

In the southern country made up of its 4 elementary realms, a young boy named KAMY had a rather dangerous dream for him as well as for those around him, he wanted to become a MASTER BOOT, a person with a power defying other countries of annihilation. To pursue his dream and become a BOOT MASTER, KAMY joined one of the 5 BRIGADES in the GAREVE kingdom after an exam where he was going to lose his temper.

Rigou_Fanere · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


MARC was stunned because he saw, the dangerousness of the situation was very real leading to the hasty movement of the referee but when KAMY saw the latter he gave a devilish smile.

"HAHA AH HAA HAHAHA... The referee comes to save you from imminent death, it's so funny."

CHARLOTTE who was next to him was trembling with fear and before the referee arrived it was already too late KAMY had brought down his lightning on the entire purple clan. He told the referee that it was a joke and that he had only put 45 voltes in there enough to knock them out and that if he had scared anyone he apologized. CHARLOTTE was stunned by what she had just seen and was speechless, the incredible purple clan had just been conquered by a single person in a fraction of a second.

KAMY planted the purple flag next to his yellow flag and immediately the yellow base was twice its original size. Since everything is allowed to win without killing her enemies, KAMY decided to maintain her base at an almost untouchable height and launched into the forest of carnage alone, leaving CHARLOTTE in the base.

More than 10 clans were gathered somewhere in the forest to fight against a single clan, the red clan with a total of 89 members and a very powerful leader. JAVIERR LAPGIOUR told his men to move back because he thought that he alone would be able to defeat the 12 clans in front of him since he is the leader of the red clan.

"You are very perceptive...Throwing yourself into the den of the wolf like you do is hilarious. HAHAHA...But too bad you're all going to lose."

LAPGIOUR concentrated like a wise man had activated his boot, armed an overpowering attack of fire in both hands and began to fire cannonballs devastating everything in his path, the 12 clans were all put out of harm's way by LAPGIOUR who only laughed.

"HAHAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAH, you are just insignificant trash...the one who is interested in me is not very far away! HAHAHAHAHAH"

KAMY had arrived in front of the gray base, it seemed that no one was inside so he entered the base and suddenly he fell into a trap which took him prisoner. The members of the gray clan had all appeared because they had captured the genius who managed to put the purple clan out of commission. KAMY did his evil laugh again and no one understood what was happening, KAMY was trapped so why was he laughing. Not understanding anything, everyone prepared to knock out KAMY and if he did not resist he would be put out of service. Without being able to explain it, an electric shock hit the gray clan and freed KAMY who treated them as idiots.

KAMY was uncomfortable, a strange feeling animated him as if he were attracting something terrifying. KAMY saw a distress signal in the sky coming from CHARLOTTE, the yellow base which was almost untouchable in the air was reached by 50 members of the red clan and their leaders. CHARLOTTE maintained a water barrier as best she could but it was gradually weakened, she thought the base was going to collapse. Generals asked the referee to intervene but ALEXANDER refused because he knew that the yellow base was not going to collapse.

In the forest something or more precisely someone was moving at the speed of lightning, it was KAMY who had a menacing look. When LAPGIOUR was preparing to launch a decisive attack, KAMY burst in front of him, calling him bastards.

"HAHAHAHAH... Look at this guys... The big KAMY is here"

KAMY told CHARLOTTE to release her barrier, LAPGIOUR's men all attacked KAMY who swept them away in one blow and considerably increased his power, then a flashback of his training with GOM occurred, he only had to keep his secret boot for the end of the exam otherwise he could quickly lose.

KAMY had pulled himself together following this flashback and attacked LAPGIOUR who was there only to fight the biggest guy.

The fight between these two people began when KAMY made the first giant move to deliver a very powerful blow to LAPGIOUR who managed to keep his balance despite the blow but he no longer saw KAMY, it seemed as if he had disappeared. . When LAPGIOUR finally spotted KAMY it was already too late because hundreds and thousands of lightning orbs began to fall on him like rain but LAPGIOUR had not reached the end of his troubles when it started to rain gigantic orbs that ravaged an entire part of the forest. LAPGIOUR was very bad, you could see his wounds 3 meters from him.

KAMY was possessed by the demonic entity at the moment, he attacked LAPGIOUR who had fainted but the referee intervened but he was violently pushed back by a very powerful punch, GOM jumped instinctively because he covered the entire responsibility of the current situation since he is the one who presented KAMY for the exam. GOM was moving very quickly but suddenly a lightning bolt got ahead of him very quickly, it was Captain ALEXANDER who used his lightning element to knock out KAMY with a punch charged with lightning.

This found that the exam was already over, but after a few days KAMY woke up in the presence of GOM.

"You slept well ?"

He had a headache and barely remembered anything.

"The demon inside your body took over your soul and body and you made a real mess!"

KAMY was sorry. The day when we were going to know the names of those who had passed the exam had arrived, 50 participants passed, and at the head of the exam JAVIERR LAPGIOUR who had conquered 100 clan and in 2nd place KAMY who had the weakest number of members belonging to his clan, they were only 2 but he was the one who knew how to use his head, his strategy was infallible.

After this, LAPGIOUR was going to be promoted as the next lieutenant while KAMY was going to belong to section 5 of the brigade led by captain EVENTA.

We are completely attached to the story from this chapter!

Rigou_Fanerecreators' thoughts