

In the southern country made up of its 4 elementary realms, a young boy named KAMY had a rather dangerous dream for him as well as for those around him, he wanted to become a MASTER BOOT, a person with a power defying other countries of annihilation. To pursue his dream and become a BOOT MASTER, KAMY joined one of the 5 BRIGADES in the GAREVE kingdom after an exam where he was going to lose his temper.

Rigou_Fanere · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


GOM reported to his superiors and explained to them that KAMY was not behind the theft but rather a demonic antithesis that had taken possession of his body, GOM informed them that he wanted KAMY to join the army because that he saw something special in him but also he wears a boot of lightning, an element mastered to date only by 4 people, it is a rare pearl.

KAMY had gotten lost in the forest to be able to train properly but he felt an uneasy feeling as if he was being watched, he thought it was GOM who was watching him with his clairvoyance but that's impossible that someone could do that from that far away unless he was close to him and the moment he realized that GOM was close to him and passed out to an unbearable pain coming from his head.

When he woke up, KAMY was tied to a tree and a voice was telling him if he was okay but KAMY acquiesced by asking him the reason why he was tied to a tree. KAMY recognized GOM and asked him to get straight to the point before activating his electric boot to free himself, he gave GOM 5 minutes to explain otherwise he would explode him.

GOM told KAMY that he wanted to make him a soldier of the kingdom to make him an exceptional soldier because the army is understaffed at the moment and besides they will be able to help him fight his previous demon without forget that he is in serious danger because the power he possesses is very rare and it is said that only 4 people in the world manage to control him, they are called the chosen ones of OLYMPUS. KAMY had a smile of excitement on his lips because he was amazed by what GOM had just told him and suddenly he caused lightning to fall on enemies scattered in the forest, the strike was so precise that no tree was burned.

If you want to see KAMY in action more often, continue to support me and above all don't miss the next chapters!

Rigou_Fanerecreators' thoughts