
Game Star

From good boy to bad boy From happy girl to girl thirsty for revenge A game in between in which love is the greatest weapon and the worst weakness. They will be the protagonists of this game, but ... Who runs it?

Persefone06 · Thành thị
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4 Chs


I have been in the United States for two years and yesterday I received a call from my sister, she sounded a bit worried, but she made a thousand excuses when I asked her. I haven't talked to her for a long time. I was the only one with her that I never lost contact with, because my parents didn't want to see them, much less listen. All this reminds me of when my life was changed, when I was sent to this place that to my surprise has become my home. I still remember how it all started, every detail of her is always present every time I talk to her:

—Why do I have to go to the United States, Dad?

I was desperate and very confused with the decision of my family, mainly with the attitude of my father. He did not know what had happened, what had happened to make such a drastic and unnecessary decision.

—You cannot stay here, my son. One day, of course not today, you will understand the reasons and motives we had to send you away from all of us. But you can be sure that we are going to miss you a lot and when you are in that new school, time is going to be just a word —My father said with his normal expression without any feeling before forcing me to get on that damn plane that meant the beginning of my torture.

I don't know how many hours I was on that plane, but for me it was an eternity. I spent hours in that first-class prison. When it landed, I found an escort of my father with my bags. I suppose this is my mother's thing, because I don't think my dad would have bothered to pack my things, if it were up to him he wouldn't have brought anything and I buy the things I need in a mall or other place.

I get in the black audiA6 that my sister showed me in a magazine where you only saw models of the best cars: Audi, Ferrari, Toyota ... But I never imagined why she asked me which one I liked the most, not even in what color wanted it. But now I understand everything, they were going to change my life by taking me away from everything I want, however, they were going to reward me with a new car. My family is incredible, even my sister, who was one of the few people I trusted, betrayed me, my mother agreed to isolate me from everything and my father, the main protagonist and the one with the best ideas, did not take into account none of my protests and he went ahead with his horrible plan.

I am sure that they would not do to my sister what they have done to me, they would let her choose where and if she wanted to go; But since I am the youngest, they can control me, I am the minor, with only sixteen I still cannot make my own decisions, they are only four years apart from my sister and she can do whatever she wants. I am beyond angry with my father, he had no right to do this to me.

On the way to my new prison, I didn't ask any questions, nor did I say anything. There was a little voice in my head that told me that the faster I got used to it, the easier my stay would be. I preferred to listen to him and avoid problems, I did not need more than I already had. Upon reaching our destination, I left slowly and I could make out a much more modern building than I expected, all the windows were made of glass, apparently thick, with wallpaper that made it impossible to see inside.

I scanned that modern architectural beauty, and although it was painted a gray that overshadowed any possible trace of perfection, the work was so pleasing to the eye that I could have been observing and analyzing it all day. The escort who had brought me showed me the way inside. When we passed the front door, we came to a small office with a sign at the top that said in big green letters: INFORMATION AND GUIDES FOR STUDENTS.

Upon entering, a girl was leaving, I imagine that, my age, she looked a bit depressed, it seems that I am not the only one in this place with that expression, I do not know if there is someone else, but for now there are two of us. A woman's voice took me away from more thoughts ...

—You must be Cristianno Gambino, delighted to finally meet you, I have heard a lot about you- he says extending his hand, I pretend to be invisible and I put my hands in my pockets as a sign that I was not going to shake his hand— Well , at least I already verified what they told me about your character- sighs and continues- Welcome to our school ...

—I would appreciate it if you would skip the cordial welcome and let's move on to the part where it shows me my bedroom and where and when I have my first classes, that is, my schedule —I say interrupting her in a somewhat abrupt way but I have no courage for so much unnecessary talk— I did not want to sound so rude but the trip has been very long and tiring, I would like to rest as soon as possible— I say it in an apologetic way and trying to adopt a more appropriate tone, which apparently I managed because he immediately showed a smile in her lips.

—Do not worry, look at this is your schedule and immediately send my assistant to lead you to your room. We also have certain rules and mainly times of arrival and departure from the institution that you must comply with in the best possible way, here is everything. Please read it all and if you have any questions or need something you can find me between two and three in the afternoon, that is my time to attend the students. she-she walks away from where we are and picks up the phone—Talía, come urgently to my office, I need you to do something for me. Okay, we can wait five minutes, but not a second longer— He looks at us and says, "My assistant will be here soon, you can sit down if you like."

While we sat waiting, she offered us water, tea, soda. I preferred not to accept anything, actually because I wasn't very hungry. After a few minutes through the door a girl came in, about my age, wearing well-fitting jeans and a blue tank top, white sneakers, and her hair tied back. She was half pale and blonde, with rosy cheeks and no makeup. She was a little sweaty so I guess she was almost running. She walked up to us and led us out the door and down a hallway with great lighting.

—My name is Talía, nice to meet you. I will be your guide while you are here, I imagine that Miss Bennett has given you your schedule— seat— Well, classes start tomorrow at nine, I'll pick you up at eight thirty to go to the cafeteria for breakfast and so on. explain your schedules better. This is your room, if you want to change something or decorate it to your liking you can also do it.

—Thank you for your attention, if you need something I will take care of letting you know immediately— he answered for my Brayan, or at least I think it's what it's called.

The girl withdrew, not without first showing a smile. When I was finally alone, I took off the trainers I was wearing and lay down on the bed. I fell asleep.