
Gaming on the Edge

You know, now that I am inside a universe where the least horrible thing that can happen to you is dying, I truly miss my old ordinary life, but I am not there, and this is my new life, so I better live it to the fullest and become a living legend ------- Some things might change from the anime and game, such as making some gangs, or characters stronger than what they were in the game, only to make the story last longer.

DaoistKQnDFL · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Chapter 7

Before going to sleep I decided to train a bit more, making my Str finally reach the 10, thank god, and making Physical Conditioning Lv.3, while also making Knife Mastery, and boxing levels 12 and 13 respectfully.

After tiring myself I finally went to bed and the moment my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.




After successfully trading the shotgun for all of the bullets I had scavenged from Ugo's body for a Unity and a Nokota D5, resulting in a level-up in Bartering, I also bought 10 magazines for the two weapons, and a holster for the gun and the rifle, so I won't need to carry them on my hand.

Putting the pistol holster under my Rocker's Heart crystaljock bomber, fresh out of the store, I decided to leave the assault rifle in its box to not show off.

After buying everything that I needed from the gun store, and paying for the metro to get to Watson, from my 1108 Eddies, I went back to 958.

'I hope I can find something that won't cost too much from Vik.' I said while getting out of the metro and beginning to walk towards the area I remembered Vik's store to be.

'Misty's Esoterica smells like weed but not the good one.' I thought while heading there, paying attention to not stare anyone in the eyes.

Before going in I knocked on the side of the door getting Misty's attention.

" Welcome to Misty's Esoterica, how can I help you?" Misty asked with her calm and low voice, it strangely felt relaxing.

" I wondered if I could have a meeting with Vik," I asked her straight out, no reason to waste time.

" Who talked to you about Vik?" She asked me more out of curiosity than actual precaution.

" Jackie."

" Are you Akira? Jackie told me you would come here one of these days."

" Yes, I finally got my hands on enough eddies to get cromed up, or at least I hope I do," I said while laughing.

" Just remember to not exaggerate, Jackie would feel bad if you turn into a Cyberpsycho."

" Will do."

She nodded and then explained to me how to reach Vik's clinic.

Following her instructions I went downstairs, the back of Misty's shop the same as the game, and went downstairs where I saw Vik waiting for me, most likely warned of my arrival by Misty.

" Akira right? Jackie told me you wanted some new eyes."

" And a cyberdeck but I don't think I have enough eddies."

" How much do you have?" He said while heading for the operatory chair.

" 950," I said while hoping for the answer I so much wished to come out of his mouth.

" Considering you are Jackie's friend I round that up to 1000, for that amount I can give you a pair of Basic Kiroshi Optics from 2075 and an Araska MK 1 from 2074."

Mentally sighing, I still decide to continue with the operation, some cyberware is better than none at all.

" Perfect, then lay down and we will begin with the operation."

Following his instructions I laid down and let him do his job, after a few seconds the effect of the anaesthetic started taking effect and I fainted.




After an unknown amount of time, I opened my eyes, instead of my normal sight I saw Arasaka's logo for a few seconds before going back to normal, I also felt some pain in my neck coming from two new spaces made for the Cyberdeck.

" The operation went smoothly, I have to say your body has one of the best adaptability to cyberware I have ever seen, usually I have to use some MaxDocs to prevent the body from injuring itself while adapting to the cyberware, but I didn't use any for you, so I will detract a 100 eddies from your bill."

" Thanks, doc," I said while smiling.


You have implanted your first body modifications, they will count as equipment.

Basic Kiroshi Optics 

Quality: Normal

Effects: Zoom ( x2/x4) during aiming or quick hacks, cameras won't see your face, and you can connect your eyes to your quick hacks menu to decide which demon to use.

Arasaka MK.1 

Quality: Normal

Effects: You can store information from the net in your brain, and you can quick-hack, either with demons or by simply passing the firewall through a direct connection, +10% Ram regen, slows down time by 0.95 during quickhacks.

You have gained the new Stat: Ram

Ram is stat directly connected to the quality of your cyberdeck, this can't be raised through normal means.


Ram: 5/5 Ram Regen:1.1/ min



" How you are feeling?" He asked me a few seconds after he saw me trying out the new Chrome.

Before answering I tried out the quick-hack mode and liked what the notification said, the world slowed down by a very minuscule percentage, while my eyes made everything that could be hacked glow in green colour.

I deactivated it and looked at with with the biggest smile I've had since I have been here.

" They are perfect, thanks for the job," I said while paying him, leaving me with 108 Eddies.

" Yeah yeah, next time come with some real cash, so I can upgrade those old models for something actually useful." He said while going back to the boxing match he was watching before I arrived.

Hopping out of the chair I headed outside, said goodbye to Misty, and immediately headed home, my excitement at the idea of having a way to gain new skills just by searching for them and implanting it int my brain made me run faster the I ever did.

I am going to fucking abuse it.