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The Human King by SocialistBukharin

Anime » Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール Rated: T, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, Ayato K., OC, Eto/Sen T., Arima K., Words: 101k+, Favs: 995, Follows: 1k+, Published: Oct 15, 2018 Updated: Jun 5, 2019

214Chapter 2: Setting Home


The following is a fan-based


Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul Root A and Tokyo Ghoul:re and other products related to the TG Series are all owned by Sui Ishida, Shin Towada and Shueisha.

Please support the official release.

Chapter 1: First Hunt

At first the issue of not having a place to use as a safe house or home had been quite problematic to solve.

"Ohi, can I help?"

But surrendering was never Kenshin's thing.

The builder stared confused at the young man that had just walked up to him with this weird request.

"We are not assuming people, kid."

He had tried to dissuade the youth from pursuing whatever he was doing, yet the always smiling youngster didn't seemed deterred.

"I didn't mean to work with a wage. I meant helping around without being paid."

That.. was..

"What are you trying to do her, sonny? You know that's illegal."

Kenshin raised his hands as to appease the now nervous worker. "There, there. I just wanted a good place where to train."

Curious reason and somehow rare to hear from someone from his generation.

A sigh left the man's mouth as he nodded. "Fine. But you are just 'helping around' if someone asks."

The youth's smile adopted an happier tone as Kenshin went to his 'fellow workers'.

"The boss picked ya, ya runt? Then why don't ya pick that steel beam and take it here?"

The challenging glint coating the man's work sparked the Gamer's thirst of curiousity as he wanted to see how much was he strong in real life.

He approached the object and, once he was close enough, the young man took hold of the central part of the beam and pulled it up-!

The weight of the steel object was quite heavy and Kenshin had to use most of his strenght to get it above his shoulders.

The cocky man that had challenged him now was looking at him with dread and awe as someone as young as Kenshin was capable of doing such an impossible task.

"W-Where do you want me to put it?"

The question shook the workers from their awestruck expressions and one of them was brave enough to answer.

"P-P-Put it here!"

Kenshin made a step towards the spot and he heard a familiar sound.


The current workout is almost above your current strenght. Gain POW+1 from training.

The current workout is putting major strains in your muscles, letting them get stronger, faster. Gain AGI+1 from training.


The more steps he made, the more POW points were being rewarded to him.

With a sigh, Kenshin finally released the steel beam from his hold onto the ground.

The simple but quite harsh work rewarded him with a total of POW+8 and AGI+8.

He felt that this was going to be a good way to gain but the Gamer doubted it would have worked as fine as it did now if he reached higher levels.

For your deductions around the working of the Game, you gain WIS+1.

Thank you, Game-san.

After two hours of helping around in the construction site, his overall growth had been POW+25 and AGI+25, giving the young man an huge boost that many other 'Players' could afford in any predicament.

"Kenshin-kun! Wanna join us? We going to a nice restaurant."

Kenshin nodded at the invitation, knowing full well that while he had conquered the respect of the workers, the youngster had yet to obtain their 'friendship'.

So, half an hour later, I discovered that I couldn't be influenced by alcohol.

The sake ordered was one of the finest and strongest of the place, giving a clear result of the Gamer's peculiar ability of not being able to get drunk.

The red faces of the workers trying to understand (and failing in the process) how the youngest of them wasn't getting affected from the heavy drink was one of the few moments in his new life he will possibly remember forever.

The 'party' ended up around midnight and Kenshin decided to finally focus on the major issue of that day.

He still lacked an home and he with 5000 yen he wasn't going to get something on the immediate.

A particular thought struck his never-sleeping mind as the Gamer remembered a particular Skill that could help him greatly.

[Through creativity and imagination, two new Skills have been created!]

ID: Create(LVL. 1 0/50) - Create a personal Hunting Ground where to rest or fight a particular set of enemies. Current Available Selections: (ID: Empty) - (ID: Zombie)

ID: Leave(Non-LVL Skill) - The ability to leave an Hunting Ground. It becomes available together with the Skill ID: Create.

With a smirk on his face, he chanted in his mind the new Skill. "ID: Create" and the world warped around him.

It was still Tokyo, it was still nighttime but... there was no one there.

The whole city felt silent and eerily creepy as the Skill seemed to have voided every living being.

Without stopping too much on the shivering empty area, Kenshin selected the ID: Zombie and he was pleasantly surprised as several slow foes appeared in front of him.

The creatures paused for a moment before turning to attack him, yet the Gamer was already punching his way through the undead horde without breaking much of a sweat.











As the tenth zombie fell to his merciless punches, Kenshin started to collect the loot he had gained with his killing streak.

B. HP Potions x 5

150000 Yen

15xp x 10!

A measle but acceptable loot for his situation and the Gamer's attention had already been taken by another notification.


Congratulations, you have LVLd Up !


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 7- Exp: 35/240

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 200/200 +20

Special Points (SP) : 760/760 +80

Money = 155000 Yen


POW: 39+1

INT: 13+1

AGI: 37+1

WIS: 18+1

VIT: 12+1

CHA: 13+1

LUK: 25+1

Kenshin pause from fighting was interrupted as a big shadow extended from behind him and, as he turned around, his eyes widened in awe at the disgusting mass of corpses moving toward him.


A monster formed by several Undeads, Legion of Death is a basic boss with slow but powerful attacks.

Defeat Legion!



-New Title: Zombie Slayer (+50%DMG against Undead-Type foes)

The abomination pulled up a big club with his long, deformed arm, trying to flatten Kenshin with a single strike.

Legion of Death

HP: 5000

With a smug smirk plastered on his face, the Gamer decided to test once more how much he was free to act against a boss.

As the club started its descent on the ground, the young man acted with precise actions.


The sturdy weapon cracked the ground where the youth once stood and Kenshin continued his plan.

Jump on Legion's arm

With quick moves, he ran towards the 'head' of the boss and, using his speed, cocked his fist ready to deliver a powerful attack.

Power punch its face!

CRIT! -750HP!

The big fiend backed a little, shaken by the punch but it wasn't enough to make it stagger.

A growl echoed in Kenshin's throat as his plan had worked, but not as much he had hoped for.

Quick reflexes prevented a backhand to caught him and the Gamer looked around for something useful to use against the boss.

His eyes sighted a big billboard on the roof of a the building on his side and, dodging another slow attack, the youngster tried to put on use an idea he had developed few hours earlier.

If he used his power and his agility to jump, what would happen?

So, as the monster started to approach even closer his position, the young man focused his strenght on his legs and jumped... overcoming by a bit the billboard.

Shock evident in his eyes, Kenshin didn't cease his movements as Gamer's Mind kept the emotions away from the already dangerous plan.

Two Power Punches were used to destroy the supports on the flanks of the billboard and a third one was used to push said object upon the unsuspecting boss.

As the billboard collapsed and crashed onto the abomination, Kenshin was rewarded with a sick crack and a damage report.


With a disturbing groan the creature perished under the rubble as Kenshin watched its demise from the rooftop.


Congratulations, you have LVLd Up twice!


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 9- Exp: 270/300

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 220/220 +40

Special Points (SP) : 660/840 +160

Money = 50155000 Yen


POW: 40+2

INT: 14+2

AGI: 38+2

WIS: 19+2

VIT: 13+2

CHA: 14+2

LUK: 26+2


Power Punch (LVL 7 158/240) - The power of a mighty punch! Your fist is coated in energy that let you deal a single punch with a damage ten times it's normal. Outside of fights this Skill has the power of a medium explosive device. Drain: 43SP per hit!


10 x B. HP Potions

1/50 Shard of Death

15 x B. SP Potions

50000000 Yen

"ID: Leave!"

Reality distorted and the lively atmosphere of Tokyo's nighttime returned back to be heard in Kenshin's ears.

The loot left by the Boss left many things to do before the sun properly rose up in the sky.

The youngster checked his watch and noticed that he had been 'absent' for about 2 hours.

So it was 2:00 AM and he had four hours to get his own home.

Two hours later, after signing the contract that gave him an old house in the 4th Ward, Kenshin decided that it was time for him to rest.

The Construction site was going to open around 10AM, giving him at most six hours of sleep to recover the little raid he had completed.

Laying his head on the soft pillows of the King-sized bed of his new bedroom, Kenshin drifted away in dreamland and there he continued to plan for his grandiose future.

?-? POV

It had taken him few days to get the pattern of everyone's shift memorised but it had all been worth in the end.

The old man had been against having him step up his training and that the young boy couldn't accept.

He paused his silent manouvers as that annoying Kouma passed the corner, almost sighting him.

If it had been Irimi, his attempt to escape this 'golden cage' would have but been void of success.

A part of him doubted that his simple and effective plan would come to happen as he barely knew much about the world around him.

Another thing that he truly hated as the young teen's chances to get outside to explore were easily restricted because of that shitty Yomo.

Finally his window of escape was on sight.

Leaving the 20th was going to be enough to avoid to be hunted on the first few days of his freedom.

The boy made a decisive steps into the 19th Ward and he felt part of himself mourning the death of his memories with her big sister.

But he had to do this.

Ayato Kirishima was going to get stronger and destroy the CCG.

Yet the young Kirishima knew that a direct assault in that moment would have spelled his doom and so he decided for something more indirect.

The CCG was credited of being capable to defend the first Wards with impressive deployment.

Well, Ayato was going to prove them wrong as the 4th Ward was going to suffer for the inabilities of the CCG.

Like when his father had been uncapable of defending him and Touka!


Boy, oh boy.

A new challenger is coming! But one can wonder who would be the monster in that match...

Also, I was shocked to see already 15 Followers as it's been a while since one of my fanfic got so much popular so early on. (The other being FPO). Is this the Gamer! part that catch so many viewers? I await your feedback and your response to this question! :)



Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 9- Exp: 270/300

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 260/260

Special Points (SP) : 1000/1000

Money = 55000 Yen


POW: 42

INT: 16

AGI: 40

WIS: 21

VIT: 15

CHA: 16

LUK: 28


Gamer Body (LVL Max.) - Congratulations, your body had been turned into one influenced by the rules of the Game Module. This Skill is present in all Users from the very beginning.

Gamer Mind (LVL Max.) - As a Gamer, you are blessed to have a mind devoid of possessions and manipulations. The emotional impact to your actions has been reduced of the 50%.

Beginners' Luck (Non-Level Skill) - This temporary Skill will add a EXP multiplier related to LUK for Skills and LVLs. Expiration Level: LVL 10.


Educated Intellectual - A fine man of knowledge, you crave to learn more about yourself and everything around you. +10% experience from learning books and Intellectual-Type Skills.

Soul of the Fighter - You have fought your way in the world for almost your entire life. You are a prideful but careful warrior that cherish fighting without falling in a battlelust. +15% experience from fights and Fighting-Type Skills.


Apprentice Brawler: You prefer to solve problems with your fist than with diplomacy. Gain a 20% DMG bonus for any Bare Hands attacks.

Young Wise Man: You have reached a good understanding of life and can understand better those around you. Immediate +20% to your CHA and to your WIS.


25 x B. HP Potions

25 x B. SP Potions

1/10 Shards of Death

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