
The later status(Ch-5)

Alice-Satou! What do we do now we can't defeat it.

Cyne-You are the leader of the party right


Satou-in mind(why do I always have to be stuck in these situations)


System-Skeleton minion defeated

Satou- these stupid minions are even more irritating and that stupid king is standing at the middle watching us suffer

System- Level 20 reached



Everyone-(looks at Satou)

Satou-Everyone attack the minions the boss will not move until the minions are defeated everyone try to reach level 20

Everyone- Ok!!

Few minutes later

Cyne- All the minions are gone

Satou-Now i am very sure we can defeat it just incase take these(gives potions)

Alice- When did you?

Satou- I bought them beforehand incase any danger occurred

Now then Let's do this

Everyone- Right!

Satou- Lighting Blade

Few minutes later

Satou- Guys be careful all our potions are gone except mine

System- 10% hp remaining

Skeleton King- Atomic burst charging

Satou-(shocked) that A.I. can talk

Skeleton King- Atomic burst

Satou- No No Noo Guys run back don't get in its--

Satou-(Danger 5% hp remaining)

Alice- Satou are you okay ?

Satou- Not good How's everyone?

Alice- Sylvie only has 3% hp remaining

Satou- Here take this Sylvie (gives his potion)

Sylvie- I can- can't do that you also only have 5% hp remaining

Satou- Don't worry I am at a higher level than you right now I won't be defeated so easily

Sylvie- But!

Satou- We can't do anything without a defender here(gives potion)

Sylvie- Uses potion(50% hp restored)

System Alert

5% health remaining Final Phase

Satou- Looks like that attack took a lot of his hp too

Cyne- Hey Satou Thou you said that to Sylvie you are only at lv22 your hp is about the same as here

Satou- Ya i know! It's about damn time let's see who is gonna first you stupid king

Satou- Dark slash (Hits opponent with dark energy)

(-15 hp)

Good! Seems like dark attacks are working

Huh!!(gets hit)

(Danger only 2% hp remaining)

Satou-Damn it but the boss is about the same hp as mine too

Looks it's about damn time you skeleton bastard Now Then-

Lighting Sword(enhances the sword) and Dark Slash

Skeleton King- Self destruct

Satou- Damn!!!

Everyone- SATOU

System- Boss defeated

Cyne- He really did that to defeat the boss

Satou- Woof! i barely made it out alive


Alice- Hey how did you survive!

Satou- Gamer's Don't die that easily you see

Sylvie- You sc-scared us

Satou- Don't Worry now that i am alive let's look at what we got here