
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

lucifer38hell · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

I came to the coliseum there are too many people around, 'I guess it make sense as most tickets are bought by normal people because they don't get to see monsters that often.'

Standing at the back of the line, I waited patiently for my turn.

"Standard or VIP?" the seller asked.

"How much are..." I began to ask.

"Standard tickets are 50,000 valis, and VIP tickets are 500,000" he informed me.

"Standard one ticket" yes I have money but not that much for just a good place to sit.

"Here you go" paying the money I walk towards Dian Cecht shop.

"Can I get 10 health potions and 10 mind potions?" I asked the counter lady.

"Of course, just a moment" she replied.

"Here you go, that'll be 20,000 valis" she said.

I paid her and began walking towards the hotel.

"I really need to increase my SP" I thought, sinking into my bed. Reflecting on my hunting strategy, I realized I needed to face monster hordes consistently to gather their cores. After a grueling 8-hour hunting session, selling all my cores to the system only earned me 0.57 SP. At this rate, I'd make minimal progress even after a decade.

I've hit a snag with using monster cores to boost my magic. As my magic level rises, I can't absorb low-level cores anymore, and soon even middle-level ones will be irrelevant. It feels like the system only used one magic stone to kick-started my magic abilities. I'm keen to enhance my mind and soul power in a similar fashion only to get a taste of it. However, apart from purchasing from the shop—which is pricey—I don't know about the next steps to take.

Time for a more efficient plan..

I need an AoE(area of Effect) because running around and cutting monsters is good but for monster horde an AoE is necessary.

I'm considering training my body using methods like Naruto's seal training or Dragon Ball Z's gravitation chamber. Both have pros and cons: the gravitation chamber offers intense training but becomes costly, starting at 2SP for 6 hours and escalating with increased gravity.

 On the other hand, seals have a cap, like a 10x gravity limit costing 500 SP, expanding cap limit will become more costly, but they last 24x7 hours and benefit both body and magic. While active, magic drains will be continuous, and the gravity seal will affects my body.

 It's a 2 in 1 prize, like your wife and girlfriend both are happy with you, but I'm unsure of its long-term effectiveness once I outgrow lower-quality seals.

I tried again to do energy attack like in dragon Ball or rasengan like naruto which is pure chakra but every time I bring out magic outside my body it becomes an aura type wave like when people from dragon Ball power up, there's something else I am not able to understand for now and yes, I can do power up with magic but can't sustain it for more than a min because magic drains too fast.

I'm in search of a limit-breaker akin to Lee's 8 gates from Naruto or Dragon Ball's Kaioken. While I lack a chakra coil like in Naruto, but I believe all humans have same limitations.Much like a mother's sudden surge of strength to lift a car to save her child in dire situations. This suggests that the brain's limiters can be bypassed in extreme circumstances so that mother can save her child. In Naruto, there are multiple limiters beyond the brain one, which makes me think everyone has a limiter.

For Kaioken, the key is condensing energy, akin to filling a balloon, exceed its capacity, and it bursts. Similarly, I need to condense my magic energy. To withstand techniques like the 8 gates or Kaioken, I need a strong body to prevent from blowing up. This means training in a gravity chamber or through seals. However, accessing a gravity chamber requires SP, same for seals.

So what I can do is-

'I bring my magic outward from my palm imagining what an air feels like, the gentle caressing on skin, the freshness of it on countryside, how it dries out wet clothes, the feeling of air breathing in and out, when sitting in front of a table fan filling the air on face, my hair flowing with the wind. I poured all my intent to change magic that was flowing in my palm into my image of air and'


I bring my palm in front of my face

"Ahh... freshness of magical air is truly different."

As I started to move my palm from my face to my chest air died down.


I again started imagining what air is with intent to change my magic and


I kept focus for 1 min after removing my focus and air on my palm started to died down so I thought about powerful air like cyclone, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

"Swoosh... Swoosh....."

Air from my palm become more stronger as I felt the air even from a distance. As I removed my focus, it continues for some time than dying down.

'So need to think about stronger form of air element.'

It's easy to change magic into element but also hard at the same time, like imagine I know how to drink water and now I have to teach a child to drink water. First I have to open the child's mouth. Then, pour a small amount of water into their mouth. After that, encourage them to close their mouth. Lastly, encourage the child to open their throat to allow the water to go down smoothly.

And magic is not sentient so it won't understand my half-ass thought. I have to do this step by step with clear understanding of what I want my magic to do.

'Now I need to compress it.'

'I should go to the time chamber as I don't want people to know that someone playing with spells in the room.'

'First let's try other elements.'

Standing on white ground I started with fire imagining what fire looks and feels like. Red and yellow, forest fire, hot to touch, burning sensation. Heat started to emit from my palm as the air simmered above my palm. I bought my other hand finger near the heat


I put the finger in my mouth as I felt my finger burn, and so my training continued.

1st hr in training -

Fire -

"Ok let's increase magic a bit" putting more magic into it the fire become bigger

"Haha burn baby burn" I started moving my one hand around laughing.

"Ok let's see how big it can be" I put all magic into it

It's as big as 3 stories building







"Ohhh... my head... Ugh...what happened?" I said massaging my head.

"Oh..."taking out a health potion I drink it.

My headache sooth a bit.

"Low mana seriously, a newbie mistake man ugh.."

After my headache came down all the way I stood up.

"Ok let's try it the right way"

This time fire was the size of a mini-bus.

'I feel I can continue this for a 2 to 3 min at most'

"Ok not bigger than this"

2nd hr in training -

Water -

It comes out as if I am pouring bucket of infinite water.

"Increase magic"

Speed of water getting out is increased.

"Why it's not getting bigger"

I kept trying to make water bigger then size of a bucket but it's not happening.

"Hmm… I won't become like kisame(form naruto) right off the bat then".

"Well this is good enough."

Earth -

It's comes out as a clumps of stone.

"Hmm.. let's make a wall"

I thought of giving it shape of a wall as soon as it comes out. I pured all my intent on making a wall and the 1st clumps of stone come out dropped on the ground, then next dropped on the side of the first one and a shape starting to form

"Too slow"

I poured half of my magic and in 5 sec a 20 x 10 foot wall with at least a meter in thickness formed.

"Let's try something different this time"

I poured my magic on the ground trying to make pointy cone of earth come out to pierce my enemy but nothing is happening. I kept trying for a while

Tapping my foot on the ground 'is it not made of stone.'

"I will try it in the dungeon then"

3rd hr of training -

Thunder -

It comes out in the shape of a ball with electric arc flinging from it here and there. then one electrical arc touched the back of my palm, shocking me, causing me to swing my arm in pain.


As I kept trying with less power it kept zapping me hurting and causing me to loose focus.

"Hmmm.. this is not the right way"

I tried coating my arm with magic aura then bring out the ball of lightening and it's arc touched me, I didn't feel it.

"Haa... now"

I put tennis ball size lightening against the wall I made earlier and spark started to flow, then stone started to melt from the heat.

"Well done me"

Light -

It comes out as if I switch on a light bulb in front of my palm.

"Heh come people get your hero blessing" saying this I increase the intensity of light and I could see vains of the back of my palm.

I turn my hand without thinking

"Ahhh Fu** Fu** my eyes"

Clutching my face I started rolling on the ground in pain.

After some time pain reduced I open my eyes seeing patches of red in my vision. Taking out a healing potion I poured on my eyes.

Standing up I started doing 2 sec of intence light then stop repeatedly.

"This will help making monsters blind for some time hehe. I am a genius"

4th hr of training -

Darkness -

It comes out like fire but in darkest black in color with wisp of it blowing away vanishing. When I put my finger in it I couldn't see the finger.

"So no heat no cold no nothing, it's just visual huh."

I used aura on my whole body then started changing the aura into darkness and after a little bit I look at my hands. It is covered in black color with wisp of dark particle floating out of it and vanishing.

"It's sure will become a fear factor to other adventures after I do this. I will use this when I fight other adventures who will come after me. I can hide myself well with this."

"Ok which element is next hmmm....."

"Nothing comes to mind right now, well later then. Now for condensing the elements."

I started imagining the concept of compressing air which involves reducing its volume to increase its pressure. It's like squeezing a sponge (or in this case, air) the volume decreases but amount remains the same, leading to higher pressure.

Air from my palm started to condense, I think magic is fundamentally different form of energy than anything else and that's why magic doesn't get compress the same way as element.

As the circular form of condense air started to get bigger I make it smaller in table tennis size ball shape and continued compressing more air in the same size.

After a while when I felt like losing control of the ball I put my palm forward and released the ball pushing it forward.





"Unh... "

As my consciousness came back pain shot through my right hand from my fingers upto my shoulder. Gritting my teeth I took out a potion pouring on my head as it is throbbing with pain.


Sitting up on the ground in pain I look to my right side and my hand mangled up with fingers and wrist bent backwards broken, skin torn apart, broken elbow bone sticking out from skin. Taking out 2 healing potion I poured on the hand and bleeding stopped, the places with skin torn started to mend themselves. But all the bone still sticking out from the skin just not bleeding and my hand and wrist still mangled up. Standing up gingerly I took out a clock and wore it hiding my body and got out from time chamber.


Walking slowly to the clinic as I don't want to jolt my hand feeling even more pain then I am felling now.

"Can you heal my hand" I asked the cute girl.

She came in front of me moving the clock from front seeing the state of my hand.

"Please go in that room" she said pointing me to a room.

I nodded as I went towards the room.

After a min she came and I stand up to remove my clock.

"Let me" she said

After settling back into my seat, I braced myself, expecting her to set my bones with a painful procedure. Instead, she began chanting a spell and I watch her in confusion. As I watched her intently, my fingers straightened, followed by my wrist. My elbow bone realigned itself with a satisfying snap, and the torn skin miraculously healed. Before I knew it, my hand was completely restored, and I hadn't felt a single ounce of pain.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure," she replied.

"Why didn't I feel anything?" I asked.

"I used an anesthesia spell," she explained.

"Why didn't you use that when I came for my shoulder?" I questioned.

She paused, examining my face. "Hmm, did you come here? I don't remember you."

'Man, it feels like shit hearing this from cute girl like her, but I can understand'.

"Yes, I came here, and you popped my shoulder back with your hand," I reminded her.

"Well, many people come to get healed. If I use my spells for something as simple as popping your shoulder back, then I won't be able to help more people," she reasoned.

"Then why didn't you use your hand now?" I pressed.

"I couldn't put your broken bone back inside your arm with just my hand, could I? So, I fixed your whole arm with a spell and used anesthesia so that you wouldn't feel the pain. It would have been far more painful than just a shoulder," she clarified.

"Ohh... Thanks, then," I said.

"Don't worry about it," she reassured, patting me on my head.

I frowned slightly under her pat. 'Why is she patting me as if I am a kid?'

Standing up she started to leave the room as I followed her wearing my clock again.

"How much?" I asked.

"50,000 valis," she replied.

"Oh," I responded.

"You can pay in quarters if you want," she suggested.

I looked at her, puzzled by her offer. Then it clicked; she must've thought I couldn't afford it. "No, no, I have the money," I assured her.

I had bought 300,000 valis worth of currency in my pocket want to avoid coming up short on payment and having to retrieve it from my inventory. After giving her money I asked, "Can you teach me a healing spell? I'll pay for the lessons."

"Are you a mage?" she inquired.

"No, but I can use one spell," I admitted.

"Who is your God?" she asked.

"Can I not tell you that?" I countered.

"You can learn, but it's very hard to get a specific spell from a magic circle. You have to understand everything about what you want to cast, and my spell is related to my God, so you can't really learn my spell, sorry," she explained.

"Ohh, okay, that's fine," I said.

"But," she continued, pulling out a thick book from the counter, "you can learn about everything you can do with first aid in this book if you want to."

"How much for the book?" I asked.

"2,000 valis," she replied.

I opened the book, scanning through the topics listed on the first page. Satisfied, I closed the book, thanking her for the book I paid the money, and took the book with me.

'I need a healing spell otherwise I might be in trouble when fighting in the dungeon.'

Have a nice day

lucifer38hellcreators' thoughts