
Gaming Empire System

Wallace transmigrated to a normal magical world. However, the world is not dominated by Mages, Knights, etc. but by the human Nobles. Normally, nobles are only adept at political and social studies, but in this world, Nobles have magical powers too, called personal dungeons. To protect their lands and people from magical radiation to live a normal life, the Nobles feed their dungeons with mana users like knights, mages, or magical crystals to clear the radiation—it was an ultimate power that even Mages, Knights, and other Mana users also relied on. However, a threat came from a lady seeking revenge on the bloodline of his ancestor. If she isn't amused by his dungeon, she would make Wallace's soul go through endless years of suffering. Fortunately, he too happened to have this power as well, and it was much different from normal Nobles because his dungeons are Gaming Dungeons! However, will this be enough to save himself from this unknown vengeful lady? Ding! Gaming Empire System activated! Note: this novel is inspired by Black tech internet cafe system. Please support me with powerstones and ticket. Starting from June 1. I will upload 3-5 chapters daily so good luck, I hope you all like it.

Notorious_911 · Du hí
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120 Chs

Battle of Honor

In the rocky expanse of the Savannah, Wallace found himself standing before a huge rhinoceros that was cornered and had no way out, its massive body radiating an air of hostility that he could smell through his Vamstroja nose.

The way the creature moved and behaved indicated that it was ready for a fight—a slight twitch of its ears, a flick of its tail, and a snort of aggression that echoed through the air.

Purroorrrhh!! Purroorrrhh!!

As Wallace confronted the imposing beast, a sudden message appeared on a screen in front of him.

[ Ding!

[ Challenge: Blooded rite battle!

[ Will you accept? (Yes) or (No)... ]

The message demanded, its futuristic voice sounded like Walace was not facing a danger in front of him.

With his heart pounding, Wallace hesitated for just a moment before nodding firmly. His sharp and deadly armored claws were ready for action. "Yes!" he replied, his voice sounded like he was in it at this moment.

In the next instant, another message appeared, shedding more light on the situation.

[ A one-on-one battle of honor between Vamstroja clans and other races is commonly known as a 'Blooded Duel.'

[ The term 'Blooded' means that the participants have already proved themselves in combat and earned respect as warriors in their respective clans… ]

The message explained.

Wallace could feel that there was something invisible that was stopping the rhinoceros from attacking.

[ The duel is a test of skill, strength, and honor, ] the notification continued..

[ Where each Vamstroja seeks to establish dominance and prove superiority over their opponent's race and status!

[ Now…

[ Win a duel and prove your worth as a part of a dominator Vamstroja clan! ]

Wallace nodded upon seeing the messages; this was what he was looking for, the one he needed.

With this revelation, the system's warning didn't come as a surprise.

[ All stats will be adjusted to match those of your chosen opponent.

[ Be prepared! ]

Afterwards, he forged his six metal claws on both the left and right sides to meet twice.

Clang! Clang!

Following that, he assumed a battle-ready stance, with tense muscles and unwavering focus on the foe.

Wallace had intentionally selected a black rhinoceros for this blood rite of passage.

While he could have chosen a lion, he knew that these majestic creatures weren't inclined toward one-on-one battles.

Being called kings didn't make them eager participants in challenges.

Lions were proud creatures, and their response would likely be to attack as a unified force rather than accepting a formal confrontation.

Furthermore, the system would have made Wallace as strong as his chosen opponent, adjusting his strength to match that of his selected foe, as depicted in the movies that Wallace could remember, such as the scene where the 'Predator' died by a samurai's sword.

What's worse there was a Predator too that was being killed by a woman.

This would put him at a disadvantage if he were surrounded by a high-ranking member of a pack or pride animal.

Buffaloes and elephants faced a similar fate since they also lived in groups, rendering them unsuitable for a one-on-one duel.

However, rhinoceroses were different.

They preferred a solitary existence, especially the black rhinoceros that now stood before Wallace.

Now, Wallace's heart raced in his chest as he faced the charging giant animal.

"Here it comes," he said with a maniacal smile.

The ground beneath him shook with every thunderous step of the massive Rhinoceros.

Dust rose, creating a blurry curtain that threatened to conceal the impending massive and heavy danger.

With his sharp senses, Wallace could sense the creature's immense strength and aggression from the rumbling ground alone.

"Come on!" he shouted, his voice strained with determination.

The rules of the 'bloodied battle' were simple - a Vamstroja should never retreat, no matter how strong the opponent.

Dodge, defend, but never back down. And Wallace was ready to confront this challenge head-on.

His young Vamstroja body, a result of advanced vampire technology of the advanced Vamstroja clan, brimmed with confidence.

Although not physically imposing in size, his combat-ready race had granted him exceptional strength, agility, and the ability to heal rapidly.

With unwavering courage, Wallace braced himself for the impact.

"Here it goes!"

He said in the last moment as the charging Rhinoceros approached, its enormous figure closing in on Wallace. He twisted his body at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the deadly horn that aimed to pierce him.

However, even with his evasive move, the creature's attack had its consequences.

A sharp pain tore through Wallace's abdomen as the Rhinoceros grazed him with its smaller horn. Blood welled up, staining his clothes, as he fought to maintain his balance.

Gritting his teeth, he refused to let the pain weaken him.

This battle was far from over.

With calculated precision, Wallace fought back. His sharp claws cut through the air, aiming for vulnerable spots on the Rhinoceros's belly and neck.


The clash of his attacks against the creature's thick skin reverberated through the battlefield.

Minutes felt like an eternity as the fight escalated. Wallace's movements were quick and fluid, his instincts sharpened by countless experiences as a gamer from Earth.

As he expected, the rhinoceros fought with primal rage, using its brute strength, but it also made it predictable for Wallace.

Blows were exchanged, each strike carrying the weight of their survival. Blood stained the ground, mixing with the dust kicked up by their intense struggle. The smell of iron filled the air, a testament to the fierceness of their fight.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Wallace's relentless assault took a toll on the Rhinoceros.

The creature stumbled, its movements becoming sluggish.


It released a painful cry, but Wallace didn't wait for it to end its last call, and with one final, decisive strike, he disabled his opponent.

The battle ended, but not without scars. Maybe Wallace stood victorious, but his body battered and bruised.

The small wound on his stomach throbbed with pain, a reminder of the Rhinoceros's vicious attack.

As the dust settled and silence enveloped the battlefield, Wallace took a moment to catch his breath. Unable to bear it any longer, he fell to his knees in pain!

Not long, Wallace's heart raced in his chest as he stood before the lifeless body of the majestic Black rhinoceros he had just taken down.

The weight of the creature felt as though it had transformed into a surge of overwhelming pain that flowed through his body. He winced, unable to shake off the agony that gnawed at him. Still, he knew he wasn't done.

With determination on his face, Wallace moved closer to the fallen giant, his eyes fixed on its still form. He reached out his massive, metal clawed hand, feeling the pain intensify with each inch he closed the gap. Simply touching the rhinoceros' lifeless flesh sent chills down his spine, but he pushed forward.

Summoning all his strength, Wallace's metallic claw cut through the air, connecting with the rhinoceros' head.


The sound of tearing flesh echoed through the silence, as if the savannah's nature itself mourned for the fallen beast.

A raw cry of pain escaped Wallace's lips, a primal scream that echoed through the surrounding grassland.

"Arrrrggghhh!" he bellowed, his voice carrying all the energy left within him. He can do it! Just a little more!

With sheer determination, Wallace gathered every bit of strength, straining against the weight of the rhinoceros' massive head. It was a struggle that tested his limits, pushing him to his physical edge.

Yet, he persisted, refusing to surrender to the pain that threatened to make his vision turn black.

Soon, blood spurted from the severed neck, drenching Wallace's young Vamstroja body in a crimson spray.


[ The host was the first one to become a true young blood!

[ Battle Completed!

[ Rewards: Real world predator full battle suit! ]