

In the southern country made up of its 4 elementary realms, a young boy named KAMY had a rather dangerous dream for him as well as for those around him, he wanted to become a MASTER BOOT, a person with a power defying other countries of annihilation. To pursue his dream and become a BOOT MASTER, KAMY joined one of the 5 BRIGADES in the GAREVE kingdom after an exam where he was going to lose his temper.

Rigou_Fanere · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


In the southern region of the aerial continent, in one of the 4 elementary realms namely GAREVE, a young man was pursued by soldiers, national guards because he stole a royal treasure and for that the whole realm was on alert . The soldiers lost track of the young man they were pursuing but it did not take long, a person with advanced clairvoyance managed to spot him and caught him just before he jumped into the sea. General GOM endowed with clairvoyant eye noticed that the thief was not at the moment master of his body but rather another thing like a demonic creature but even before GOM wanted to put him out of service the real processor of the body took over. GOM was speechless he did not imagine that a demonic antity had appeared in the realm so he ordered the guards to bring the young man before asking him his name and the latter acquiesced by telling him with a smiling face that his name was KAMY and with a clap of thunder he moved in the lightning but he left the royal treasure there, GOM was amazed by what he had just seen and ordered the soldiers to search the entire kingdom because he wanted absolutely that KAMY joins the army!

It's not necessarily an introduction to the story like we do with chapters 0 or prologue but I have an introduction to the main character from the first chapter.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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