie, I think with her personality, there's a good chance she will use it to seal the demon clan instead of killing them all.

So after giving Elizabeth the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, then I went home to Merlin and waited and while I waited the fight became more and more intense

While the war became fierce, my life also became fierce, because now I have faced the problem that I tried to avoid. Because it has been a month since Merlin suddenly turned herself into an adult woman, well, It's not that I don't know why she did it but because I know why and that's why I tried to avoid face with that because I didn't know what to do.

So I just tried and acted like normal for the whole month until she pushed me down on the sofa and asked

"Stop acting like you know nothing while you really know about my feelings for you" Merlin pushed me down on the sofa while grabbing my face with both hands and bringing her face close to mine and asked

"What do you mean, I don't know what you talking," I say while tried to turn my face away but failed because she grabbed my face with my hand

"Come on Garou, both you and I know that's bullshit, did you not forget what you used to say about the skill you called Haki?" Merlin said with smiles on her face

"What do you mean, Haki, what is Haki?" Garou tries to avoid the question with a stupid answer, while even he knows that the answer is quite stupid and thinking 'Fuck, fuck, why did I even tell her about that skill'

"Do you know just how stupid you just said?"

"Yes I know"

"So why don't you answer me, you know my feelings for you and for the whole month you didn't even say anything about it, even if you could sensing my emotion"

"It's just,.., just I don't know how to face it, don't know how to face the feeling you have for me" after learning that he could not avoid this question anymore, Garou finally said what was hiding deep in his heart

"Tell me, do you have a feeling for me or not" Merlin ask

"Well, I not sure, maybe a little bit?" Garou say while doing gestures a little bit with his hand

"So you have a feeling for me, then why when I turn myself into an adult, you start trying to avoid me" Merlin slapped his hand and said

"It just, I just don't know if I should accept your feelings or maybe I'm good enough for you or not," Garou said while he wasn't sure if it would accept her feelings was a good choice, and because he wasn't sure if the feeling he had with her was love or not

"Come on Garou, we have been together for nearly five years, you and I have a good time together, so there's no reason you're not good enough for me, so there's another reason for that" Merlin said while she was sure there was something Garou hadn't told her

"Okay, you have to have another reason, it's that the age of both of us is too far apart and I'm not even a human or a devil but something else and my life lifespan is different from yours, that even if this world dies, I can still survive and live on" Garou say while thinking about that since he is the Endless and her just normal, he wasn't sure if he could keep his love going after a long time and if he didn't, it would be better for her to be around someone who could bring her happiness and from most of what he knows about The Endless love life, it's that most of them don't have a happy ending, for example, Morpheus Dream of the Endless and he does not want to become the second Morpheus

"Tell me. Tell me so I can understand you"

"It very complicated, even you are smarter than me I don't think you can understand the reason I'm afraid to accept your love,…" while Garou was talking about that, then he was suddenly stopped by Merlin's kiss

After a few minutes of kissing, Merlin finally let him go

"Since when did you know how to kissing?" Garou surprised by her boldness

"Oh, I read about that on the tablet that you gave me in the document, titled "The Researching about Love"," Merlin said after licking her lips

"Who the Fuck is researching about that subject anyway," Garou said while thinking that maybe those from the Star Sapphire Corps, after all, the only person he knew who could research something about Love were those girls

"Well, it does work, so are you ready to give in and tell me now," Merlin said while she was burning in the flames of love and she could feel Garou hands hugging her hips.

"Fuck it, I give up," Garou said after giving up to reason with her after seeing that she would not give up as easily as she did with Meliodas in the canon and he no longer had any reason to say and he doesn't have an Elizabeth like Meliodas to make her give up

"Now be a good boy and tell me why you cannot accept my feelings" Merlin spoke while showing her suspicious smile

Seeing Merlin with a suspicious smile on her face made Garou think 'It's just since the adorable little Merlin became like this'

"(Sigh) all right, first I'm is belong to the race that you can call Endless and I'm currently the only one in this world except the other seven in another world, but I'm not sure if I'm related to them or not and I'm not exactly is a living being"

"What you meaning when you say you not exactly is a living being?"

"Well, the Endless basically is an embodiment of natural forces"

"So what is your embodiment?"

"Well, I guess that I have to reintroduce myself to you one more time. Please to meet you, my name is Death of the Endless" Garou sat on the sofa while Merlin was still holding his face and spoke

"So Death is your embodiment?"

"Yes I am and along with Destiny, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, Delirium"

"Whoa, that more than I expected, but why all names start with the letter D"

"Who know, well at least I don't know"

"Did you know that sometimes you are very irresponsible?" Merlin says after hearing Garou answer

"Do I"

"Yes, the same way you use Haki all the time is it" Merlin say while blushing a little bit

"It was not my fault, it was like my instincts," Garou said awkwardly

"Even so, you still have to take responsibility"

"That,.. that, I will take responsibility for that, okay"

"That good, so, what else is stopping you from accepting my feelings?"

"My life span is very long and surpassed even the Demon King or Supreme Deity, and I'm not sure I can bring you happiness or not too"

"Why you have to care about lifespan is it, I remember there was a time the System said something about making me a Goddess, maybe that would solve that problem and why do you think you can't bring happiness to me when you don't even try it" Merlin tries to let Garou accept her love and give it a try

"But I,.." before Garou can even finish speaking, the System interrupts the conversation and talks

[Just stop being a whiny pussy and accept her love already, if you need, you can make her a goddess, and when she becomes a goddess her lifespan is tied to you and she only dies when you die.] The System complained after seeing that Garou didn't know what to do with the love and said

"System? why do you have to interrupt my conversation with Merlin"

[Don't you see that the girl confesses her love to you huh, don't make her wait like that and just accept her love already?]

"Thank System, so what is your decision huh?" Merlin say thank to the System then ask Garou

"Fine, what do you think if we can date first then consider whether I really bring happiness to you or not"

"That fine, besides I believe you are the right person for me" Merlin say

"Hope you are right about that and be warned that I have no experience in love or dating" Garou say and warned her about his inexperience

"Well I don't have any experience either, so maybe we can learn about it together"

In this chapter, I try to explain the relationship of both and how they both progression to become the lover and try to explain a bit about MC since before MC become the Endless he don't have any experience in love or dating with the girl so he not sure what he should do or did he should accept Merlin love or not

PS. this I first time I writing something like this so if you guys have anything want to say just say it

mikatamo1creators' thoughts