
Gaming In An Anime World

Ryuga never considered himself anyone special, he was just your everyday teenager with an above-average appearance and a great talent for music. Aside from that, nothing really made him stand out amongst the others. After an unfortunate accident, Ryuga soon finds himself reincarnated into a parallel world practically identical to his old one. With a new opportunity in life, you already know that he wasn't going to waste it! . . . Involved Worlds: - Bofuri - Kuma Kuma Bear - Bocchi The Rock - How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend - New Game - Love Live - More

AntiUniverse · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

My New Life

Reincarnation was interesting they said.

Reincarnation was a magical adventure they said.

Reincarnation was a chance to experience fantasy they said.

That was not at all the case for Ryuga, after having perished due to some negligent pilot crashing the plane he was in, otherwise known as Plane-kun, he had found himself being given a new life here in this new world.

The thing was that Ryuga honestly found very little difference between this world and his old one, aside from certain things on the internet being absent from this world, it was practically a copy and paste of his original.

When he first learned that he was going to be given the chance to be reincarnated, he had honestly been expecting to find himself embarking on some cliche journey through a magical world of fantasy. You know, one full of magic and mystery. Except, he did not get that, this world was just a normal boring world.

And... he liked that.

Don't get him wrong, Ryuga would love the ability to throw fireballs and shit wherever he wanted as much as the next person. However, he hadn't even gotten to experience a normal life, at least not a fulfilled one. Though, another reason could also be that he grew up as a modern person, living in medieval conditions wasn't too pleasant of an idea for him...

In any case, he had spent the last sixteen years now living here in this world, and over time he had gradually managed to move on from his old life. True, it was a difficult pill to swallow that everyone he loved was nothing more than a distant memory, but he knew he couldn't dwell on such depressive thoughts forever.

The best thing he could do was move on and live this new life the best he could.

And what else to accomplish that than becoming a full-time streamer who played video games for the fun of it? You heard that right. He had recently decided to start live streaming, and despite only having recently started, he had quite the following, at least for how long he had been a streamer.

At the present time though, Ryuga could currently be seen walking down the stairs towards the kitchen area below. He had only just woken up, evident by his still rather fatigued look as he stretched his arms up before giving a soft yawn.

Ryuga had only just turned sixteen, and he was without a doubt a young healthy male, evidenced by his decently fit physique as well as clear fair skin which contrasted well with his straight black hair and sapphire blue eyes.

In regards to his attire, he was currently only wearing a simple white t-shirt along with a pair of black shorts. Despite his untidy appearance due to having just woken up, you could see that he was quite attractive, not insanely so, but definitely above average.

"Good morning, dear." A sweet voice suddenly sounded soon after Ryuga stepped into the kitchen. "Have you brushed your teeth yet? You know that you need to do so every morning if you want to keep yourself healthy."

"Mom, I'm not a child. I already brushed my teeth, and you really need to stop asking me..."

The woman who had said the previous words was obviously his mother, a rather beautiful woman with long smooth black hair that reached down to her waist, along with a pair of rounded coal-black eyes and slightly pale skin.

"Okay, okay!" Ryuga's mother, whose name was Yukina, gave a small giggle as she then motioned towards the dining table not too far away from them. "Breakfast will be finished soon, so help me set up the table."

"Right." Ryuga responded simply as he took a bottle of water from the fridge before getting a glass to fill. As he poured the water into the glass, Ryuga gave his mother a curious look. "Is dad working overtime again? I don't think I saw him come home yesterday."

"Your father is busy, unfortunately." Yukina sighed as she answered the question. "With how swarmed he is at the company, he told me that many of the workers have had to sleep in the company building so they could work immediately the next day. They're reaching their deadline soon."

"Oh yeah, that new game they've been making is supposed to come out soon. I wonder how well they did with it..."

"Your father has been working especially hard on this particular game of theirs." Yukina gave another giggle as she glanced over at Ryuga, who was now seen placing cutlery onto the dining table. "After all, it was his son who gave him the idea."

Ryuga didn't respond to this, but he did give a small snort out of amusement.

You could probably now figure out that his father worked at a game-producing company, and their most recent upcoming game was an idea given by Ryuga himself. He couldn't truly take the credit though, he had recommended a game that he loved back in his old world.

While it wasn't the most difficult game in the world, it certainly could be challenging if you didn't know what you were doing. The game that he was talking about was Persona, or more specifically, Persona 3.

It was his first-ever game, so it was definitely one of his most memorable. Though, he kind of regretted it in a way since the game was definitely not too friendly for those who have literally never touched a game before in their entire lives.

He understood just what a mistake it was to choose Normal difficulty when he was new to video games in general.

In any case, he was looking forward to seeing just what his father's company could do with all the details he pitched to them. This world's games were pretty linear when it came to overall concepts, there wasn't anything unique, so a Persona game may be quite the refreshment.

"Along with the fact that his own son was also involved in its production, I'm sure that is also one of the reasons why he doesn't want to be left behind. It'd be quite embarrassing seeing your own son do more work than you!"

With a look of clear amusement, Yukina gave a small laugh as she said this. Ryuga just rolled his eyes at that, it was true that he had made some contributions aside from just pitching the idea. He was the composer for most of the music as well as one of the voice actors.

As for who he voice acted? The main character of course.

It didn't take much time either, the main character had very few lines to speak of. Unlike in the original, this world's version was going to have the main character actually speak the responses that the player chooses.

"Oh yeah, before I forget. Can I have one of the drum sets in your shop?" Ryuga suddenly asked as he walked on over after finishing up with the table setup. "There's a new song I want to compose, and I need a drumset."

"Drums? Sure, go ahead." Yukina, although a bit confused, nodded her head soon after hearing the request. Being the owner of a large music shop, she had quite a number of drumsets available. "Do you even know how to play it though?"

"Yeah, I do."

"R-Really? I don't understand how you know so many instruments when I haven't even seen you practising before." Yukina scratched her cheek with her finger as she said this. "First the guitar, violin, piano, and now also the drums? Where did you get such skill?"

Ryuga opted to merely shrug in response to the question, like hell was he going to tell her how, and he didn't want to accidentally slip something up. He was a major music maniac in his previous life, so not too different from his current life, so he had come to learn countless different instruments during his short years.

For someone like him, having one of his parents literally own a big music shop was pretty damn lucky. HE could basically get any instrument he'd ever really need, and it also helped that the shop was only a few buildings down the street so he could easily go get an instrument when he wanted.

"You can come with me to the shop to get them after breakfast. However, don't tire yourself out too much playing, remember that you have school tomorrow."

"I understand."

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

It took a bit of work, but Ryuga eventually managed to bring all of the parts for the drumset over to the house. Since his mother was going to be busy in the shop itself, he had no choice but to do it by himself, though he didn't mind that much.

After bringing all of the parts home, Ryuga quickly assembled them all as the black-coloured drumset could be seen standing tall in the corner of his room. Ryuga wasn't intending on using them just yet though, he had something else to focus on right now.

His stream!

Like most streamers, Ryuga had a schedule in which he followed, a schedule listing what kind of streams he was going to be doing at certain times and days. For today, he was supposed to start with gaming and then onto a two-hour music session immediately after.

〖RyuTunes: Hello, hello? I think we're live... thank you everyone for tuning in!〗

『Random User 1: Helllooo!』

『Random User 2: A stream just before school starts tomorrow? Now we talkin!』

『Random User 1: School? A curse it is for you all to be young』

『Random User 3: Jeez, boomer』

As you could see, Ryuga wasn't exactly the most creative when it came to names, his streaming name was literally just the first part of his name with the word 'Tunes' after it. You could easily guess why that is.

In regards to the stream though, the number of viewers had no shot up past the three-hundred mark, and while it couldn't be compared with big-time streamers who could get thousands, it was impressive for a newbie like him.

His popularity on the streaming site had been increasing quite rapidly, even now, the number of viewers on the stream was quickly approaching the four-hundred mark. He didn't know how he managed to gain such traction, but he wasn't gonna complain.

As Ryuga was booting up the game he was going to be streaming today, a simple RPG game, he heard a dinging sound enter his ears through the headphones he was wearing.

〖FallenAngelGab: Can you hear me...?〗

〖RyuTunes: Why do you sound so tired, Gab?〗

〖FallenAngelGab: I just woke up〗

〖RyuTunes: It's literally the afternoon already...〗

You might be asking who the hell it was that Ryuga was talking to, and to answer that as bluntly as possible, an angel. More specifically, a fallen angel. Her name was Gabriel White Tenma, someone he had the pleasure of meeting at some point during high school.

At one point in time, he ended up witnessing her display a number of supernatural abilities, which eventually lead to him finding out about her true nature. If he hadn't gone through literal reincarnation, then he'd definitely be questioning life and the fact that angels actually existed.

Whatever the case, Gabriel was unlike any angel he had ever heard of, she didn't display any possible qualities that would label her as a holy entity. She was lazy, selfish, deceptive and basically, any other quality that would label her as a demon.

〖FallenAngelGab: Hurry up and log on, we need to finish that dungeon!〗

〖RyuTunes: Yeah, yeah. I hear ya, calm down. Also, are you coming to school tomorrow?〗

〖FallenAngelGab: School? Ugh! Isn't there a day off tomorrow...?〗

〖RyuTunes: Maybe in your dreams, but this is reality. Get off your ass and go〗

〖FallenAngelGab: I'm good...〗

Ryuga could only sigh after hearing her response, he had tried on multiple occasions to help her stop her bad habits, but you know the saying, bad habits die hard. For Gabriel, this statement could only be considered the biggest understatement of all of time.

It had gotten to the point that Ryuga just gave up trying to help her, and although he did try to say something every now and then, it was to no avail. In other words, Gabriel White Tenma was an absolute lost cause.

〖FallenAngelGab: Are you thinking something bad about me?〗

〖RyuTunes: Yeah. Just thinking about how much of a lost cause you are〗

〖FallenAngelGab: Oh, okay〗