
Chapter 66: Evil Plans II



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[POV third person]

Lisa was in the garden remembering the dream her sister Rhaenys had. Two days ago, Rhaenys came into her room and woke her to tell her about her dream in which she saw them kill her parents and kidnap her little sister to threaten Lancel into taking the Strangler, a deadly poison for those who ingest it.

Then Rhaenys traveled to Starfall to prevent that disaster. Rhaenys also wants to find out who is behind these attacks on her family.

"My lady, may I get you some tea?" The maid asked her as she approached the garden with a tray of freshly brewed tea.

"Yes, please," Lisa replied, still lost in thought.

When she raised the cup to her lips, she stopped drinking and looked carefully at the cup, noticing that it contained Tears of Lys, an odorless and colorless poison. She immediately throws the cup to the floor and watches the maid's reaction as she prostrates herself on the floor, apologizing for not preparing the tea properly.

"Who else was in the kitchen with you when you made the tea?" Lisa asks, seeing that the maid had nothing to do with the poison.

"An orphan boy who passes by every morning begging for food, my lady," the maid replied with fear, seeing her mistress angry for the first time, as she has been kind to her since she started working at the mansion.

"A child?" Lisa wondered quietly and touched her stomach.

"Yes, my lady," the maid confirmed in a low voice.

"Take me to him," Lisa ordered the maid.

"He is not in the mansion at the moment, my lady," the maid told her, and after giving him some food, the boy hurried out of the mansion.

"Lisa got up and went with the maid to the rooms where her parents would live.

The next day, Mary greeted her eldest daughter with a hug and looked fondly at the growth of her future grandson on her daughter's belly.

"And Lancel?" Isabel asked with bright eyes.

"He's not here, he's traveling to Essos," Lisa tells them as Lancel leaves.

"He's supposed to be here with you all the time," Robert says with a frown.

"He will come tonight, we agreed that he would come here for a day every two months," Lisa says with a happy smile.

"Ok, go rest, it was a long trip," Rhaenys says, taking Isabel's hand and leading her to her bedroom, while Lisa's parents go to their room to rest.

A few minutes later…

In the living room, Lisa and Rhaenys meet, both commenting on what happened when they were separated. Lisa asked who was behind the plots against her family, and Rhaenys told her who Littlefinger was because Lancel had once told her who to watch out for in King's Landing.

"Are you sure it was the child who poisoned the teacup?" Rhaenys asked, doubting Lisa's affirmation.

"I am," Lisa answers firmly, finding nothing in the maid's voice or body language to indicate that she is guilty.

"Well, let's wait for Lancel," Rhaenys says calmly, taking a sip of wine.

In the evening, Lancel suddenly appears in the hall. Seeing him there, Rhaenys and Lisa came over to hug him.

"Did you miss me so much?" Lancel asked them with a happy smile.

"Yes, husband," they both replied with a palpable joy in their tone.

"And Daenerys?" Lisa asked Lancel.

"She stayed with the dragons because they won't leave her side," Lancel told them, looking at the joy on their faces when they heard about the dragons.

"I'm going to tell you something, but don't do anything rash," Lisa told Lancel, waiting for him to give her his word.

"What is it?" Lancel asked, worried by the seriousness in Lisa's voice.

They both told him what they had been through in such a short time, and after they had finished telling him what had happened, they looked at Lancel with a calmness that was disturbing to them.

"Don't worry, Littlefinger and the Spider are already on my list of people to kill. My family must be protected first, so I will come for an hour every day from now on. Let's have dinner as a family," Lancel said, taking each of them by the hand as they walked into the dining room where Mary and Robert were waiting for them.

"Now tell me what's going on?" Mary asked her daughter, who looked like she didn't need his help right now.

"All right, tell them," Lancel said to Lisa as she asked him with her eyes if she should tell them or not.

"Damn," Robert commented angrily after hearing what his daughter went through, that they tried to poison her when she will pregnant, as well as the dangers against his wife and daughter and he didn't know about it.

As they ate, Lancel asked the system why it did not inform him of these dangers. The system replied that there was no danger since both wives could avoid it without his intervention.

"Brother…" Isabel ran into the dining room to see her older brother eating with her parents.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty," Lancel told her with a smile as he hugged the girl.

"I wasn't sleeping," Isabel said with puffy cheeks but a red face, seeing her like that everyone in the dining room smiled.

Lancel looked at Lisa with illusion, because he already wanted to see his son/daughter and to be able to play together like he did with his little sister.

"Look, you are going to have a nephew, can you take care of him?" Lancel asked Isabel, touching Lisa's belly.

"Yes, I will take care of him, what is a nephew?" Isabel asked with an innocent expression.

"You'll know when you're older," Lancel told her with a smile as Rhaenys touched her belly in anticipation of becoming a mother as well.

Meanwhile in Meereen…

"My Queen, where is your husband?" Jorah asked Daenerys.

"You have no right to ask about him," Daenerys said as she stroked Darkfury, the largest of the four dragons.

"I hear he has two other wives, are you happy by him side?" Jorah asked, not taking the first answer seriously.

"Grrr," Darkfury growls, sensing Daenerys' anger.

"Go," Daenerys orders, and Missandei escorts him to the door.

'For something you begin, you will soon be mine, my Queen' Jorah exits the hall with a smile as he touches a piece of papyrus in his pocket.

"My queen, shall we inform my king?" Missandei asks Daenerys, frowning at the boldness of Westeros' warrior.

"No, there is no need, my husband told me i would know when it was time to decide what to do with it," Daenerys tells her in a calmer tone.

"He was trying to drive a wedge between you and my king," Missandei tells her, worried that her queen will take Jorah's comments to heart.

"I know, for now we should keep the enemies closer together so whoever is behind all this will feel more comfortable and make misjudgments," Daenerys tells her, looking at the other two dragons who are annoying the youngest of them all.

"Greensage, Dawnwhite, leave Redfury alone," Daenerys says to both dragons.

"Grrr," Darkfury growled and they turned away from Redfury.

"Red, get up, don't be lazy," Daenerys told him, laughing as she saw him go back to sleep after the other two dragons stopped bothering him, Red just shook his head and growled before falling asleep again.

"Let's eat," Daenerys said aloud, laughing as she saw Red immediately stand up and pay attention. Suddenly, Lancel appears in the hall and both the dragons and Missandei are startled to see him.

"You must get used to his appearances," Daenerys tells Missandei as she hugs Lancel.

"Yes, my queen," Missandei replies, leaving the hall to take food to the dragons.



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