

In the southern country made up of its 4 elementary realms, a young boy named KAMY had a rather dangerous dream for him as well as for those around him, he wanted to become a MASTER BOOT, a person with a power defying other countries of annihilation. To pursue his dream and become a BOOT MASTER, KAMY joined one of the 5 BRIGADES in the GAREVE kingdom after an exam where he was going to lose his temper.

Rigou_Fanere · Kỳ huyễn
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KAMY was in front of the yellow base and was thinking, he told himself that even if he didn't fight he still had to protect his flag at all costs to pass the exam.

Several hours had passed and it was found that clans had already formed one of them, namely the purples attacked KAMY but the latter managed to throw himself into the air to dodge the purples' blow, from where he is KAMY watched and analyzed his opponents with eye contact to find an opening that hurts without killing. KAMY standing in the sky tells his opponents that it's the end before launching an electric shock knocking them all down except a super beautiful girl called CHARLOTTE, KAMY said he didn't like hitting girls before telling CHARLOTTE to be his first teammate.

In the yellow base CHARLOTTE told KAMY that the purple clan had a total of 20 members and the one with the flag as well as its first 2 members are formidable in combat, real monsters. KAMY told CHARLOTTE not to fear anything because he was not going to move from his base, protecting his flag was the most important thing.

CHARLOTTE didn't understand KAMY and she told him to recruit at least 2 people but KAMY said he was only going to recruit 3 people to finish the exam even though he knew that many people would want his flag he maintained an effective strategy. CHARLOTTE thought that the purple clan would soon attack them since the team sent to conquer the yellow clan did not return, she asked KAMY a question.

"Since I'm a member of a clan you haven't conquered, is it really possible for me to become a member of the yellow clan?"

"Of course it's possible, because as I defeated you I can make you members of my clan...Captain ALEXANDER only gave the main rules of the exam but he is not went into detail."

In the Forest of Carnage things were hectic, 10 members of the purple clan were heading towards KAMY's location but the latter had already planned an enemy attack so he trapped a 500 meter perimeter around his fortress, traps concentrated at a charge of 200 volts of lightning. These 10 members of the purple clan all fell for it and were put out of service.

The first phase of KAMY's plan had succeeded so to carry out the second phase of his plan he needed the pecking order of the purple clan because he was going to attack them by surprise, an aerial attack. CHARLOTTE disapproved of KAMY's dangerous plan because attacking a clan with more than 40 people was madness without forgetting that the 3 generals of the clan are all powerful fighters and worse than them the leader of the clan has extraordinary strength, he is considered a pure genius whether in combat or strategy, he excels in everything. KAMY didn't completely agree with her because he was much more strong as all of them.

In the purple clan, the 3 generals had organized a general gathering so that the other members of the clan could see the face of the leader, the latter was the eldest son of the noble family of ERNER, a very powerful family in the saint of the kingdom and we says that it was the royal family 900 years ago without forgetting the fact that they have in their possession a very advanced biological weapon forcing the king himself to bow to the power of the ERNER, if this family decides to recover the throne then the kingdom of GAREVE will experience a diplomatic revolution leaving the way open for the 3 other kingdoms to conquer it.

When the leader of the purple clan was revealed to the public, MARC HESS ERNER, he gave an order to immediately organize a raid on the yellow clan to crush KAMY. But suddenly MARC had a bad feeling as if something was flying over his base and when he looked up he saw the yellow base standing straight in the sky with KAMY telling him that it was the end.

Conflicts like this have had their day in manga, but it's still just as good when you write it, it's a real pleasure!

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