
gamer of the multiverse (gamer reader x multiverse)

One guy jumps of a building to end it all but instead of what he wanted he gets a new life. A new life as a gamer.

harkin_gaming · Võ hiệp
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17 Chs

chapter 13- test of strength

(Once again right into it)

Me and the vessel which I need to find a better name for just stared at eachother. Well this awkward.

(Y): "ummmmm can you speak?"

It shakes it's head and I sigh.

(Y): "Well isn't that inconvenient. Oh right I'm (Y/N). There's five other people here and they're called Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Neo. I'm not sure what to call you though. I could just call you vessel. How does that sound for now"

The vessel nods it's head and gets off the bed. Then they walk up to me and stand next to me.

(Y): "So I'm guessing you wanna see the others"

It once again nods it's head and I open the door. We walk other to where the others are and I knock on the door. I hear something fall over then some quick footsteps and after that Ruby door opens.

(Y): "D-did you just fall off something?"

R: "Yeah I fell off my bed... So what do you need bro?"

(Y): "I just wanted to introduce you to this little guy but make sure you're careful from now on. Don't want you hurting yourself over something dumb. Anyway let me in. We can do our introductions then get going"

I don't wait for a response and walk in. I looked around to see everyone doing their own thing but most importantly Yang was sleeping. I smirk as I walk up to yang and yell in her ear.


She screamed and fell off the bed. Ha that was fucking funny. It was less funny when Yang got up and looked pissed. She walks up to me and goes for a punch. I move out the way and start speaking.

(Y): "Alright everyone we got a new member. Meet the vessel. I don't know anything about him but he has a constant look of not giving a shit so I like him. Anyway y'all introduce yourselves and after that get ready cause we're going to the next world today"

They all introduce themselves and talk with the little... thing of unspecified gender and I start messing around with a skill. Specifically I start to mess around with {shapeshift}. I'm mostly just start to see what it can do right now and pretty much all it does at level one is change my body in small amounts. Like making my fingers longer and just overall shit that won't help. I'm gonna have to level that up because it seems really useful.

I guess I just have to keep fucking around with it until it's actually useful. I sigh and wait for them to stop talking while constantly changing the length of my fingers to level up {Shapeshift}. Is it effective? I got no clue but what else can I do. Finally they shut up and I speak up.

(Y): "Alright everyone gather your shit. We're going today and I don't care if you complain cause you don't have a choice. I'll give you half an hour then I'll come back and we'll leave. Got it? Good"

I picked up the vessel and put them on my shoulders then walked to my room. I don't have anything to pack but I wanna see how strong the vessel is. In other words I'm gonna kick it's ass and see if it's strong. Is it the best method of doing so? Fuck no but what else can I do? So when I get to my room I put him down and open up the dungeon menu on my arm. I make a completely empty dungeon and jump into it with the vessel. Once we land I tell him what we're doing.

(Y): "Alright I have no clue how strong you are. So to figure that out we're gonna fight. Got it?"

It nods it's head and pulls it's weapon off it's back. Seriously what the fuck is that.

[It's a nail]

Ok then good to know. I decide to fight with Beowulf for this one and start a countdown.

(Y): "1... 2... 3. GO"

I run at them and they go for a slash which I jump over and kick him in his head/helmet thing. He gets launched back but eventually flips over and lands on his feet. I smirk and once again rush at them. This time however they also run at me and somehow becomes a shadow and dashes through me. The issue with that is that somehow the shadow was sharp and hurt like a bitch. Probably should've waited for my aura to come back before fighting. That's a mistake I will try not to make again... but probably will.

[-100 hp]

Huh weird it hurt more than it actually did. Eh fuck knows what that's about but that does help me kind of figure out how they fight. They take a hit or two to gauge their enemy's strength and how they attack then use different moves in their arsenal to slowly kill whoever their fighting. I wonder what they'll do when they can't get close enough to hit me? Ah well thoughts for later. I said I wanted to go hand to hand and I'm sticking with hand to hand. I turn around and see that they turned back to normal after going past me. So I obviously grabbed him by his helmet horn thing and threw him. 

(Y): "YEET"

I threw them far and used this chance to infuse Beowulf with a small amount of mana specifically 10 in each part of it.

[-40 mp]

I rush at them and throw a punch but they do the dash thing and I jump over it this time while making two mana bombs in both of my hands. They turn back to normal and quickly slash at me which I dodge by jumping back. I keep dodging and eventually see that the mana bombs are done.

[-400 mp]

I dodge again and punch him then open up my hand then we exploded which made me open up my other hand and an even bigger explosion happened. 

[-6679 hp]

Fucking ow. To explain what that felt like imagine this. You get hit by a truck and get sent through a few walls then another truck comes from the other side of the walls and smashes you back into the other truck where they both explode. You go through all that and you're still alive. That's what it felt like but at least I'm getting stronger. I get off my ass and look at the vessel. It's helmet/skull was cracked open and he was bleeding some black liquid. I was going to stop the fight but all of a sudden he did... something and healed up then fired a large black fireball at me. I was honestly pretty tired and was still in pain so I couldn't move out the way. I was just gonna try to tank the attack but then something weird happened. My head exploded with pain as memories came to me but this time it wasn't about Dante. It was me. I couldn't make out every single detail or any detail for that matter but I did see one thing that could help me. So I put my hands in front of me and start copying what I saw/remembered.

Tiger, Hare, Boar, Ram, Dog, Ox, Snake. I went through different hand signs then clapped my hands together and slammed them on the ground.

(Y): "Earth style: mud wall"

A decently sized wall made out of mud appears in front of me and stops the fireball. What in the fuck? How does that work and since when could I do that? Ah well doesn't matter. I'll try to sort through those memories later but first I gotta tell them to stop. Then I'll do it and check on the others after.

[-400 mp]

[due to specific action player got the skill {Earth style: mud wall}]

(Y): "alright that's enough. We'll get out of here then you can see if the others are ready while I take a nap okay?"

They walk around the wall and nod their head. I'm gonna have to find a way for them to speak. Same for Neo but no clue how I could do that. Well I guess thats also something I can work on later. I open up the dungeon menu on my arm and close the dungeon. Both of us appear in my room and the vessel instantly leaves to check on the others. Well thats weird. I thought they would rest a bit but I guess not. I lie down on my bed and fall asleep pretty quickly.

I open my eyes to see a giant white platform below me with a fuck ton of images and folders in front of me. This is my mindscape. I actually found this ages ago and it's how I keep my memories in order. So I walk to the edge of the platform and stare at a new folder which popped up. 

(Y): "Naruto?"

I tapped on the folder and a bunch of blank images popped up. I tried to tap them but they didn't open and it just kept saying "unavailable". Well that sucks but at the very least there's one that isn't blanked out. I walk up to it and tap on it after that everything fades out and is quickly replaced by a battlefield. I can tell it's a battlefield because of all the corpses. I look around and see three people. Two of them were standing together and the other was staring at the two. One of the two was me and the other was a teenager with yellow hair and a destroyed jumpsuit which the remnants of it shows that it was orange and black. His eyes were tired and filled with anger but his expression showed none of it. 

The other person there was wearing red battle armour and had long ass black hair. He didn't seem to be tired at all and was prepared to fight at any moment. His eyes were purple and had ripples in them. I don't know why but this person scared the shit out of me. These people had a stare down before the other me smirked and faced the blonde. 

(O/Y) (other Y/N): "Hey naruto. How long do you need to get that jutsu ready?"

N: "At least ten minutes but it could be done a bit before or after. Do you think you can hold him off long enough?"

(O/Y): "If I was coming out of this alive than yes but if it's ten minutes then I'm not coming out of this alive"

N: "Then we can think of something else"

(O/Y): "We don't have enough time... Naruto I'm sorry that I wasn't of more use to you during all this but at least I can go down in history as the person who helped the seventh hokage kill Madara. I'll use all my remaining chakra in this fight and on a jutsu to protect you until you're done but please know that none of this is you're fault"

I watch as the walks towards Madara as Naruto prepares whatever jutsu he was going to use.

M: "You know you can't beat me"

(O/Y): "Yeah but my plan never was to beat you was it. Now let's dance and I'll show you the power of the seventh hokage's right hand" 

The other me pulls out a sword similar to rebellion out of some weird drawing on his arms and runs at Madara at speeds I have no chance of keeping up with. To me it's just blurs and explosions that last for ages. I would describe the battle if I knew what was going on but as I said I just can't keep up but I can assume that the other me is slowly being over powered as one of the blurs slow down and I see the other me get kicked into the ground covered in blood. Madara walks up to him and points rebellion at him.

M: "Is that really all you have to offer. How disappointing"

The other me smirks and starts weaving through hand signs before slamming his hands together and touching the ground. During this however Madara stabs the other me through the chest but the other me manages to finish his jutsu in time.

(O/Y): "Earth style: mud wall"

I see a shelter of mud surround Naruto and the life fading from the other me. After that the memory fades. How funny. The only memory I have of this version of me is him dying. I didn't understand much about the world or why they were in that situation but I understand that he died fighting and I can respect that. It's weird to say that when talking about yourself. Either way I'm suddenly dragged out of my mindscape and open my eyes in the real world to see Ruby waking me up.

[Took a nap. hp, mp and aura restored]

R: "Bro we're all ready to go" 

(Y): "Alright then let me get a glass of water or some shit and we'll go"

Ruby suddenly disappeared and appeared again with a glass of water.

(Y): "God dammit Ruby you left petals all over the fucking floor but thanks for the water"

So I grab it chug it down and stand up. I grab Ruby then walk out of my room and to the front door. I see everyone there and put my hand on the door knob.

(Y): "Well then It's time to move on. When we leave we will mix with another version of us and that means everything about them will be fused with the current you. This is your last shot to say that you wanna stay behind so is anyone not coming"

No-one said a thing and I smiled kindly at them.

(Y): "Well then let's go"

I opened the door and all of us walked in. This is the start of my next life in a new world... it won't go like last time. This time I'll be stronger. This time I won't fail them. This time I will kill that son of a bitch.


[No. I don't but I feel like I should]


Race- spider/demon

exp- 3300/4800




DT (devil trigger)- 4/4 (Just imagine it as minutes. We can hold the devil trigger for four minutes)

Money- 29900

Level 50







gamers mind:

stops any mind control and keeps player calm all the time but can be deactivated if not wanted bit it also deactivates if he activates a skill that has to do with emotion

gamers body:

The players body won't perish until you're hp hits zero however the player can still feel pain, have limbs torn off, bones can still be broken and player can obviously still be paralysed. Food and drink will heal the player and sleeping in a bed will also completely heal hp and mp

Shadow clone-lvl 2/10

One shadow clone takes 95 mana to make and one hit break. As it levels up the clones will become more durable and take less mana. When maxed out the clones will send any exp from killed enemies to the player until then only memories are shared.

Bitch slap- lvl 3/50

This move is one of the most used throughout the whole multiverse. The user backhand slaps someone which can either make them shut up or knock them out. However if used on an enemy it does 21% more damage on an enemy but it can only be used once per enemy.

mana infusion- lvl 3/20

You infuse mana into anything that works. Be it weapons, armour or yourself. It gives a 30% boost to any damage caused by weapons or yourself and boosts defence by 30%

mana step/jump pad- lvl 3/10

The user creates a magic circle which can either act as a step which stops any fall damage or a jump pad which can make the user launch in a certain direction. This can double as a shield or a shield where you push the enemy of you in the direction that the shield was made. As it levels up another magic circle can be created around the first to reinforce the step or boost how far the jump pad launches you

mp combine- lvl 2/10

When this is used any mana structures (e.g mana swords) combine into a much stronger attack which is bigger but doesn't lose any speed when it grows

mana swords- lvl max

The user makes swords out of their mana. The cost of this is 100 mp per sword. This won't break through use and the only way to break is if a stronger person shoves their mana into it

mp convert- lvl max

The user turns there hp into mp which obviously harms the user and can kill the user if too much is converted

Shapeshift-lvl 1/20

This allows the user to turn into anything at least 50 levels lower than them. However it does allow the user to change things about them without a limit. For example making themselves appear stronger even though they aren't or turning themselves into a girl to fuck with people's heads

Desperation rush- lvl max

An original move made by the gamer (y/n). The user infuses their body with as much mana as possible and attacks for as long as that mana lasts. It can be strong if the opponent is equally or just a big stronger than the user but outside of that it's pretty useless

Dark wall- lvl max

This is a wall made out of the user's bad emotions. However there is a pretty big side effect. If it's destroyed it will heavily damage the user as it is using a large part of the user for defence

Mana bomb- lvl 1/5

This is a bomb made of compressed mana that explodes upon contact with something else. This does 120% of the players damage and it will have a 20% boost every time it levels up

Final explosion- lvl max (forgot to add this last time)

This is a move that is extremely powerful but it will always kill the player unless they have over 1 million health. So for the most part this can only be used if the situation is at it's worst

Earth style: mud wall- lvl 1

uses 400 mp to make a wall made of mud which gets stronger the more it levels up.