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A scientist accidentally exposed to rare radiation effects in the research of the renewable energy of Eternal Beam. It transforms him into a superhero in the city of Nova. His name is Dr. Ethan Mitchell, the possessor of the superpower of immortaly ray acquired from a small explosion containing rare particles in the Quantum Energy Research Center (QERC) laboratory. Here are the names of Ethan's friends in this novel who are associated with the research at QERC : 1. Dr. Ethan Mitchell, a brilliant scientist, is conducting research aimed at developing a new environmentally friendly energy source in his laboratory at the Quantum Energy Research Center (QERC). He hopes that this discovery will bring positive change to the world. 2. Dr. Ava Reynolds, Ethan's colleague at QERC, is a brilliant theoretical physicist. She is a wise individual with profound insights into energy theory. 3. Lucas Montgomery, a young technician working at the QERC laboratory, is Ethan's enthusiastic coworker. He possesses exceptional technical skills and often assists Ethan in experiments and research. 4. Dr. Sofia Rodriguez, a young scientist who recently joined QERC, specializes in chemistry and biochemistry. She brings a fresh perspective to Ethan's research, focusing on the application of Eternal Beam energy in the medical sector. 5. Professor William Evans, Ethan's mentor and supervisor, is a renowned scientist who has long been dedicated to alternative energy research. He is a wise and experienced figure who provides valuable guidance to Ethan on his research journey. They will play crucial roles in assisting and supporting Ethan in his fight against the criminal organization, Black Sun, while also exploring romantic connections during his adventures as the hero of Nova City and his research on the renewable energy of Eternal Beam. Together, they will form a solid team in conducting experiments and facing the challenges that lie ahead in eradicating crime in Nova City against the members of the Black Sun criminal organization.

Abik_Madin · Khoa huyễn
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14 Chs

Julia says she loves Ethan

Julia returned to her apartment with mixed feelings, questioning whether she would truly take advantage of Ethan and exploit him for selfish purposes, solely to gain tremendous benefits from his research information.

Recalling their first meeting, Julia had been captivated by Ethan's presence in her life. His charming smile, captivating courage, and the strength emanating from his every movement, coupled with his brilliance as a scientist, made her heart unable to contain her emotions. The growing love within the depths of her heart became too overwhelming to bear.

Julia remembered vividly being in a tense situation when she approached the mysterious immortal ray hero, Ethan, who unexpectedly removed his face cover and gazed at her with a comforting look after thwarting the bank robbers.

Then Julia recalled feeling something different. The extraordinary aura radiating from Ethan was intensely palpable, touching every fiber of her being. She sensed a magical presence enveloping Ethan, as if he was blessed with the power of heightened empathy.

With a pounding heart, Julia reached for her cellphone. Her fingers trembled as she searched for Ethan's number in her contacts. Her hands could barely press the call button, but her strong determination pushed her to express her feelings.

Although she knew that Sofia occupied a place in Ethan's heart, she felt that she still had a chance to have him before it was too late and it left a deep wound.

After what felt like an eternity, the phone finally rang. The voice on the other end echoed in Julia's ears. She could feel her pulse racing, indicating the dramatic significance of this moment for her.

"Ethan," Julia called out, her voice quivering. "I want to talk to you. About my feelings."

On the other end of the line, Ethan's voice sounded warm and attentive. Julia could feel the warmth resonating in her heart, giving her a little courage amidst the uncertainty.

"Let's talk, Julia," Ethan replied gently. "I want to hear what you have to say."

In the silence that filled the air, Julia gathered all the courage within her. She began to express her long-held feelings, flowing words that perfectly articulated indescribable emotions.

Julia was bound in that moment, in the tension and hope that enveloped her soul. Every word uttered would become a pillar of emotions that could change the status of their relationship.

With a pounding heart, Julia tried to confess her love to Ethan.

Julia: There's something I want to tell you. I feel like I need to express my true feelings. Since the first time we met, I've been captivated by you. I love you, Ethan.

Ethan: Julia, I'm surprised to hear that. However, I have to be honest with you. I appreciate your feelings, but my heart belongs to someone else. If you want to know more clearly, well, I love Sofia. I'm sorry.

Julia: (pauses for a moment) It hurts, Ethan. I hope you understand how strong my feelings are for you. I feel like there's still time, Ethan.

Ethan: (softly) Julia, I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings. I value our friendship, and I don't want to lose you. However, I have to follow my heart and true feelings.

Julia: (with a trembling voice) I understand, Ethan. I just hoped that there would be a chance for us, but it seems fate has brought us together as friends. Thank you for being honest with me.

Ethan: I hope we can still maintain our friendship, Julia. We can continue to work together and support each other as we have been doing.

Julia: (in a soft tone, holding back her disappointment) Yes, of course. I don't want to lose our friendship. I will try to accept this reality and work on keeping our relationship strong.

Ethan: Thank you, Julia. I appreciate your attitude. We still have many things to achieve together as Team Eternal Light.

Julia: (softly) Yes, we will continue to work as a solid team. I will try to forget my feelings and remain focused on our shared goals.

Ethan: I appreciate your courage to share your feelings, Julia. Don't worry, we will get through this together.

Julia: Alright, goodbye Ethan.

Ethan: Stay strong, Julia. Goodbye.

Julia hung up the phone and gazed silently at the stillness of the night behind the window for a few moments.

However, Ethan's response shattered Julia's heart. Even though Ethan sincerely rejected her, full of emotions and acknowledged that his heart was tied to Sofia, it felt like a knife piercing through her. Julia felt a deep sense of heartache. The feelings of disappointment and rejection filled her mind, and in an uncontrollable state, she slammed her phone hard onto the floor, causing it to split into two, just like her broken heart.

Julia felt the fire of anger burning inside her. The pain she felt made her want to seek revenge against Team Eternal Light. She believed that they were the cause of Ethan's rejection and her suffering. With a strong determination, Julia decided to destroy the team.

She began her plan by gathering information about the whereabouts and weaknesses of Baron Umbra's subordinates, the leaders of the Black Sun organization. Julia believed that by knowing their weaknesses, she could use them as weapons to destroy Team Eternal Light. With cunning and unwavering resolve, Julia took steps towards her dark goal, disregarding the consequences that might occur.

give full stars, comments, or any kind of support, so the writer can focus on his enthusiasm in front of the laptop..

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