
[Bonus Chapter] 78 - Convincing the guests

When I looked back and saw that it was just me on stage with Jason recording all around me and Selena sitting backstage, I began to realize that performing alone wasn't so good.

Even though I had performed alone in bars, the atmosphere was completely different and people were already used to it, but at a wedding it was different, the audience was very diverse, ranging from children to older people, people who liked my style of music and people who didn't. If I had a backing band, I would have had a variety of bands.

If I had a backing band, the variety of instruments on the night would probably help me win over even more of the audience with the richness of the music.

But thinking that there was nothing else to do now, I decided to keep this in mind for other events I would do in the future.

This wedding would serve as an experience for me to learn what to do and what not to do.