


Neo's mother yelled her son's name arriving at the scene of his demise, Sonia called her over the phone but she couldn't believe her ears. Even after seeing a dead body strapped and completely covered by fabric in a stretcher she still didn't want to believe it, that was until she saw Sonia's tears.

"S-sonia, i-is that...m-my son?"

Sonia couldn't respond to her question with a straight face, instead she broke down in tears even more and that alone was a clear answer to Neo's mom.


His mom fell to her knees weeping bitterly, she had just lost her only son and child, the medics around tried to calm her down but they just couldn't. She was a single mother, lost her husband a year after giving birth to Neo and now this? She was left alone.


As Neo opened his eyes, he was surrounded by nothing but emptiness but for some reason it was bright, It appeared like he had reached purgatory as that was the assumption carved into the minds of every human being who schooled.

"Where am I?"

His weak voice echoed through the bright empty space, that meant he truly was in a void trapped in purgatory.

"Is this where people go...when they die?"

He spoke to himself softly, his eyelids were lowered in weakness, he had just been shot at the head so all his senses were turned off.

[System activate...]


He muttered weakly as a message appeared in front him in what appeared to be a blue holographic panel of some sort.

"What is this?"



[Vampire system...0% error]

[Werewolf system...10% error]

[Devil system.....15% error]

[Neurolink system.....20% error]

[Demon system.....50% error]

[Martial Arts system.....60% error]

[Aen system.....100% success]

[Aen system — Downloading.....]




Neo's eyes closed forcefully on its own and his astral body felt like it was being rushed through what looked like a spiraling vortex, the moment he opened his eyes he found himself laying on the ground.


He muttered as he tried getting up to his knees slowly, he looked around himself and the sounds of explosions echoed through his ears. The sounds of buildings being blasted to smithereens and people screaming at the top of their lungs from afar was disturbing, everything felt so real.

"I thought we killed that kid!"

As Neo tried to comprehend what had occured he was interrupted by the voice of a man, he turned around and met four men who were dressed like knights cladded in a suit of armor. He was left heavily confused.

"Where the hell am I?"

He muttered to himself once again staring at his palms not paying attention to what was in front of him.

"We just have to kill him again don't we."

One of the knights stepped forward and instantly, a dark essence surrounded his two hands.


Neo stumbled backwards falling on his buttocks, he tried to understand what was going on and why they wanted to kill him.

"Say goodbye kid!"

The knight plunged forward towards him with the intent to kill. Now he was about to die twice in one day.

[System activate...Electric Burst]

Neo saw another message in front of him inscribed on the same blue holographic panel from earlier and suddenly the thought of his death was pushed aside.

"What is this?"

He kept questioning himself in his thoughts.

His eyes began to crackle with electricity. As soon as the knight got in range, volts of electricity swiftly surged outward from Neo's body in all directions. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath their feet.

Both the knight that approached him and the knights that were around him were all severely electrocuted and reduced to nothing but ashes. The preamble of whatever was happening to Neo.

Hearing the screams of his men, a man who seemed to be the Knight's leaders ran towards Neo with concern but his eyes only met with the ashes of his men.

"What did you do to my soldiers!?"

Infuriated, light energy surrounded his hands, destruction and chaos were the only thing his fist knew how to spread. He charged towards Neo with the sole intent to disintegrate his body into nothingness.

"FlashBang Fist!"

[System activate....Electric Burst]

Electricity coursed into Neo's hands, the preamble was over so the technique was made available to him, he didn't know what to do but he had to do something so he wouldn't die again. As the leader threw his right fist which was surrounded by concentrated light energy, Neo raised his hands over his head in fear and electricity escaped them in the form of a blue beam surrounded by sparks of electricity and made contact with his chest.

The knight's leader had a hole blown through his heart and his movements stopped after it happened, spread wide was his eyes and mouth due to the sharp and piercing pain he felt in his chest. A few seconds passed and he slumped to the ground dead, Neo was taken aback at the turn in events. What was happening? He kept pondering harder on this same question in his thoughts.

The other soldiers who were approaching the scene saw the light created from Neo's electric burst, not possessing a similar trait to any of their comrades they rushed towards the source of the light.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Once they arrived and saw the dead body of their commander at Neo's feet they wasted no time in charging towards the killer of their general.

Neo couldn't possibly take on all them on his own.

[Recommended: Escape From The Battlefield]

He saw yet again another blue holographic panel in front of him with this specific instructions, without giving it a second thought he ran away.

The soldiers ran in pursuit but their heavy armor prevented them from catching up with Neo and as a result, they lost sight of him when he ran into a forest nearby.

"Tch..Damn it all, after him!"

After several minutes had passed Neo stopped running, he tried to catch his breath and understand just what was happening. He looked all around him and noticed a big difference in when he died and when he suddenly resurrected. The whole landscape had changed.

When Neo was still alive and the W.G.O current champion, there was the presence of tall buildings, street lights, billboards and various technological advancements. But now he was surrounded by nothing but trees and destroyed houses that looked like they were made out of wood and plain bricks.

When he stared at his palms, he realized his skin was far more fairer and pale than it was originally. He also found out that he was more leaner and muscular, he came to a realization.


In theory he didn't know it was possible, he had read many reincarnation, transmigration and system stories in so many web novels but Neo never thought it'd actually happen to him.

[Quest: Gain the trust of Vanessa]

"What the hell?"

Another message inscribed on the same blue holographic panel appeared in his vision of sight. Now that he thought about it, it reminded him of a few system novels he read back on earth.

"I transmigrated with a system? But it seems this particular system always drops strange messages from time to time, who the hell is Vanessa?"

Neo couldn't help but to ponder hard on this little questions, everything transpired so quickly.

"Stop right there!"

His thoughts was rudely disrupted by a feminine voice and for some reason it sounded similar to that of Sonia's.

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