
Gaming Empire System

Wallace transmigrated to a normal magical world. However, the world is not dominated by Mages, Knights, etc. but by the human Nobles. Normally, nobles are only adept at political and social studies, but in this world, Nobles have magical powers too, called personal dungeons. To protect their lands and people from magical radiation to live a normal life, the Nobles feed their dungeons with mana users like knights, mages, or magical crystals to clear the radiation—it was an ultimate power that even Mages, Knights, and other Mana users also relied on. However, a threat came from a lady seeking revenge on the bloodline of his ancestor. If she isn't amused by his dungeon, she would make Wallace's soul go through endless years of suffering. Fortunately, he too happened to have this power as well, and it was much different from normal Nobles because his dungeons are Gaming Dungeons! However, will this be enough to save himself from this unknown vengeful lady? Ding! Gaming Empire System activated! Note: this novel is inspired by Black tech internet cafe system. Please support me with powerstones and ticket.

Notorious_911 · Du hí
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181 Chs

Night of Massacre

In the darkest of the night, in the eerie mansion owned by the Baron of the Toraz territory, a creepy scene unfolded in the complex, sinister hallway.

A sight that could make one's skin crawl awaited: a defenseless group of people hung upside down, their bodies suspended like eerie puppets, swinging in a horrifying dance of unknown suffering.

Emerging from the shadows, a figure of a lady appeared, her every deliberate step echoing through the heavy silence of the hallway.

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

Her presence exuded a strange mix of whispers and mournful ancestral sounds as she made her remark: "The once bloody and sinister bloodline of one of those men—the Toraz family—is now reduced to a mere pathetic bloodline. I'm not even sure if I should still seek my revenge or not..."

The suspended people, their voices stolen, displayed a terrifying show of fear and tears, their eyes reflecting unimaginable horrors they were currently enduring.

Among them were an old woman and a man, their faces marked by a haunting combination of sadness and unwavering strength. Joining them were three innocent-looking ladies and two young men.

However, one of the two young men was special.

His name was Wallace Cross. He came from Earth and he was addicted to online gaming. Sometimes he would feel a little tired of life but he didn't really want to die. To cope with that feeling, he turned to playing games. But one day, he got fired from his job.

He felt really down and thought that playing games non-stop for five days would make him feel better.

He believed that after that, he would find another job. However, things didn't go as he expected. He thought nothing unusual would happen since he had done this before, but this time, something unexpected occurred.

Wallace found himself in someone else's body, but not in a typical way.

He woke up in a prison cell and was alone for two days without any food. He kept wondering why he was there and desperately searched for a way to escape.

Eventually, Wallace believed he found a solution, but just when he thought he was about to break free by trying it, an unknown woman captured him. And now, here he was, hanging upside down, along with the others.

Suddenly, Wallace saw the mysterious woman was getting closer to them, he could hear her footsteps in high heels echoing with a silent eerie and slow rhythm.

When she got closer, he felt like the whole dark place turned bright for a moment. Her face, was like a work of delicate perfection, possessed finely crafted features that had the power to move hearts. Her looks have a Slovakian-Korean combination of beauty, but instead of looking unnaturally plastic to Wallace, she has rosy blush on her cheeks, which makes her a more attractive, alive and natural woman.

Like in a spellbound, his gaze fixed upon her flawless perfection of peak beauty.

With a touch as gentle as a whisper, the lady ensnared the old man, "But I already gave you and your family a chance. If your Dungeon doesn't amuse me, you all shall suffer a million years of torment because of what your ancestor did to me, to us, and my family," Her voice, haunting and filled with dread, permeated the air. "And it didn't amuse me, I didn't even feel challenged, so I hope you know what will happen, right?" she added.

Suddenly, her face became contorted, a wave of wickedness unleashed upon the defenseless souls in front of her—the three innocent young girls.

With no mercy, she heartlessly ended the lives of the three young women, crushing their skulls with her slender bare hands. And she wasn't finished there.

She also crushed their bodies with her claws that came out of her angelic fingers, slashing them until it reduced them into a spray of blood.

The elderly man and woman, along with the lone surviving young man, were consumed by shock, they tried to break free and cry, but only a muffled sound could be heard with their missing mouths.

While Wallace had eyes wide with disbelief. He could only stare, unable to understand fully what he had just witnessed. Despite the dim lighting, he saw the incredible speed of her hands, transforming the three young innocent girls into a crimson blood mist.

The claw too— it came out of her fingers unnaturally!

What is that?

What does it signify?

The hallway became eerily quiet.

The only sound that could be heard was the dripping blood from the three young women, which had turned into a bloody mist and splattered on the wall, along with the sobs of the old couple and the angry and hateful angry grunt of the other young man.

However, in the midst of the silence, Wallace shut his eyes. "This isn't real! Not real!"

Yet, a strange feeling sent shivers down his spine, causing him to open his eyes, and soon he discovered why.

In front of him stood the lady whose mere presence held him captive earlier, had her gaze fixed on him.

Usually, Wallace would have enjoyed the attention given to him by such a stunning person. However, fear gripped him tightly now, squeezing his heart with icy fingers. The girl's intense and piercing gaze was like a knife cutting through his defenses, as if she could see through everything.

And then, the enchanting lady opened her mouth, her voice a soft melody woke Wallace up.

"You seem to have lived two lifetimes, you resemble someone I hate the most and the reason I'm here," she whispered, and Wallace could imagine her words lingering in the air like a delicate wisp of smoke.

Her perceptive observation struck him briefly, as it broke through his facade and revealing all the things he wanted to stay hidden.

This was his secret!

He wanted to ask how she knew, but as he reacted in shock, he noticed the lady's smile. Her smile was a predator's grin, filled with malicious delight at having uncovered his hidden truth.

Swiftly, he regained his composure, hoping to hide it again.

Earlier, he had accepted his impending death, but now, the thought of being discovered from another dimension filled him with dread. Like a heavy invisible object that was pushing down on him, promising to crush his bone into dust and flatten his flesh to the ground, as he faced the terrifying prospect of his exposure to this lady of this unknown world world he was sent to.

Would he be subjected to torture?

Or would his mind and soul be subjected to unsettling mind reading until his body, sould and brain breaks?

He wanted none of that! If he were to die, it wouldn't be in this situation!

Noticing his evasion, the lady's smile grew wider. And then, she stopped smiling and continued speaking while acting sad.

"In this realm, people exist, but most of their souls are lost, burdened by shattered dreams and the loss of loved ones. Yet, you, like a ghost among the living, seem weary, not because of hardship, but out of sheer boredom."

And then, the lady's smile twisted.

"Just like that terrible man, one of the people I hate the most—yes—your very ancestor and the reason why I'm here!"

Once again, Wallace's eyes widened, making his surprise momentarily revealing through his carefully constructed facade.

But just as quickly, he withdrew, to hide his helplessness.

But in that moment, the stunning lady noticed that, so she maniacally smiled until she burst into laughter—a laughter that could only be described as marvelous, radiating warmth and otherworldly charm.




However, the peaceful scene shattered abruptly for Wallace as the lady's slim hand swept across the space in a quick and decisive motion.


In an instant, the heads of the older woman, the old man, and the young man exploded with a deafening blast. The air was rent with the sickening sound of flesh tearing and bone cracking, as Wallace watched in frozen horror at the gruesome display before him.

What in he world!?

With a graceful yet unsettling smile, the lady observed his expression, delighting in the fear that danced across his features.

Her voice, soft as a whisper, sent shivers down his spine. Each word dripped with malice. "I don't need them anymore; I have finally found someone similar to that man, and that someone is you—with the same bloodline, appearance, and presence!"

Her chilling tone pierced him to the core, filling Wallace his throat of something that causes him to have a hard time breathing . In one swift motion, the enchanting beauty raised her delicate hand, slender finger outstretched, and pointed it directly at Wallace's missing mouth.

A gasp escaped his lips as, miraculously, his missing mouth and lips appeared. Still, the sudden fixing left him breathless, his chest heaving as he struggled for air.

Breaking the silence once again, her voice carried a gentle yet sadistically amused undertone. "What is your name?" Her words hung in the air, full of menace.

Paralyzed by fear, Wallace tried to speak but found his voice caught in his throat. He stuttered and stammered, his pleas a jumbled mess of desperation and terror.

"N-no... I... I am not connected to them... I don't know them… P-please... My name... my name is... I forgot... Who am I again? P-please... don't kill me… I am a good person… I will be good, I promise…" he managed to say, his voice shaking.

The lady leaned back, her face was showing a disgusted look.

"Why would I spare you?" she sneered, oozing disdain with every word. Her lips formed a wicked smile. "Of course, I must end your life. You are one of those low descendants, tainted by his blood! Blood that runs through your veins, your bones, and even your spirit… so you should be killed."

Overwhelmed with terror, Wallace found himself speechless. He stammered, his voice trembling, "No! No! No! Please, don't! Such a beautiful lady's hand shouldn't be dirtied by a dirty old me…"

Unexpectedly, the beautiful girl burst into laughter once more, her mirth filling the room. Despite his fear, Wallace couldn't help but be captivated by the enchanting sight before him—her laughter transforming her into an ethereal vision.

As her laughter subsided, she fixed her gaze on him. Her eyes danced with a mixture of amusement and something far more sinister. "Even your pleas are full of lies, just like that man," she remarked, her voice carrying a chilling certainty. "You are prepared to die, yet deep down, you don't truly wish for the end, making it confusing."

Drawing closer, her face just inches from his left cheek, she whispered, her breath caressing his skin, "Whatever, I will give you the same chance as your father. If your dungeon is entertaining and manages to challenge me, I will postpone your death."

And then suddenly, the woman revealed her hand, which held crystal balls with people trapped inside them, the very same people she had killed.

"For now, I shall give you a little taste of what will happen once you perish in my hands…"

Wallace was stunned; he could feel and hear their faint, desperate, and torturous sounds. It was a tragic sight.

When he saw them, he felt like his soul was sucked! And then thrown back! But this time he bore down all the experiences, like a torture.

With a delicate touch, the lady gently caressed his cheeks, her touch both enticing and unsettling. "It's only a little, so prepare your dungeon, okay? Deal?" she proposed, her voice a seductive whisper.


[ Installing the Dungeon Gaming Empire System!]

[ Please wait...

All of a sudden, Wallace felt the burden of mental torment slowly taking hold in his mind, weighing him down until it became unbearable.

As he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, he heard the woman utter, "I'll come see you again, so get ready, young ancestor. And I'll ensure that your pain exceeds even that of your family. After all, since it's your destiny to resemble that man, your soul should endure years upon years of excruciating agony as payment for what he did to me."

They say I can use familiar games ( games or movies ) as long as I change a few things to make them look different from the original. Because if I don't, the meaning of the novel would disappear if I don't use them.

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