

In the southern country made up of its 4 elementary realms, a young boy named KAMY had a rather dangerous dream for him as well as for those around him, he wanted to become a MASTER BOOT, a person with a power defying other countries of annihilation. To pursue his dream and become a BOOT MASTER, KAMY joined one of the 5 BRIGADES in the GAREVE kingdom after an exam where he was going to lose his temper.

Rigou_Fanere · Kỳ huyễn
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The next selection tournament for the new soldiers of the realm was scheduled in 3 days so GOM had 3 days to help KAMY channel his energy well because each time he activates his power his gravitational pressure increases considerably and is unleashed everywhere.

According to GOM the attack with high concentration of volte that KAMY had launched on the enemies was due to the magnetic force of the trees of the forest. KAMY wanted to fight as quickly as possible with GOM because that is the only way he will realize the problems he must resolve to be able to pass the selection exam.

It started to rain, and the sky was very cloudy, a perfect climate for KAMY but GOM told him that the real challenge was beginning because with his clairvoyance and his power of water he was more formidable than KAMY. The sky roared ferociously, a layer of lightning was about to strike but KAMY decided to stop this electrical discharge by instantly activating his power. GOM observed with his clairvoyance all the forest and the sky which is under the control of KAMY but suddenly something had degenerated the lightning which KAMY concentrated to burst and threatened to fall for kilometers and kilometers but GOM managed to store the discharge in a aquatic prison and ordered KAMY to deactivate his boot to eradicate the lightning, KAMY was hurt from the inside like an emotional shock but GOM told him that he fears nothing because his training begins now.

During the 3 days before the selection tournament, GOM put KAMY through extreme training so that he could channel and control his power when he put on his boot.

In the WARRIORS' PARK square, all the participants were present without forgetting the 5 brigade captains. ALEXANDER the chief captain as well as head of the army explained the rules.

[This year we have to do a single event which lasts 2 days since we have 300 participants, the competitors have at their disposal 50 flags of different colors and on each of these flags you will find a map 🗺 to be able to reach your base.. Once your flags have been planted in the command room of your base, teammate cards will be at your service so you must succeed in seizing the opponent's flags so that you can have the greatest number of flags but even if you do not you don't have any flags you just need to keep yours safe...]

With the rules explained, one of the 10 generals namely LYOPA did the arbitration. 50 flags were thrown and everyone started running towards them except KAMY who made no move before spotting the yellow flag and with a burst of lightning he managed to grab one first of the 50 flags.

If you like tournaments, this is the start of the GAREVE new sailor selection tournament arc!

Rigou_Fanerecreators' thoughts