
Garden Of Poison

[Volume 1: Dante Blackthorn] When Anastasia and her sister Marianne are captured and shipped across the seas by pirates, they become commodities to be sold in a distant land. Marianne is taken as a courtesan, while Anastasia barely escapes a terrible fate by pretending to be mute. She is forced into the lowest ring of servants at the royal palace, where she endures a life of servitude and creates beautiful artwork to mask her pain. Despite years passing, Anastasia has never forgotten her sister's promise to return to their family together. However, with her movement restricted and the guards vigilant, escape seems impossible. When Anastasia comes into contact with the Forsaken Prince, her life spirals out of control and she triggers a Crux of incredible proportions. Now battling her own inner demons while navigating the treacherous politics of the royal court, Anastasia must confront the truth about her sister's fate and make a choice that could alter the course of an entire kingdom. [Volume 2: Emily Blackthorn] Princess Emily's life takes a turbulent turn when she is rejected, leaving her heartbroken and her soul at the brink of corruption. In a desperate bid to save herself, she journeys to the West. Enter the Storm Prince, a charismatic archdemon with striking blue eyes, with a saint-like smile. Emily had hoped she'd seen the last of him, but fate has other plans. As if her soul dying isn’t enough, someone wants to steal it! Caught between the suitors and the haunting nightmares that have plagued her since childhood, Emily begins to see Raylen in a new light. The blue-eyed demon may not be the monster she once thought.

ash_knight17 · Kỳ huyễn
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286 Chs

Trotting in the city

Anastasia's face turned hot from embarrassment, but she swallowed it as she helped Theresa bathe Lady Amara by pouring water from a water mug. After an hour had passed, Lady Amara was dressed and she left the room with her mother.

When the door closed, Theresa returned to where Anastasia was cleaning the bathtub after draining the water. The older woman remarked in a hushed voice,

"Don't take their words to heart, Anna. Some of these people don't know how to treat a person with kindness. They don't understand that your hands are a sign of your hard work, something they never had to do."

In the life of the servants, to be treated like dirt was nothing new. Even though the servants often tried to evade any possible scoldings or punishments, sometimes it was hard to avoid them.

Anastasia mustered a smile and replied, "That's alright. Her words that my hands are rough weren't untrue. Unlike us, she needs to take care of her beauty." She used a dry cloth to ensure the tub was dry.

In the beginning, when Anastasia had first arrived at the palace, the trouble she had initially caused left her with difficult work that had eventually roughened the palms of her hands. It would be a lie if she said that her calloused hands didn't bother her. She knew she was no lady, and belonged to the servant class. The look in her eyes turned distant before she said,

"I think we should worry about what Lady Amara might try."

"You are right. I cannot believe that she's planning to put her hand into the lion's mouth," Theresa murmured before commenting, "I am still surprised that Mary and you didn't get caught. But today you need to be more careful," she warned.

"I will." Anastasia hoped that she would be able to return to the servants' quarters earlier tonight. She then asked, "Auntie, do you know where to find a clean fountain in the palace?"

"You will find them in the gardens. Why?" Theresa questioned curiously. Anastasia gave a sheepish smile.

"I need to dip something in it," Anastasia's answer only confused the older woman.

While Anastasia was finishing her chores, in the dining room of the royal palace, the guests joined to have breakfast with the members of the Blackthorn family. The room was filled with mild chatter. Everyone was either building connections or offering lip service to the other, while their lips were plastered with fake smiles.

One of the guests commended, "Last night's celebration was incredible. Every year the celebrations only get better than the last one, Your Majesty."

King William remarked in delight, "We have arranged a few activities for everyone to enjoy together."

Queen Sophia smiled and informed the other women, "There are separate activities arranged for married women, while the others can join the outdoor activities."

"We look forward to it, my Queen," Mrs. Lumbard held a pleased look, and turned to give her daughter a look.

Lady Amara, who sat not far from Prince Dante, inquired, looking at him, "Will the princes and princesses be joining us for the outdoor activities?"

Prince Aiden replied to the fair lady's question, "We will, milady. Though I doubt some of you would like some of the activities that have been decided."

"There are only a few things I don't like, Prince Aiden. And I think with good company, everything becomes bearable," Lady Amara's words were sweeter than honey, which had everyone nod at her words.

Prince Aiden noticed Lady Amara staring at his eldest brother and asked, "Brother Dante, will you be joining us?"

"Later in the day," Dante's words were curt, and he continued to eat. During that time, his eyes fell briefly on the guests at the table who had joined them, and he noticed Tasia Flores was missing.

When the clock struck four, Anastasia stepped into a spare guest room, while Theresa had gone to fetch Marianne's shoes that she had worn yesterday.

Letting down her hair, she used the same pins and earrings that she had used last night. Taking hold of a pomegranate grain from a bowl, she burst it between her two fingers before applying the liquid on her cheeks, lips and above her eyelids. She applied the kohl to her eyes and then stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Anastasia touched her dress and said, "Time to change the dress. A simple dress suitable for gathering and dinner with the royal family."

Soon the maid dress began to change its fabric from cotton to silk, and the faded maroon changed to white, on which threaded work of gold and peach colours were prominent, making it appear less white.

"Not this grand…" Anastasia whispered, unable to take her eyes off the dress, and she requested, "Simpler than this." But the dress had reached its limit and needed to be dipped in the fountain water before its appearance could be changed.

Someone knocked on the door, and Anastasia heard Theresa speak, "Anna, it is me." The woman stepped inside the room, and when her eyes fell on the young woman, she brought up her hand to cover her mouth. Astonished, she stared at Anastasia in awe and said, "I can barely recognise you… Hold on."

Theresa picked up the kohl and left a black dot behind Anastasia's ear.

"What is that for?"

"It is to ward off any evil eyes," Theresa answered, while she couldn't help but gape at the young woman.

"I should go now," Anastasia informed Theresa, and the older woman nodded, watching her step out of the room.

Theresa murmured a prayer, "Please protect this child, God."

As Anastasia walked into the inner side of the palace, she made heads turn to look in her direction. Mindlessly, when she put her hand in her pocket, she found a cream-coloured veil, which she put on. Her footsteps were soft on the ground, and she made sure to keep her head held high. She had to act as a wealthy woman, and there was no room for error.

Even when she walked past the maids, none recognised her, but gaped at her. She reached outside the main hall, where a pond was built, which held little white and gold fish.

Anastasia was looking at it when one of the male servants greeted her with a bow,

"Miss Flores? Prince Dante has demanded your presence at the front of the palace."

Anastasia nodded. Leaving the place, she followed the servant.

When they neared the front of the palace, the servant showed the way by raising his hand and bowing for Anastasia to continue walking. While the servant disappeared, Anastasia's eyes fell on Dante, who stood at the palace's wide entrance. He had changed his coat, wearing a black one with an upwards collar.

Sensing her presence, Dante turned, and his eyes fell on Anastasia.

Anastasia offered a slight bow, "Prince Dante."

"Miss Flores," Dante acknowledged her, as he noticed how she had dressed this evening. Compared to last night, there was a softness to her appearance. Something very pure. He asked, "Shall we?"

When they started to walk, Anastasia asked him, "Where are we going?"

"The garden near the maze. I heard that my siblings and some of the guests have gathered there," Dante stated before he said, "I didn't see you this morning for breakfast."

Anastasia softly gulped at the question. She had hoped no one would notice her absence, but that was only her wishful thinking. She replied, "Pardon me. I was hungry when I woke up, and ate in my room."

As they made their way towards the garden, Anastasia subtly turned to look at Dante's sharp and strong features in the light of the sun. She heard him ask,

"How was your day out in the town? You must have been out, considering you weren't in the palace."

"It was alright…" Anastasia didn't know if Dante was trying to test her, and she tried to tread carefully without giving out too much information.

When Dante's eyes moved to look at Anastasia, hers turned to meet his. She turned a little anxious under his burning gaze and she looked away quickly. He remarked, "Looks like Versailles hasn't caught your interest."

"I wouldn't say that," Anastasia quickly replied, not wanting to offend the prince. She said, "It has its own beauty, like the balcony garden I stepped into last evening, with the view of the sea. It is just that I miss home. The endless forests and rains," Anastasia answered, with longing in her voice, and it didn't go unnoticed by the prince.

Dante commented, "Then it's good that you will be here only until tomorrow. You will be back home soon."

Anastasia hoped so too, as it was what she wanted. He said, "I don't think you told me where you are from."

Having practised some answers, she replied, "In the capital of Mespia." It was a kingdom name that her sister had once mentioned, one that a gentleman which she had spent time with came from.

When Anastasia and Dante reached where everyone was, Prince Maxwell whistled and commented, "Looks like the day just got colourful. The lady in the green dress is here."

Upon Maxwell's words, some of them followed his line of sight and noticed the first Blackthorn prince and the woman whom they had seen at last night's celebration. A smile spread on Prince Aiden's lips, and he was the first to enthusiastically greet, "Tasia, welcome. We were looking forward to—"

His words were cut short by his sister Princess Emily, who elbowed his side and whispered, "Don't address her in such an informal way."

Aiden was going to explain that they were friends, before he closed his mouth.

Princess Niyasa was busy staring at the young woman's expensive dress, as was Lady Amara. Princess Emily turned to Dante and said,

"Brother Dante, we are going to take a ride on the mustangs as the temperature is cooler now. Would you like to join us?"

"Sure," Dante answered. While they waited for the mustangs to be brought to where they stood, Prince Aiden made his way over to stand next to Anastasia. He asked her as lowly as he could,

"Do you want to ride a camel, Tasia?"

Anastasia politely smiled at Aiden and replied, "Maybe not today, but some other day." The day she would need to run away from here, she thought in her mind.

"Tell me when, and I will arrange it for you," Aiden smiled, meeting her eyes. "I was hoping to catch you this morning."

"Pardon me. I was busy with something else," Anastasia replied. When he left her side to talk to his sister, she turned to Dante and said in a low voice,

"Prince Dante, I have never ridden anything before."

Dante's lips twitched at her words, wondering if this woman knew how she had phrased her words. He stated, "I will be accompanying you. It would be pointless if you rode on another horse."

While they waited, Lady Amara had inched closer to where Dante stood, until she came to stand on his right side. She pulled out her handkerchief and lightly dabbed her forehead before slyly dropping it on the ground in front of Dante.

At the same time, the horses arrived, and Dante, instead of picking it up as Lady Amara had planned, stepped right on the handkerchief before approaching one of the black horses.

"....!" a speechless Lady Amara stared at her trampled handkerchief.

Dante turned to Anastasia and said, "Place your left foot on the stirrup, and I will lift you."

Anastasia did as she was told, which was when she felt Dante's hands settle on the sides of her waist. She heard him say, "Ready?"

"Yes," she replied, and soon Dante lifted her so that she could mount the horse. Not a moment later, Dante mounted the horse, so that he sat behind her.

When the horse started trotting, though she held the horn of the saddle, Anastasia found herself wobbling. She muttered in distress, "I think I am going to fall." Forget about escaping; she doubted she would last on a camel for more than a minute!

Anastasia, who felt like she would fall any moment, felt Dante's chest press on her back. Her body suddenly felt small compared to his. He instructed her,

"Press your thighs closer."

"What?" Anastasia asked, who was concentrating on balancing her body.

Anastasia's eyes widened when she felt Dante's strong hands on her legs before he pushed them firmly. He said, "Like this. The tighter, the better."

She blushed and quickly replied, "I—I think I know now. Thank you." When Prince Dante retracted his hands from her, she released the breath she had been holding.

Lady Amara wanted to turn to see Dante, but she was sitting in front of Prince Maxwell on another horse, as she had never ridden a horse before either. The others had already moved forward. Their horses trotted on a path that Anastasia had never visited before. After all, her trip had always been to the Bazaar and then back to the palace.

"I didn't know there was a river inside the city," Anastasia remarked when they rode through the streets, as her eyes fell on an arched bridge under which water was present.

"Which part of the city did you visit?" Dante asked her.

"The Bazaar…"

A small chuckle escaped from Dante's lips, and he replied, "This part of the city is called Jannat. I am surprised that you chose to visit the Bazaar. Most of the women from the palace or similar place don't step foot there."

"I was curious. I heard so much about it," Anastasia replied, looking at the peaceful, and quieter posh surroundings. She could tell that this place was occupied by the well-known ministers and other wealthy families.

Dante said, "There are many places in Versailles that you might find far more interesting than the Bazaar."

When the wind blew, Anastasia moved her hair over one side of her shoulder and held it so it wouldn't come to fall on Dante's face. But her action only led to Dante's eyes falling on her slender, soft neck. He said,

"It seems like you are well acquainted with Lady Amara."

"I am?" Anastasia asked in question.

"You smell a little like the perfume she has doused herself in. Enough to give one a headache," Dante's words sounded nonchalant. Anastasia couldn't help but commend his nose. She probably smelled like that because of the water in the bathtub that Lady Amara had splashed on her earlier this day, she thought.

The other guests who had accompanied them, couldn't help but look at them in envy. While the men wished they had asked Anastasia first before Prince Dante's eyes had fallen on her, the women wished they were sitting with the eldest Blackthorn prince.

After strolling through the quiet and blissful streets, they returned to the palace. After sunset, everyone gathered in the wide room, sitting on the couches and chairs. When the Mother Queen's eyes fell on Anastasia, she immediately called her to come and sit beside her. The Mother Queen said,

"It is a shame that we couldn't spend time together today, but there was nothing we could do, as you and Dante wanted to spend some time getting to know each other. I hope you two spent it well," the old woman raised her eyebrows.

So that was how Dante had been able to get the Mother Queen not to spend time with her. Anastasia replied with a smile, "We visited Jannat."

"That's good to hear," the Mother Queen looked pleased. She then said, "When the previous King and I met, we couldn't kee—"

"Mother Queen," Queen Sophia's eyes widened, and she whispered, "Can you not bring up such things?"

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about, Sophia. You have two children, how did you bring them into this world?" The Mother Queen questioned in a nonchalant tone. "The children will need to know. It would be shameful if they didn't."

Princess Emily turned her head in the other direction, as if not wanting to be part of this conversation. On the other hand, Princess Niyasa leaned towards her mother, with a slight glare and in a hushed voice said,

"Isn't Grandmother getting too far ahead of herself with this woman? She's never had any of us sit there next to her before."

Lady Maya raised her hand near her nose and rubbed it before she said, "She wants Dante married, considering how pitiful his situation is, and how he might die in the upcoming war."

Princess Niyasa wanted her brother Maxwell to sit on the throne next, and knowing how her eldest brother lacked in finding his Crux, while Aiden wasn't interested in the throne, she believed her brother Maxwell was far more suited to be the next King. Turning away from her grandmother and the woman named Tasia, her eyes met one of her personal maids. She signalled the maid to come.

[Music Recommendation: A New Name… A new life- John Williams]

Anastasia was talking to the Mother Queen when she noticed Charlotte walk to Princess Niyasa. They exchanged a few words before Charlotte handed a rolled parchment to the youngest princess.

"Queen Sophia," Princess Niyasa caught everyone's attention. She came to stand in front of the queen and bowed, "The gift that you asked for is here." She unrolled the parchment and stretched her hands forward.

Queen Sophia and the others, whose eyes fell on the sketch, were taken aback on seeing how beautifully it had been drawn.

"How beautiful," the Mother Queen remarked on seeing the sketch. She said, "Your maid is an exceptional artist."

Anastasia watched everyone murmur words of praise and take turns looking at the sketch made of Queen Sophia. The Mother Queen, impressed, demanded, "Bring the maid what she needs so that she can sketch my portrait now."

The previous lustre from Charlotte's face disappeared. She bowed her head and said, "It will take some time to finish it, Mother Queen. Can I give it to you tomorrow?"

"I don't want to see the complete sketch. Just the outline to know how it would look so that I approve for you to continue," the Mother Queen said, before turning to her minister, who quickly arranged an easel with a larger size parchment and pieces of charcoal.

Anastasia pursed her lips. Charlotte had always been easily swayed by the thought of wealth, but she wasn't smart enough to know that her lie wouldn't stay hidden forever. She could feel her own heart beating anxiously as she watched Charlotte struggle.

Now cornered, Charlotte's hand trembled, which held a piece of the sharp charcoal. With most of the eyes in the room on her, she tried to draw for the very first time by attempting to create an outline of the Mother Queen, who didn't move from the position she had taken.

Anastasia watched Charlotte drop her hand from the easel when Lady Maya asked,

"Is it done?" The maid shook her head in response. "What are you waiting for?"

Charlotte continued to draw what she thought was right, but the more she tried, the worse it became. The Mother Queen stood up and walked to the easel the maid was drawing on. A deep frown came to settle on her face when her eyes fell on the sketch.

Seeing the Mother Queen not remark, King William, Queen Sophia and the two concubines reached where the easel stood. King William's eyes widened on seeing what was drawn.

"What is this?!" King William demanded, furious. Silence fell in the room, everyone's attention now on them.

It was a more-than-absurd outline, that barely held any refinement or skill to it, and instead looked as if the maid was trying to mock the Mother Queen.

"Are you trying to insult the Mother Queen?" Queen Sophia demanded from the maid, who looked frightened.

Charlotte quickly fell to her knees and pressed her forehead to the ground. She begged for forgiveness, "Forgive me, Your Majesty! I was nervous and couldn't sketch in front of so many people!"

"And you thought you could draw this to mock the Mother Queen?" The King glared at the maid. "How dare you try such a thing? Call the guards!"

Charlotte looked utterly terrified to move. Tears streamed down her eyes, and she pleaded, "I—I didn't do it out of purpose! Please! Pardon m—me!"

The guards caught hold of Charlotte, and one pushed her down on the ground. King William ordered without hesitation, "Kill her."

Anastasia felt a chill run down her spine. She felt her stomach twist uncomfortably. Her hands turned cold when she watched one of the guards raise his sword above his head.

Charlotte's eyes widened and she cried, "No, please don't, Your Highness! N—no! Please listen to me, I can e—gh—"

Before the guard descended the sword, Anastasia quickly looked away and heard the harsh sound of the sword severing the head, ending the maid's pleas.

Dear Reader: Please keep in mind that the chapters of this book is longer than the usual length on this app/platform, which means more content per chapter ^.^