
DxD: Getting Into Shape 03

Orbs of crackling black energy shoot through the air, each one hitting a large bee, erasing it completely. Rias's aim has improved a lot, and she figured out the exact amount of power to put behind each shot. More bees are corralled by large gusts of wind coming from Kiba who is wielding a sword that looks more like a feather. As Kiba makes use of his speed and his sword to group a bunch of bees together, Akeno summons a pillar of flame to burn them all to a crisp.

I look on from a nearby tree, watching all of them with my mundane senses and various skills. Aika is performing similarly to Rias, though her Dark Missiles aren't as effective as Rias's Destruction Rifle. Atsuko, Koneko, and Asia are doing their best as well, but against a large number of small flying enemies, they're struggling. It isn't a good matchup for melee users. Asia is the only one with a non-melee option, but that's just the Force miracle, and it only serves to push them around. She's mostly focusing on using her light sword, which does pretty well against the bees when she manages to hit them.

Against the bears and spriggans, she had made great use of the evolution of [Green Thumb], [Dryad's Aura]. Being able to hold bears and spriggans in place with vines and roots had done wonders for her self-confidence and happiness.

Yua flit between the three melee fighters, two wands in hand and more strapped to her back. I had made her a simple set of armor last night with [Tailoring] made out of basilisk hide, which is a sturdy lightweight material with well-balanced physical and magical defenses. It's not the best material I have, but I'll be making her better armor once [Tailoring] is a higher level and there's no need to use my best materials now. I only used the basilisk hide because I finally got [Tailoring] over level 50 and could finally use magical animal hides and leather.

Revealing Yua's new form had been entertaining. Breakfast had been entertaining overall actually. I made the same thing I did the day before, but what was entertaining was the reactions of the people that entered the room. Atsuko, Aika, and Kiba acted normally, but the others had different reactions to seeing me.

Rias started to blush slightly as soon as she saw me, but it was subtle and she got over it quickly. Akeno spent more time than usual during breakfast looking at me, and she'd wink whenever our eyes met. Asia was the opposite and seemed to be avoiding looking at me, and she blushed slightly whenever I spoke to her. Koneko glared at me when she entered the room, but was quickly distracted by the food and seemed to forget why she was mad at me.

All of this was no doubt the result of [Erotic Dreams]. Before going to bed last night, I made sure to cast it on each and every one of the girls, just as I had the night before. But this morning I actually got some reactions. My best guess as to why I got reactions now and not before was that the first time they had been immediately distracted by the banquet of food. That or last time they hadn't received a massage from me right before going to bed. Both of those probably contributed. And for Asia specifically, she caught quite the eyeful last night. I wonder how much that affected her dream?

I'd also used [Void Sight] to find Sona and use it on her too. I couldn't interact with her directly, I didn't have that much spare time during this training, but I could lay the foundation now. She's already crushing on me, and if I can turn that interest into something lewder, then all the better.

After breakfast though I had summoned Yua and explained what had happened. Or rather, I came up with a plausible-sounding story on the spot to explain it. Something about her magic developing to the point where she couldn't keep growing as a cat, so our connection forced her to grow into something more. It was more or less true, just lacking any details that hinted at the true extent of my abilities.

There was mostly shock from the ones that had been Devils for a while, but Atsuko, Aika, and Asia just accepted my words at face value and fawned over Yua, who purred at the attention she was getting. The others tried asking questions, but I mostly played dumb.

I'd already had to do the same act last night when Momo called. After Yua came back and went to sleep with Kyu again I had gotten a call from her. She was pretty calm, but understandably confused about Yua's new state. I explained what I could, keeping things vague, and that seemed to be enough for her.

We then spent another hour just chatting. I hadn't spent any time with her recently, what with how busy I've been, and it was nice to just chat with her. I was tempted to teleport to her and hang out, but even while on the phone with her I couldn't rest.

I spent my entire night making cloaks and making potions. I made enough cloaks to push my [Tailoring] to 50, where I then made the armor for Yua, but after that, I moved on to potions. I didn't need to grind [Alchemy] anymore, but what I did need to stock up on potions. And stock up on potions I did.

100 Ultimate Health Potions, 100 Ultimate Restoration Potions, 100 Ultimate Regeneration Potions, 100 Ultimate Energy Potions, 25 Ultimate XP Potions, 50 Cure Status Potions, 25 Cure Sickness Potions, 25 Cure Debility Potions, and 25 Cure Curse Potions. 550 Potions in total.

It was probably one of my most productive nights. I'm now down to just 4 vials, but I can buy more later.

Besides, Atsuko, Aika, and Asia are currently using the Ultimate XP potions I had made. I didn't have enough ingredients to make XP potions for all of them, but it's the three of them that need them the most, so they can catch up in strength to the others. I guess Asia doesn't really need them, since her level doesn't count towards my quest completion. But I'm fine with spoiling her a bit. I want her to be as strong as the others.

We've made good time through the rest of the Forest dungeon. They had no problems with the bears and spriggans, and the only problem they've had with the bees so far is hitting them, and that's limited only to the melee users without fancy options like Kiba. So I've been taking the time to enchant some cloaks while I keep an eye on them.

Unlike [Tailoring] or [Alchemy], I don't need a workstation and a setup for [Enchanting]. I just need to fill catalysts with mana and a spell, and then put the catalyst into an object. Which is something I can do easily while just standing around.

The main problem is catalysts. I know I've leveled up the skill incredibly fast, but it doesn't feel like it. I want the skill maxed out already, or at least high enough to make Ultimate Enchantments because I feel like I can't enjoy the results of it until I reach that level. I can't enchant my best gear because it would just waste the slot when I could have a better enchantment soon.

I've picked up a few more catalysts from drops here, but it's still not nearly enough to enchant all the cloaks I've made. Still, I can't complain too much. Most of them are used to make more cloaks with Moderate Fortify Stealth enchantments, but I'm pleased to note that that's enough to get [Enchanting] to level 50, unlocking Major enchantments. Using the Major Fortify Stealth enchantments on the wool cloaks led to a new item.

<Shadow Cloak>

<Become one with the shadows when hiding while wearing this cloak>

Between making those and disenchanting the Rock of Returning I've had for a while and a self-repairing sword made of wood I got as loot, [Enchanting] reached level 52 by the time we entered the clearing with the Queen Bee.

"Alright, since the mages had some fun with the small fry, I want the melee fighters to focus on the queen bee," I call out to them. "Mages, keep focusing on the small bees so the melee fighters can focus on the big girl."

"We have to fight her?" Atsuko asks as the Queen Bee rises from her nest. "But she's so pretty!"

The Queen lets out an enraged cry and rushes for us.

"Pretty and wants to kill you!" I shout back at her. "Remember, she's a fake monster. Don't hesitate to attack no matter how pretty she is." The fight has started now, and things are growing hectic, but I keep lecturing. "You'll have to fight against Riser's peerage as well, and that's filled with nothing but cute girls. So consider this practice."

Atsuko doesn't look happy about it, but she's not hesitating either, each swing of her ax is intended to kill or seriously injure the Queen. Good.

As the seven of them work together to fight the boss, I look on in approval. Already they're putting on a much better show than they did yesterday. I can't wait to see what they look like by the end of the training.


As the others go to start their individual training, I take a moment to pause. Our dungeon run got me two Gacha tokens, and there's no point in sitting on either of them. So I go ahead and use both.

<Mana Battery>

<A gem that can store up to 1 million MP. 10 MP must be spent for every 1 MP stored, but MP drained is at a 1 to 1 ratio.>

Useful. I immediately disenchant it. This will help with some future projects and giving my girls more MP to play with.

<Companion Gem(Wilhelm van Astrea)>

<Crush to summon Wilhelm van Astrea to your side. Does not bind them to you, use at your own risk.>

Just yesterday I was wishing for a sword teacher, and now one just drops in my lap. Is this the result of my high LUK stat? Or is the Game helping me out? Or is this just normal luck? Either way, I'm grateful. I was waiting for a bigger place to live before I started using my companion gems, but this one I can probably summon now. There's another bedroom here, and Serafall is working on my larger home now. Besides, I have a good excuse for him appearing now.

Making up my mind I [Void Travel] a distance away for some privacy. There's a deserted camping area a few miles away from the resort, and it should be out of the detection range of anyone.

Part of the reason I haven't used any of my companion gems is that I've been nervous about doing so. So far, all of the people I've gotten companion gems for have been extremely powerful, and I have no idea what their reaction will be if I summon them.

Wilhelm van Astrea is also powerful, and an extremely talented swordsman, but he's also by far the least dangerous of the gems I've acquired and the least likely to attack me without warning. And at the end of the day, he's just a swordsman, and I have enough skills and tricks that I'm confident I can defeat him, or at least escape him.

Hopefully, it won't come to that though. Wilhelm van Astrea is one of the most badass butlers in anime, and I don't want to fight him. And if I can get him to agree to teach Kiba and Asia sword fighting, then they'll be set.

Making sure I'm ready, I pull out the companion gem and crush it.

A pillar of light appears in front of me, but it quickly fades to reveal the figure standing inside of it. Wilhelm van Astrea is an old man, but he carries it well. He's dressed in a fine suit fitting a butler and he's standing with a straight back, his arms crossed behind him.

His eyes instantly flick around, taking note of our surroundings. They acknowledge me briefly and move on before. "I see," he says in a low but clear voice.

He doesn't seem aggressive, but I use [Observe] on him to get an idea of how strong he is.


Wilhelm van Astrea

Level: 362

Race: Human

HP: 9,750

MP: 3,160

SP: 25,000

CON: 325

STR: 625

DEX: 982

INT: 158

WIS: 204

CHA: 188

LUK: 125


I definitely underestimated him, his DEX is even higher than mine. But it's not by much, and his other stats are much less scary. Even if he's faster than me, I still have [Void Travel], so I can get away if I need to. But judging by his demeanor, I don't think it'll come to that.

"Hey there," I say casually. "You might be confused right now but-"

"There's no need to explain," he says with a raised hand. "You have already explained the basics to me."

What? "What do you mean?" I ask, brow furrowing.

"I'm limited in what I can tell you, but I'll explain what I can," he says. "In the past, you helped me with an important goal of mine, and when asked why, you told me that you were repaying a debt."

I frown. "That shouldn't even be possible," I murmur. I've only been 'Axton' for a few weeks, and I certainly haven't been to Re:Zero.

"That is because of, to quote yourself, 'time shenanigans'," he stated.

"Ah," I say. That explains it. "So you know a future version of me then," I say.

"That is correct," he says. His face is hard to read, but with [Empathy] I get a vague sense of...pride and satisfaction? "Your older self said that you summoned me in order to assist you, so when he found himself in my world, he did all that he could to assist me as well."

"But the version of you that was summoned is the version of you from after that point," I conclude.

"Indeed," Wilhelm confirms. "By my time, you left not long ago to a new world to continue your adventure, but not before explaining things to me."

I sigh. "Is this going to happen with every companion I summon?" I ask out loud.

"No," Wilhelm answers. "According to you, I am unique in that regard."

"At least there's that," I mumble before standing up straight and looking at Wilhelm with a more serious expression. "Okay, so I'm guessing future me said not to tell me certain things, so what can you tell me?"

"I am not aware of much," he says. "I know nothing of what you did before you came to my world, you never spoke of it in detail. I only know what you did in mine, which I promised you I wouldn't tell you."

"Let me guess," I interrupt. "When you asked why all I said was 'spoilers' and refused to elaborate."

"You looked quite pleased to say it," Wilhelm confirms. "But this is what I was told to tell you. First, in terms of companions, you need not worry. Anyone summoned like I have been has agreed to be summoned. They may require negotiation or convincing to join you, but none of them will arrive against their will."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Good, good. I have summon gems for some scary people."

"Second, do not stress too much over what is to come, but do not let your guard down either," he continues. "Remember what is important to you, and why you do the things you do, and don't abandon that in fear of what you might lose."

I frown. "Is that how I phrased it?" I ask. He nods. "How vague," I grumble. What's important to me, huh? The first thing that comes to mind is my girls. And that's really the only thing that comes to mind. The rest of this world could burn for all I care, so long as they were safe and happy.

So abandoning them out of fear of losing them...I can sorta see it happen. Even now, it had happened a little. I've been prioritizing gaining strength over spending time with my girls. But that's because of the prophetic dream I had of Kokabiel.

I suppose that's what the advice from future me means though. I need to make sure to balance spending time with my girls and getting new girls alongside gaining strength and preparing for the things to come. Either one gets unbalanced, and my work becomes meaningless.

"Alright," I eventually say. "I think I get what my future self meant. Though now I'm wondering if that's advice born from his mistakes or if it's just the advice of his future self that he's parroting back to me." I chuckle. "Talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps."

"I'm afraid I cannot say which one it is," he answers. "But there is one more thing you asked me to tell you. This one I understand even less, so I shall do my best to repeat what you said verbatim."

He clears his throat and stands up straighter. "The Void is far more than you're aware of. It is more nuanced and more omnipresent than you've realized. Think about the Void, everything that it encompasses, and all of the shapes you've seen it in. Be careful with it, but do not be scared of it. You have a connection to it, lean into that. Don't give yourself to the Void though, take control over it instead."

"More advice with potentially no origin," I say with a sigh. "I don't think I'll figure it out right now either, but I'll keep it in mind." I've just barely begun to explore what the Void is. Thinking about the different shapes of it is actually very helpful though. Because the Void from Warframe is very different from Void in Destiny or even the Void here. I'm not sure what it means to 'take control' over the Void, but that does sound infinitely better than being controlled by it.

"So what is future me like?" I ask. "How badass is he?"

Wilhelm smiles. "He was a formidable fighter and a talented mage, but where he truly shined was his ability to gather information and his affection for his companions. Anything more specific I'm afraid I cannot say."

"Right, right. Spoilers," I repeat. "Whatever. So, if I didn't tell you anything about my past, then I'll probably need to catch you up on what's going on here."

"That would be appreciated," he says with a nod.

"The short of it is that this world is very different from yours," I start explaining. I explain the difference in how widespread the knowledge of magic is, of the disparate technology levels, and the three main factions.

"Different world, different situations," I say. "The Devils here are nothing like what you call devils in your world. I won't say that they're all good, but rather they have just as much capacity for good and evil as humans, though with a culture that emphasizes the right of the strong to rule. Recently anyways. A couple thousand years ago things were different, but a great war between the three main factions and then a civil war within the Devil's ranks has caused a lot of things to change. The point is, judge them individually as you would a human, not as a race."

"That will not be a problem," he answers. "I knew going into this that I would see things that did not fit with what I know. I'm prepared to adapt to the situation."

"Great," I say. I wasn't too worried about him freaking out over the Devils, but I wanted to make sure. "At the current time, I'm currently working to train a group of devils to prepare them for an important battle, one where the leader of the group is fighting to not be forced into a marriage with a despicable man. This is important to me mostly because two of my lovers are part of her group, and they wouldn't be free from his clutches in the case of her marriage to him."

"I will assist in any way I can," he says with a serious tone.

"I'm glad to hear it," I reply. "Unfortunately, it's not a case where you or I can step in directly and solve her issues. The game in which she'll fight against her fiancé is one where only Devils who are part of her Peerage, her group, can participate. That is why I'm training them instead. Riser, her fiancé, isn't a threat to me. Even you could take him on. You may struggle with his regeneration, but the right weapon would negate that."

I shake my head and get back on topic. "Anyway. One of her Peerage members can create any sword he can imagine. I'm working with him to expand how many kinds of swords he can make, but I don't know anything about swordsmanship. Which is where you come in. I need you to focus on improving his swordsmanship. It's not like it's bad right now, but he's still young and has room to improve."

"Very well, I shall do this for you," he says. "Is that all?"

"No, there's another who wants to learn the sword," I say. "She will definitely need more guidance than Kiba, the other sword user. She's a healer, but recently she's been discontent with only healing. She's a total beginner and is struggling to learn, but she's determined to do it, no matter how many times I tell her she doesn't need to."

"I see," he says. "I shall do my best to teach her as well, for as long as she is willing."

"Thank you," I say. "She's not a Devil either though, and can't participate in the Rating Game, so for now, she's a lower priority than Kiba." I look around. "That should be all you need right now. Come on, let's go talk with Rias, the Devil I'm helping. I'll introduce you to everyone and we'll get you a room where we're staying."

"Very well," he answers. "Will you be teleporting us?"

"It's more convenient," I say with a shrug. He nods in acceptance, and I place a hand on his shoulder as we step forward, traveling to where Rias is training.


I explained things to Rias about how Wilhelm is a friend of a friend I invited to help out and introduced him to everyone. When I was doing so, I realized that First Impressions never went off for him. Which led me to check his Affection and I discovered that it's already maxed out and I have two perks from him already.

<[Master of the House] - Increases Affection gain with butlers by 20%>

<[Monte Cristo's Mantle] - Deal extra damage against those who have wronged you>

Two free perks just for summoning a guy is pretty nice, though I wonder why I never got a notification for them. Is it because I already earned them? Or I will have already earned them? Ugh, time travel. Whatever, I'm not gonna worry about it and just be grateful for the perks. After introducing Wilhelm to everyone we split up, but Wilhelm and I follow Kiba to his training spot.

"As I said earlier, this guy will be helping you hone your swordsmanship," I tell Kiba. "For today, that's what I want you to focus on. Use your normal swords for now, but experiment with different kinds, see which are more effective against him." Kiba nods. "He'll also be training Asia. When he is, I want you to work on this list." I pull out a piece of paper from my inventory and hand it to him.

"What is this?" he asks as he looks over it.

"A list of fictional swords and a description of their functions that I believe you may be able to reproduce, at least to some extent," I say. "I spent some time last night putting it together. I've separated it into three different categories. Swords you should definitely be able to make with some work, swords that might be tricky but I believe are doable in time, and swords that might not be possible but would be very helpful if you can manage it. This will also help you explore the limits of your Sacred Gear."

He looks over the list some more before looking back at me with a smile. "Thank you, Axton. For the teacher, the list, and all the work you're putting into helping us."

I wave him off. "Don't mention it. Thank me by kicking Riser's ass and preventing him from getting his grubby hands on Rias and you guys."

He nods. "I will. I won't let him touch Rias."

I clap my hand on his shoulder. "Good," I nod at Wilhelm. "I'll leave him in your hands. I'll be around if you need anything, including stamina restoring potions."

"I shall let you know if we need any assistance," Wilhelm says. "But I believe we have all we need for now. I will not push him too hard for this session."

"I'll leave it up to your expertise," I agree with a nod. Seeing that they are both fine, I [Void Travel] away to help the next person.


Dodging the barrage of projectiles from Aika is actually pretty helpful for honing my ability to sense magic without using a skill. Since I'm doing this without any skills and her ability to direct her missiles is good enough that she can come at me from every angle at once, I can't rely purely on my sight and have to try to feel for the magic.

She's also to the point where she can spam dozens of tiny darts of shadow in a second, using them to box me in and cut off avenues of escape. She hasn't managed it yet, but it's getting trickier and trickier as time goes on and she gets smarter about the placement. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is that I'm faster than her projectiles and can always run backward away from her to avoid them, but since my goal is to touch her to arouse her, I do need to approach her.

As I dodge another barrage of darts, I notice a gap that I can just barely squeeze through. Seizing the opportunity I slip through it and escape her net. Not wasting the chance, I dash towards her, [Touch of Pleasure] at the ready. I feel her magic swell as she summons more darts but I dash past her, turning around to get at her back.

And I'm promptly hit in the face with a dark missile.

"Ha!" Aika cheered at my surprised expression. "I got you!"

"You-" I started, shaking my head. I check my HP, but whatever damage was done is already healed. Instead, I turn to her. "How? You had just cast forward."

"I cast that one ages ago," she explains. "But instead of letting it fly I held on to it and kept it still really close to me. But it wouldn't do any good unless you got close. So I tricked you into approaching by leaving a gap. And I knew you would go for my back because you almost always go for my back, so as soon as I lost sight of you just now I let it fly behind me, and it totally got you!"

"So you tricked me into a trap that you set by utilizing a level of control over your magic I didn't know you had and predicting my movements?" I summarize.

"Yep!" she responds cheerily.

I rush up to her and pull her into my arms before kissing her. "I'm so fucking proud of you," I tell her, and she giggles.

"Did I earn my reward?" she asks.

"Oh for sure," I say. "Not right now, I'll reward you properly during your massage. For now, I want you to keep training."

"And if I said I wanted you in my bed?" she asks. "That the time we have during a massage isn't enough?"

"Well in that case," I respond in a teasing voice. "You'll have to hit me again, but this time I won't be holding back."

"Wha-" she starts, but it turns into a moan as I use [Touch of Pleasure] on her. "Youuuuuu!" she yells and I laugh as I [Void Travel] away to the other side of the clearing. She's so much fun to tease.


I [Void Travel] to Asia to find her swinging a wooden sword. "How's the training going?" I ask her.

She turns around with a smile. "Axton!" she greets me cheerfully, slightly out of breath. I can see sweat dripping down her face. "It's going okay, I think. Mr. Astrea said that even if the sword I use is weightless I should build up my arm strength with a training sword. So he got Kiba to make me one and I've been swinging it a bunch."

"I can see that," I say as I pull out a bottle of water and offer it to her. "Why don't you take a break? We can talk a bit while you rest."

She gratefully takes the water. "A break sounds nice," she agrees as she opens up the bottle. We sit down in the grass and watch the sun crawl towards the horizon as Asia catches her breath.

"You did pretty good in the dungeon this morning," I comment. "Controlling the plants like that is a pretty advanced use of the skill I showed you, but you picked it up really quickly." That's my story for why she can do it at least. Telling her it's difficult is also a valuable boost to her confidence.

She smiles. "I'm glad I can help like this, without hurting anyone." I smile back at her and pat her on the head, though as she leans into it, it goes from being a simple pat to me running my fingers through her hair. We fall into a comfortable silence like this.

"You know," I say as I continue playing with her hair. "It's just now occurred to me that this whole training camp thing delayed your school debut. Sorry about that."

She shakes her head. "It's fine. You're helping Ms. Gremory out. I don't mind delaying things a little bit to help someone in need."

"You're such a nice and kind girl," I compliment her. "You're gonna love school. I talked to Sona and got you into the same class as me, Atsuko, and Aika. It'll be all four of us, the A-Team, enjoying our school life together."

"I can't wait," she says happily. "Though I'm a little nervous too."

"Don't worry too much, we'll be there for you," I assure her.

"I know you will," she responds. She quiet for a moment, but I can feel nervousness radiating from her. "Can I ask you a question?" she asks.

"If I can answer it, I will," I respond, curious.

"Aika and Atsuko are both your girlfriends, right?"

Not what I expected, but I'll go with the flow. "I love both of them and they're both in a relationship with me, yes. And two more girls I haven't properly introduced to you yet. Momo, that white-haired girl that we met at the airport and who Yua calls 'Mama', and another girl who is in Sona's peerage called Ruruko."

"And everyone is okay with that?" Asia asks.

"I've been very upfront about things and everyone has agreed," I say. "I love them and they love me, and so long as everyone is happy, I see no reason to not remain true to my feelings."

She tilts her head. "What do you mean by remaining true to your feelings?"

"I mean exactly what I said," I explain. "I love them all. Just because normally people only pick one person to love at a time doesn't mean I'm going to limit myself to that. I love them, and I won't ignore those feelings if I don't have to. It makes me and those around me happier if I acknowledge my feelings and listen to them."

"Don't ignore those feelings…" she repeats, trailing off as she gets lost in thought. "Have there been any girls that haven't been okay with it yet?"

"No, not yet," I say. "There are some girls I'm interested in but I don't know how they feel. Even if I'm being honest with myself, it can be scary to try to figure out the feelings of others."

Ugh. This conversation is getting too sappy for my tastes. But I have a pretty good idea of why Asia is asking these questions, and my heart pounds in excitement. This is a crucial turning point in my plan for 'corrupting' Asia, and I'm very carefully leading her along the path I want.

"How do you do it?" she asks. "How do you figure out if your feelings are reciprocated?"

"Well, if you're good at figuring out people, you can usually pick up hints in how they talk to you and the way they act around you. But those can be unreliable. The best way is to just wait for a good moment and just confess. It's scary, but it's like ripping off a bandaid. You just gotta do it and get it over with. Carrying around that doubt and anxiety for too long can hurt worse than rejection."

"I see," she murmurs, staring at the setting sun as she thinks. [Empathy] continues to pick up nervousness from her, but it's muddled with a slew of other emotions that are too minor and too mixed together for me to decipher.

I don't say anything more and just wait for her to process her own emotions. I've done what I can, and I can only hope that it's enough. But if she doesn't confess to me here, then I'll have to confess to her. Which would be fine, but I want as many of her actions as possible to be of her own initiative.

As the sky turns from orange to purple, I feel her emotions finally start to stabilize, and she suddenly stands up. She takes a couple steps away and then turns to face me head-on. The last rays of the setting sun perfectly silhouette her as she looks at me with a determined expression.

I smile calmly at her, trying to encourage her without saying anything, and I think some of that gets through because she relaxes a little bit.

"I love you," she says, voice nervous but determined. "I've only known you for a short while, but even in that time you've done more for me than anyone else ever has. You've made me happier and more fulfilled than I ever knew I could be. I wasn't sure how to feel about you having multiple lovers, but I don't want to ignore these feelings anymore, and I refuse to believe that something that can make so many people happy is wrong."

Her fists are clenched and her chest is heaving slightly as she recovers from her little speech, but her eyes are locked on mine.

I stand up and step towards her, a smile on my face. I can still feel nervousness from her, but there's hope there as well.

Asia is a good head shorter than me, so I have to lean down slightly to put us properly face to face, and even then she has to look a little upwards, but it's good enough. Finally, with our faces less than a foot apart, I give her an answer.

"I love you too," is all I say, and I see the joy blossom across her face before I lean in further and kiss her. Dully I sense another jumble of emotions from her, but they're mostly positive and I focus on the feeling of her soft lips against mine as she embraces me and starts kissing me back.

I don't push things too far, keeping tongues out of it, and instead settle for just locking our lips together. After what feels simultaneously like an eternity and no time at all, I pull back. Asia is breathing hard and her face is flushed, but on her face is an expression of pure bliss.

"I'm really happy you told me that," I say to her. "I've loved you since the first day I met you, but you were still adjusting to so much and I wanted to give you time to settle."

She hugs me tighter. "Thank you. Both for waiting for my feelings to settle, and for returning them. I've never felt this happy before."

"Hopefully I can make you feel even happier and happier as time goes on," I say, running my fingers through her soft hair again as we embraced. "You and all of the other girls that I love."

She nods into my chest but doesn't say anything. For a moment I worry that mentioning the other girls was the wrong move at this point in time, but [Empathy] doesn't pick up anything negative from her, just a lot of joy, love, and relief.

"You know," I start conversationally. "I have a bit before I have to start preparing dinner. And we have a little privacy here." I lean back down and kiss her again, just a quick peck on her lips. "If you want, I'd like to spend some time showing how much I care about you." I kiss her again, a little deeper this time, and I also activate [Touch of Pleasure] on its lowest setting.

I can see her blushing as I pull back, but she just nods with a small embarrassed smile on her face. I guide her back to the bench we were sitting on and sit down, pulling her into my lap, where she sits with her legs across mine instead of spread, something her robes wouldn't have allowed anyways unless they were pulled up.

With one hand on her leg just above her knee and another on her back, I pull her in for another kiss. With her on my lap like this, her head is now perfectly level with my own, and our lips meet easily and comfortably. She wraps her own arms around my neck and eagerly returns the kiss.

As we kiss, occasionally breaking contact briefly before kissing again, I slowly raise the strength of [Touch of Pleasure] and use [Erotic Pierrot] as well. Before long she's squirming slightly, which is when I decide to escalate things and I slip my tongue into her mouth.

She seems surprised at first, but she doesn't seem to dislike it. She opens her mouth slightly for me, trusting me to see what I do. She picks up on things pretty quickly though, and it only takes a bit of encouragement before she's tentatively responding with her own tongue.

Her technique is sloppy, but that's pretty much what I expected from the cute little nun. I spend our time making out slowly and subtly guiding her, teaching her how to kiss better. Asia might be innocent, but she's also a fast learner, and half an hour later when we finally stopped making out, you never would have guessed she had never kissed anyone before today.

She breathes heavily as we separate, catching her breath. The sun has fully set now, and stars shine above us as a slight chill begins to fill the air. Out of curiosity, I check Asia with [Lewd Scouter]


Asia Argento

Arousal: Moderately High

Perversion: Moderately High

Affection: 100

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Kissing


I'm always surprised to see kissing listed as a fetish, but based on her arousal and her expression right now, I suppose it fits. And I'm glad to see her perversion so high now.

"As much as I would love to continue this, I do need to start making dinner now," I say, my tone equal parts regret and teasing. "If you'd like, you can join us in the bath again tonight, and we can pick it back up again there."

She blushes, her entire face turning red. "Continue?" she squeaks out.

"We won't do anything you're not comfortable with," I reassure her. "We don't even have to kiss, we can just relax in the bath. But I'd like it if you would join us."

She relaxes some, the blush mostly fading away. She nods. "Okay."

I smile at her. "I'm looking forward to it. But for now, dinner."

She nods but doesn't move. I look at her, waiting for her to figure it out. At first, she just looks at me, confused, but when I indicate down, pointing out that she's on my lap, it clicks and she scrambles off of me.

I stand up and pat her on the head. "Why don't you get a little more training in since we got distracted? I'll let you know when dinner is ready." She nods and picks up the wooden sword that she had left leaning against the bench.

I [Void Travel] away as she starts swinging her sword again. That entire thing went so much better than I dared to hope.


Once again, Aika is the first person in the massage room after Kiba leaves. And I don't need my skills to tell me it's not a massage she's interested in.

"Go ahead and lay down on the table," I instruct her. She opens her mouth to say something, but I continue, stopping her. "Face up," I say with a wink. "I haven't forgotten your reward."

She grins and flings her towel away before hopping on the table, legs casually spread. But I ignore the invitation and move to the other side of the table. She looks at me confused as I stop near her head and remove my clothes.

"Scoot upwards for me," I instruct her. She does so, continuing until I tell her to stop, and it's only as she lays back down, her head dangling off the table slightly, that I see realization cross her face, and I can feel her arousal spike.

"Ever since I had you on this table yesterday I wanted to try this," I admit as my dick hardens and I position myself. "But I had to stick to what I said. And today, you succeeded, so you get your reward, and it means I can finally do this."

As I say that last word, I line myself up with her mouth and slowly shove my entire cock down her throat. At this angle, I slide in easily, like it's her pussy instead of her throat.

I can feel Aika's tongue immediately start moving and I feel my balls brush against her face as I nearly hilt myself in her mouth. I'd be worried if it weren't for the joy and arousal I could feel from her with [Empathy]. But since she's enjoying it, I let myself enjoy it as well.

I've gotten blowjobs from Aika before. I've gotten blowjobs from several girls actually, but Aika is usually the most eager to give them, and she enjoys it the most. She's the only one to regularly take my full length into her throat, and certainly the only human to have done so. But this is the first time it's happened since she turned into a Devil, and the feeling is definitely different.

I slowly pull my hips backward a few inches before thrusting back into her mouth. Vaginal sex feels like pushing your dick into something inviting but tight and warm. It wants you there, and you belong there, but even then it tries to push you out with its tightness, which only increases the pleasure.

Aika's throat, with her a Devil and positioned like this, is different. It's not as tight and doesn't feel like it's welcoming me in, but the texture is completely different in a very nice way, and that's before counting her tongue.

I feel her moan around my shaft, which causes her throat to vibrate slightly as well. In response, I speed up my thrusting slightly, truly fucking her throat now.

I can feel her arousal building, and I see her hands move. One moves to grope her own breast while the other moves down to her pussy, pleasuring herself as I face fuck her. The sight of it is incredible, especially with the way her boobs bounce as I ram my cock into her mouth.

I can feel the air as she desperately breathes through her nose, and it's getting stronger by the second, the method obviously not providing enough air. And as it does, I feel another emotion from her. Panic mixed with ecstasy that continues to rise alongside her arousal and breathing.

Her throat, her tongue, her moaning, and the sight of her masturbating is all too much for me. I speed up my thrusts before thrust deep one last time and cum, shooting my load deep into her throat. I hold my dick there for a moment, making sure every last drop goes down her throat.

As I do so, her own arousal spikes and she climaxes, her back arching, though her head is held in place by my dick. It's only after her own orgasm finishes that I pull my still hard cock out of her throat.

She gasps for air as I do so, coughing a few times. "Holy shit," she says, out of breath.

"That was just as good as I was hoping it would be," I comment.

"That was better than I imagined it could have been," Aika says. "Did turning into a Devil make my throat into an erogenous zone?"

I laugh. "Maybe? According to Momo, Devils have 'lewd bodies'. Which at the time she brought up to explain how she could so easily take my entire dick easily with little to no prep. But there are probably more changes."

She rolls over onto her front. "That was great, but it left me worn out."

I glance at the time and check with [Void Detect]. "Well, we got done with it pretty quick, so I have enough time to give you a quick massage."

"If you don't mind, that'd feel wonderful right now," she says, and I get to work. I go easy on the lewd skills, though I still use them.

"So guess what happened today?" I ask as I work on her back.

"Asia finally confessed?" Aika guesses.

"Yep," I confirm. "And then we spent like half an hour making out. I think the bath thing worked out really well last night. She may have run away, but her secretly watching us seems to have done something to lower her inhibitions by a good amount."

"I thought she had confessed," Aika says. "She kept looking at you and smiling during dinner, and then she'd blush and look around to see if anyone noticed."

"She's so cute," I say. "Make sure she comes with you to the bath tonight too. I don't think she'll run today."

"Are you going to seduce her tonight?" Aika asks.

"Probably not tonight, though we'll see," I say. "But I'm sure it'll be soon. I have a few ideas on how to get her there. Unfortunately, none of them really benefit from outside help. Just make sure that if she talks to you about me and sexual stuff that you emphasize the love aspects of it."

"Got it," she agrees. "I don't suppose her first time is gonna be as part of the group?"

"Probably not," I guess. "With her personality, and how I'm handling things, an intimate one-on-one is probably the better play there. But after that, I think roping her into some group action is definitely on the table."

"I can live with that," she says. "We still need to get with Momo and Ruruko, have a big group thing."

"After this Rating Game we should have some time, we'll schedule something then. I'm working on getting a bigger place too, so we won't have to try to fit half a dozen people into my tiny apartment."

"Ooh, exciting," she says, laughing. "Axton's moving up in the world."

"You don't know the half of it," I laugh. I finish up her massage. "But I'll explain everything later, I can't do anything until after the Rating Game anyways."

She sits up, sitting with her legs hanging off the table. "You tease," she jokingly pouts. "Now I'm gonna be wondering what it is you have going on."

I laugh. "You'll just have to live with that mystery for a while." I step up to her and place my hands on her waist before kissing her. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm pretty sure Akeno is going to be here soon, I'd fuck you right here, just like this." I press my still hard dick against her stomach. "But it'll have to wait I guess. There's no rush."

"At least I'm not the only one leaving here with something unfulfilled," she teases with a small laugh. She pushes against me and I back off a step so she can get off the table and wrap her towel around herself. "I'll see you after you're done then, and maybe we'll help you out a little more," she says with a wink before opening the door.

As Aika leaves I put my clothes back on and make sure everything is clean. Akeno arrives a minute or so after Aika leaves and disrobes almost immediately. Honestly, I'm a little surprised she didn't just walk in here naked considering the way she left last night.

"Looks like Aika did well in her training today," Akeno comments as she lays down on the table.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"You're still hard," she says, turning to smirk at me. Or more specifically, and the visible tent in my pants. It's not distractingly obvious, but if you look at my crotch it's easy enough to tell that I've got a boner. "Also, it smells like sex in here. It's not strong, but it's definitely there."

"I guess it's a pretty small room," I admit. "It would make sense that the smell sticks around. Don't worry, I made sure everything was clean before you got here." I pour some normal massage oil onto her back and start working, using [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity] on low levels to increase the effect of [Massage].

She lets out a sigh of relief as I start working on her back muscles, working out the kinks. "I wasn't worried about it, but others might take issue with it," she says.

"I'll light a candle or something in that case," I say as I continue to massage her. Though I probably won't. Rias and Koneko are the only other people I have to massage today that aren't already in my harem. Rias I don't care what she thinks about it and I doubt she'll even notice. Koneko is a different matter though. With her increased sense of smell, she'll definitely notice it.

Maybe I can use that? So far I've been just getting close to her, but her Affection is pretty high now, and she's receptive to head pats. Maybe it's time to start progressing that in a more physical direction.

"I think my butt has been thoroughly massaged by this point," Akeno says, dragging me back to reality. I look down to see my fingers sinking into the soft flesh of her ass cheeks, and it definitely doesn't look like massaging is what I was doing.

"Sorry about that," I apologize with a small laugh as I move on to her legs. "I was a little distracted."

"I noticed," she comments. "Did Aika not satisfy you enough?"

"We didn't have time for much," I say as I finish up one leg and move on to the next. "We'll have a bit more time later on tonight."

"Is that why the Aika, Asia, and Atsuko slipped into the bath last night after everyone else had gone to bed?" Akeno asks.

"It wasn't the original intention, not mine at least, but things did end up like that after Asia left, yes," I answer, not bothering to hide what we did. Akeno doesn't care. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that hearing about my sex life is something she finds enjoyable. Whether it's a kink or not I can't tell. [Lewd Scouter] doesn't show any new fetishes.

"There are a lot of massages you have to do before then though," Akeno comments. "If you'd like, I could maybe help relieve the pressure a bit. I'd hate for you to get distracted and do something untoward while massaging Rias or Koneko."

I raise an eyebrow, though she can't see it due to her head being turned the other way. "If you're offering, I'll gladly take you up on the offer." I finish up her other leg. "And speaking of which, you're done."

She sighs as she sits up. "I certainly do feel more relaxed," she says as she sits facing me on the table. My eyes flick to her tits, hanging free and nipples erect. She notices me looking and grins. "Oh, I know exactly how I'll help you out. Why don't you strip for me this time, and sit down?" She indicates the simple chair against the wall.

I follow her instructions and sit down, stashing my clothes into my inventory as I do so. The plastic of the chair feels cool against my bare flesh, but not uncomfortably so. I watch as Akeno grabs the bottle of massage oil and pours some in her hands, and then on her chest. I watch, entranced, as she rubs the oil into her breasts, her fingers tracing sensual curves around them as the skin becomes glistening.

Once she's oiled up, she smiles flirtatiously at me before kneeling between my legs. If I hadn't already been hard, I would be now.

"I'm rather proud of this part of me," she says as she presses her tits together, just inches away from my throbbing erection. "Almost everyone can't help but stare, even other girls. But few have seen them naked, and you're the only one who has gotten this privilege."

With those words, she leans forward and envelops my shaft in her boobs entirely. The only reason I can see my dick at all is that it's tall enough to jut out of her cleavage. But I'm distracted from the sight by the sensations I feel.

Soft. That's the only thing I can think of. My dick is wrapped in softness. Not just her actual boobs, but even the skin in that space between her boobs is soft. And the oil on them removes nearly all of the friction between my dick and her chest, so it feels wonderful. It's not like having sex or a blowjob where the pleasure comes from the tightness.

Then she starts moving, and I can't stop my breath from hitching. I won't go so far as to say it feels better than sex, that would be a lie. But it's different, it's novel, and it does feel really good. Tingles of pleasure shoot through my erection as she moves her boobs up and down, rubbing her oiled-up skin along every inch of my dick.

She smiles at me, amusement clear in her eyes, as she enjoys the results of her handiwork. My breathing is heavy and all I can focus on is the sensation. She maintains a slow pace, drawing out my pleasure, and I can feel my climax approach, but I know at this rate it will take too long.

I thrust my hips upwards reflexively, but Akeno responds by pushing my hips down. "Now now," she chides me. "Sit still, and let me take care of it."

"But-" I start, before cutting myself off, realizing how it would sound. Unfortunately, she realizes it too, and the amusement in her eyes only grows stronger.

"But what?" she asks as she slows down her movements a little. "Is there something not to your satisfaction? If there's anything you need, all you have to do is ask."

From her expression, I can tell she knows exactly what I want. But I can also tell that I'm not getting it until I say something.

"Please go faster," I force myself to say.

Her grin widens. "See, that wasn't too hard, was it?" She speeds up her movements, and I can feel the pressure start to build again. I groan slightly as I feel my orgasm approaching. But then she stops.

"Why?" I spit out before I can even think. "I was so close."

"Oh, were you?" Akeno asks in a faux-innocent voice. "But I didn't give you permission to do that."

I stare at her, surprised for a moment before I process the situation. My desire to cum wars with the necessity of me having to ask permission for it for a moment, but it doesn't take long for me to decide. I've never been all that prideful anyway.

"I want to cum, please," I say.

"Good boy," she praises me before she starts moving again, even faster than before. The oil has removed most of the friction, making the experience smooth and slippery, but there's enough to send jolts of pleasure through the sensitive skin as it rubs against her soft and pillowy boobs.

It only takes thirty seconds of this before things reach their peak and I finally climax, hips jerking as I cum into Akeno's tits, some of it spurting high enough to reach her chin. When my orgasm finishes Akeno pulls back and spreads her boobs, showing the white and sticky mess I left between them.

"I'm going to need another bath I think," she comments as she looks down at her chest. She runs a finger through the semen, scooping some of it up before putting it into her mouth. "Though since it's chocolate flavored again, maybe I should just eat it up?"

My dick throbs in arousal in response, and it makes me glad I cast [Alter Flavor] earlier. But I ignore it for a moment. [Void Detect] just picked something up. "That depends," I answer Akeno. "Rias is going to be here in about fifteen seconds. I have a spell that can clean you up quickly if that's what you want."

She sighs. "As tempting as the idea is of teasing Rias by walking out covered in your cum, that might be a bit too much. If you wouldn't mind, I'd gladly take that cleaning spell. It's only proper that you clean up the mess you made."

"I could make the argument that it was your actions that led to the mess," I point out as I reach out to touch her shoulder before casting [Clean Body] which removes all of the mess. "But I'll be a gentleman about it instead." There's a knock on the door as Rias arrives.

"Looks like my King is here, just as you said," Akeno comments as she stands up. "Thank you very much for the massage, and I hope you enjoy your bath afterward." She winks at me before striding out the room, once again naked and uncaring.

"Great timing Rias, we had just finished up," I greet her as she enters. "Come on in and lay down, we'll get started."

Rias's massage is relatively uneventful. I increase the effect of [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity] to above what it was yesterday, and I can tell she enjoys it, but I don't push things too far with her yet. There's no need. I'm sure, by the end of the Rating Game, Rias will have maxed out Affection.

Atsuko's massage is also pretty tame. I tell her about Asia's confession, and she seems pretty happy about that. I also ask her if she's interested in a 'happy ending', but she says she's too tired. She did push herself pretty hard today. Asia on the other hand surprises me by stripping down to just her panties for her massage.

"I'm glad to see you're getting more comfortable with me," I comment as she hurriedly lays down, not wanting to remain exposed. Which is a shame. The sight of her standing there, nearly naked and blushing, was extremely cute.

"It makes you happy, right?" she asks. "You like seeing me naked?"

"I do," I admit. "You're very cute, and seeing more of you only makes me love you more."

She blushes and seems too embarrassed to reply. But I can feel happiness coming from her with [Empathy] so I'm not worried. Instead, I just focus on the massage. In addition to my other touch-based skills, I also use [Erotic Pierrot] to increase her arousal. Not too much, but I want her to start associating her being naked, being touched by me, those feelings of happiness, and my declaration of love all to her arousal. Nothing will happen tonight most likely. But soon.

At the end of the massage, she isn't as quick to hide herself. In fact, it seems like she's trying to subtly show off a little, though she isn't very skilled with subtlety. Still, it's cute, and I reward her with another kiss, once that she eagerly returns.

After her is Koneko. I watch Koneko carefully as she comes in, and I see on her face the moment she smells the scent of sex. I immediately hit her with [Erotic Pierrot], though instead of the disgusted face I expected, she just looks confused. I guess she notices the smell but isn't sure what it is, which makes sense. But it's also even better for me, as there's less of a hurdle for me to get over.

The massage proceeds normally with the addition of me boosting her arousal every time she sniffs again. I can tell she's trying to figure out what the smell is, but she doesn't say anything. Which might have something to do with the fact that every time she tries to figure it out, she gets just a little hornier.

Nothing else happens, but I feel satisfied anyways. And with the massages done, I'm ready to enjoy a bath with my girls.


I'm only by myself in the bath for a few minutes before the girls arrive. They all come in at the same time, and I'm very happy to see that Asia has come naked this time. She looks a little nervous, but that only increases her appeal.

Immediately Aika and Atsuko take up the same spots they did yesterday, clinging to either side of me. I see Asia realize that she'd been too slow to claim a side and start to pout.

"There's still a spot open," I tell her, patting the space between my legs.

Her eyes widen, and she blushes as she looks. But to my delight, she seems to steel herself before she nods and gets into the bath and settles between my legs, her back to me. She's not leaning against me though, and I gently grab her shoulders and pull her back so she's leaning on me. She doesn't fight against it, and I actually feel positive emotions from her as she settles against me.

Aika and Atsuko aren't as aggressive in their skinship today. Letting Asia take the spotlight maybe? Either way, it results in a few minutes of just us relaxing. My hands eventually settle on Asia though, and I make sure that [Touch of Pleasure] and [Erotic Pierrot] are doing their thing when they do.

She starts a little bit when my arms wrap around her and my hands press against her stomach. But she quickly relaxes and presses herself back against me more, reciprocating the touch. Her head is below my chin, meaning I can't lean down and kiss her at this angle, so I settle for gently stroking the soft skin of her stomach below the water.

Nobody says anything as I continue to run my fingers along Asia, moving from her stomach to her side, moving my hands up and down. I get close to the sides of her breasts but don't actually get close enough to make her think I'm going to touch them. She shivers with pleasure at my touch though, and I can feel her arousal climbing. Which is no surprise. I've been increasing her arousal ever since she confessed and she's had no release yet, so she should be feeling pretty sensitive and riled up right about now.

I'm feeling pretty aroused myself, and it doesn't take long for my dick to harden. And due to our position, that means my dick is pressed against Asia's back.

I can tell when she notices it, which is almost immediately, because she blushes. But she doesn't comment at first, allowing me to continue teasing her.

"Umm," she eventually speaks up. "Is this something you like?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I can feel your…" she trails off.

"My penis?"

She nods. "I can feel it against my back," she says. "And it gets big when boys feel good, right? So you like this?"

"I like it a lot," I answer. "I'm surrounded by three girls that I love, and we're all cuddling together naked while relaxing in a wonderful bath. And seeing you so comfortable with me and this situation makes me really happy."

I can practically feel her nervousness disappear as I say that. "I've had to learn so much since leaving the Church," she says. "Romance is one of them. I never thought I'd get a chance like this."

"How do you feel about learning something new right now?" Aika says with a grin. "Boys get hard when they feel good, but it doesn't end there."

Asia blushes as she realizes what Aika means. "I don't know if I'm ready for that," she says.

"Don't worry, we'll keep it easy," Aika insists. "And you'll just have to watch. You can do that much, right?"

Asia hesitates but eventually nods. I make sure to hit her with more [Erotic Pierrot], increasing her arousal some more.

"Sit on the edge of the bath," Aika instructs me, and the girls reposition themselves as I move. Aika ends up straddling my right leg. Asia is sitting between my legs, facing me and eyes level with my cock, which she's staring at with wide eyes. Finally, Atsuko has decided to get out of the bath entirely and is clinging to my back, her arms wrapped around my neck as her modest breasts press against my back.

"Good, now give me some of that massage oil," Aika says.

"I have actual lube that'd probably work better," I say.

"Of course you do," she says. "Yeah, that'll work." I pull a bottle out and hand it to her. She opens it and pours some on her hands before pouring more on my dick. My dick twitches as the lube comes into contact with it. Compared to the hot water of the bath, it's startlingly cold. Asia's eyes widen slightly at the sight.

Aika sets the bottle of lube to the side and wraps her hand around my shaft. "This is called a handjob," Aika says as if she's doing a presentation. She starts slowly moving her hand up and down as she continues. "It's one of the most basic ways to make a guy feel good. It can be done without lube, but it's easier and feels better with the lube. Isn't that right, Axton?"

"You need at least a little bit of lubricant," I say as tingles of pleasure shoot through me at Aika's slow handjob. "Spit can work, though once you start, I'll start producing pre-cum that can be used. Dry handjobs can be frustrating and potentially painful."

"Thankfully Axton is weirdly prepared for just about anything," Aika says.

"I have a seemingly infinite pocket space, there's no reason I shouldn't be prepared," I point out. It's difficult to hold a casual conversation like this though with what her fingers are doing to me. I don't hold back my expressions though. I want them to see how good it makes me feel. Atsuko's fingers trace small patterns on my chest where her hands are resting.

"This makes you feel good?" Asia asks while watching.

"It feels wonderful," I admit. Aika squeezes a little tighter, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. "Aika is really good at showing her love for me this way."

"This is a sign of love?" she says.

"I love Axton, and I like making him feel good," Aika answers. "And he often returns the favor."

I can see the gears turning in her head. "You make each other happy," she states. "That's what it means to be lovers."

"It doesn't have to be physical stuff like this," I admit. "But yeah. If you love someone, it's only natural you want to make them happy. And this is something that we can do that makes each other feel good, which makes us happy."

She hesitates. "Do you want me to do that too?" She's a little nervous, but there's also a hint of eagerness and curiosity in her emotions.

"It would make me really happy," I say. "Only if you're comfortable with it though. There's no rush, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to." She looks a little unsure still. "How about this? You liked when we kissed earlier, right?" She blushes slightly but nods eagerly. I pat the leg that Aika isn't straddling. "How about you come sit here and we keep doing that?"

There's a lot less hesitation this time, and I'm pretty sure the reason there's any is that it'd bring her close to where Aika is stroking me still and that we're both naked. But she does as I say and she stands up before straddling my thigh, mirroring Aika.

I take a moment to appreciate the sight of it all. Aika, naked and skin still slightly wet from the bath, her hands covered in lube as she slowly strokes my dick. Her chest is probably the biggest of the girls here, but they're still fairly modest. I've seen them a lot, but I never get tired of it. Looking downwards, I can see she's cleanly shaven, with no hint of any pubic hair. Aika smirks at me as she notices me examining her and gives me a squeeze.

On my other leg is Asia, her breasts are a little smaller than Aika's, but they're cute and I haven't seen much of them. Her skin is pale and glistening from the bathwater, and I notice that her nipples are hard. Down at her crotch, there's the hint of some light blonde-colored pubic hair. It's not very thick, and I suspect that if it weren't for the water it'd be a lot harder to notice. She blushes as she notices me looking, but doesn't protest or shy away. Instead, she leans towards me, lips puckered.

I put a hand on her waist and meet her lips with my own. This time I don't hesitate to start using my tongue, and she eagerly reciprocates. I put my other hand on Aika's waist as well and close my eyes, losing myself in just the feelings. The soft feelings under my hands, Asia's lips and tongue on my own, and Aika's hand slowly bringing me to orgasm. I can also feel both of their lower lips pressed against the bare flesh of my thigh.

I move both of my hands downwards from the girls' waists to their asses. I didn't expect a reaction from Aika, but to my surprise, Asia doesn't react either. I can't tell if she just didn't notice or if she's already accepting of this. Even when I give her a light squeeze she doesn't react.

So I decide to test my luck and move my hand from her ass to gently cup one of her boobs. She definitely notices that, and I can feel her pause. But she surprises me again by putting her hand over my own and pressing it into herself, showing me that she's okay with this.

I don't hesitate to start groping her, excited that I've made this much progress with her. But I can't rush things or lose myself in my excitement. I'm gentle and caring in my movements, making sure to make use of [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity]. Both of them together have a powerful effect on her, and I can feel as she starts grinding herself on my leg. I'm pretty sure she's doing it subconsciously without realizing what she's doing, but that almost makes it better.

Soon it all builds up and I can feel my orgasm rising. My dick twitches and Aika can obviously tell I'm close because she suddenly speeds up her movements. I groan into Asia's mouth as I clench up and cum, spurt after spurt of semen shooting from my dick as Aika continues to pump her hand, wringing every last drop from me.

I break contact with Asia and she leans back, both of us breathing heavily. My eyes widen slightly as I see her now. Aika must have aimed it because what looks like every single bit of cum from my orgasms ended up landing on Asia. Her chest, stomach, and thighs are covered. I swallow as I struggle with the urge to take her right then and there.

I must have been staring because Asia looks down at herself. "Oh," is all she says. [Empathy] mostly picks up confusion from her, and not much else. No arousal or disgust, just a girl not really sure how to handle this.

Thankfully, Aika is here to smooth things over. She casually runs a finger along Asia's stomach, collecting some of it on her fingertip before popping it into her mouth. "Sweet cream?"

"I just tried for something sweet," I say. Before I had gotten into the bath I had cast [Alter Flavor]. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I've started getting into the habit of casting the spell anytime I might have some sort of sexual encounter.

"What do you mean?" Asia asks, confused, as Aika scoops up another finger of my cum. My dick twitches as she puts it into her mouth.

"Axton has a spell that changes the flavor of his cum," Aika explains. "Normally it doesn't taste very good, at least most people think so. I don't mind it. But he can make it taste like anything." She scoops up some more and offers it to Asia. "Why don't you try some?"

Asia hesitates and looks at me. I nod at her encouragingly, because I really want this to happen. She turns back to the proffered finger and shyly licks it off. Once again I fight down the urge to ravish Asia.

"It's good!" Asia exclaims, surprised.

I open my mouth to say something, I'm not sure what, but I'm interrupted by a soft snore that suddenly comes from my shoulder. Aika, Asia, and I all pause before I turn to look at Atsuko.

Leaning on my back and arms dangling in front of me, Atsuko is fast asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. The three of us look back at each other before we all break out in laughter.

"I guess Atsuko's tired today," I say. "She did work pretty hard today. Here, let me clean everyone up." I quickly cast [Clean Body] on all four of us.

Aika pouts as the cum disappears from Asia's body, and Asia herself seems a little disappointed as well. Damn, I was too hasty. Oh well.

"You want me to get her into bed?" Aika asks as she and Asia get up from my lap.

"Nah, I can just teleport her there," I say. "I'll make sure she's dressed and tucked in."

"I guess that would be easier," Aika admits. "I guess I'll go ahead and say goodnight then." She leans down and kisses me. No tongue, just a nice simple kiss.

"Good night," I tell her. "Try to get plenty of rest for tomorrow." I look at Asia, and with no hesitation, she also kisses me.

"Good night Axton," she says with a smile on her face. I can't hold my own smile. She's come so far. Taking things slowly with her was absolutely the right move.

I gently pick Atsuko up and teleport us to her room. I quickly scrounge through her stuff to find some clothes, just a pair of panties and some pajamas, and I quickly dress her. She remains asleep the entire time, and after I tuck her in I give her a kiss on the forehead before I leave.

[Void Detect] tells me that Aika is back in her room, so I [Void Travel] there.

"Axton?" she asks, in the middle of preparing for bed.

"I know I told you to rest well," I start as I approach her and wrap my arms around her. "But that stuff with Asia has left me extremely horny and I think you deserve a reward."

Her eyes light up and she quickly strips out of her clothes as we move to her bed. I'll let her get to sleep relatively soon. Probably.