
Game-To-Death: UTOPIA

Apocalypse? Check. Zombies? Check. Game-like Augmented Reality? Check. Romance? Err... Maybe. World building in an Apocalyptic Setting. Let's play!

TiF54_Pretifany · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Phase 5: Party Members and a Quest!

"Hmmm…? What's this?"

Marie just discovered her Status Window and pulled on Kent's arms to try and show him. Kent showed an understanding look and they exchanged information about their stats and attributes.

"What's your Attack, Defence and Health? Mine's 15-18, 10 and 98/98 respectively."

Kent turned towards Ally. His eyes glinted with some expectations after looking at her get-up.

"Attack 5-8, Defence 5 and Health 98/98." Marie answered from his side.

"Attack 12-15, Defence…10 and Health 66/66. And, I've learnt a unique skill named "Bind" from a Skill Book that dropped after killing that zombie."

The boost in her stats after equipping her Artefacts was still not enough, especially her health points. As expected, she has received a penalty in her Health Points due to her weak physical state in real life. She was even more determined to get the potion Kent had received. She was sure it gave a permanent state boost to several attributes, not to mention the physical changes manifested.


Quest: <Clear the Hidden Dungeons> is now available! Would you accept it? Yes/No

The three of them received the same notification at the same time. Ally turned to look at the two people next to her. Receiving a Quest at this time could only mean that the real ordeal has just started. She had decided to take on the quest and hopefully, gain the two of them as allies.

"I think this is a great opportunity for us to gain some real fighting experience as well as collect rewards that might aid us in surviving later on. I've gotten two Artefacts and a Skill Book just from killing a zombie. I reckon a Quest would give us more, especially since this Apocalypse Game had just started. I am planning to accept the quest. What about the both of you?" Ally's eyes shone in determination as she thought of the various items that she could get. This quest is like a pie falling from the sky for newbies.

Kent and Marie shared a look before nodding together. "Let's do it."

The three of them reached an agreement and accepted the quest together. After that, a new prompt appeared: Two other Players have accepted the quest. Would you like to activate the Party Members function? If you select 'Yes', you will be able to share your status info with one another and be notified of each other's current position at all times.

'Yes' The trio chose the affirmative without hesitation. It would be much safer and more convenient to look after one another if they are in a Party. Following that, they no longer receive notifications separately. A huge screen pops-up in front of them, showing their quest details.

<Clear The Hidden Dungeons>

Difficulty level: D

Requirements: A minimum of 2 Players are required to challenge each dungeon (Same Party). Only Dungeons with a completion rate over 80% will be considered Clear.

1) Rooftop Garden (Completion Rate – 0%)

2) Zombie Lair (Completion Rate – 0%)

3) ???? (Completion Rate – 0%)

Good Luck and Godspeed, Players.

Edited: Quest details and some unnecessary dialogues are removed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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