
Chapter 64

- Red Keep - At the Moment -

"The High Sparrow is going to be a problem if he isn't handled now," commented Aegon with Tyrion Lannister being in his room along with Ser Barristan since the King felt this needed someone clever to help him with this issue.

"You offered him the terms?" asked Tyrion while drinking some wine and calm despite knowing his King had just literally left his body to speak to someone in a spirit like form.

"More or less. The old bird knows that I know of his plans and believes I can prove they exist if brought to light. While not untrue, I don't want him to use my power as an excuse to get around facing justice should he try something against the Crown. Or say the use of my power is not enough to convict him of any crimes done in the name of the Faith," said Aegon with Tyrion letting out a noise of understanding.

"How do you intend to handle him your Grace? While this will in fact slow him down, it will not be the end of this struggle to keep the Seven Faith from doing something stupid," said Tyrion with Ser Barristan nodding.

"I agree with Lord Tyrion your Grace. From what I have heard from a few people I know to keep me informed of things in King's Landing, the High Sparrow believes his way, or rather the Seven Faith is the right way. The moment he sees an opportunity, the man will take it to bring back the Faith Militant, if not attack the Crown," said Ser Barristan with the Aegon nodding in agreement.

"I am open to suggestions if either of you have them," said Aegon since he preferred to hear the advice of those around him before acting accordingly.

"My own experience in these matters is second hand from when someone challenged my Father. If he were here instead of me, the man would devise a means to have the High Sparrow killed while implicating it was done on his order, but at the same time, could not be proven to be done by said order," said Tyrion while drinking some wine casually.

"Such an act would only make the man a martyr to the Seven Faith and strengthen those who follow or support him," said Aegon while shaking his head.

"Which is why I am glad my Father is not here to see it happen," remarked Tyrion while Aegon smirking.

"I asked for suggestions and plans on what we should do Lord Tyrion. Not something we know your Father would do," said Aegon with Tyrion thinking.

"As bad as it is to suggest this, we need to have the High Sparrow killed. If he is allowed to stay alive, like Ser Barristan said earlier, the man will try again to raise the Seven Faith up to what it was to the days of old during its more…harsher days," answered Tyrion like it was just another day in the Seven Kingdoms.

"Agreed. But the way it is done will determine the future of the Crown, my family, and the people I rule over," said Aegon before he looked over at Ser Barristan, who nodded in agreement.

"I take it you are suggesting he fall, but not by anything that would indicate foul play on our part?" asked Tyrion with Aegon nodding.

"He must die in a way that says it will be considered accidental. That the only plausible way the High Sparrow meets his end, is by accidental means. And when he does die, it must be with witnesses seeing it for what they believe upon seeing his newly made dead body. An accident. Nothing else," said Aegon knowing they couldn't kill the man using swords, poison, knifes, or other ways that people would see as a means of murder.

No. The man had to die of accidental or natural causes. Unfortunately, the latter was just not possible at this point.

"It will not be easy. The High Sparrow is surrounded by his followers when out in public with the people. I imagine he has quite a few guards nearby at all times to ensure no one gets close to him unless allowed," said Tyrion while knowing even Varys little birds were having trouble getting close to the man.

"Which is why he must be killed in public or in a place where he is protected by his own followers. And not by any hand we wield or in a way that says assassination. The High Sparrow is living among the still badly decaying buildings of Flea Bottom we have not had a chance to restore, correct?" asked Aegon with Tyrion and Ser Barristan nodding.

"Him and his followers have made restoring that area difficult. Any workers or masons assigned to that area have been intimidated by them so work there has been reduced to a crawl," answered Ser Barristan with Aegon nodding.

"If the High Sparrow genuinely cared about the people, he would have let our workers do their job to improve housing for the poor there. Instead, work as Ser Barristan just said, is reduced to a crawl," added Tyrion while finding most so called "religious leaders" to be hypocrites above all things since they say one thing, but do another while condemning anyone else who does the latter.

"Agreed. Which is why I intend to use the very structure he resides in against him," said Aegon with a smirk on his face.

- Black Cells - At the Moment -

"You again. What now?" spat Theon angrily while Daenerys Targaryen walked into the room with Jon Connington right beside her with a hand on his sword.

Bound in chains or not, the man dared not risk the Princess of House Targaryen with one of the very few remaining Iron Born in the Seven Kingdoms with nothing left to lose.

"I thought you would like to know about the fate of the Iron Islands after speaking with my nephew," commented Daenerys calmly.

"Since you are here, it means he burned them down," remarked Theon bitterly.

"Yes. Though we have heard reports of your sister and a few ships loyal to her escaping my nephews dragons. From what we have determined, she is attempting to sail all the way to Essos. Stopping only at ports when supplies are dangerously low to ensure no one attempts to capture what is left of your people. Not that my nephew will stop them. He does not believe the Iron Born will rise again. Your sister seems like a smart woman and has no intention of challenging the dragon or returning to such ways," replied Daenerys with Theon grimacing bitterly.

"So Yara escaped. At least that is something. And what is to become of me? Am I going to lose my head or stay in here to rot?" asked Theon with Daenerys smirking.

"That was something I discussed with my nephew. On one hand, you should be killed. On the other, death is too good for you. We did consider having you go the Wall, but it was turned down. You can't be trusted to live your life there and not stick to the vows. Not to mention you would be too close to Winterfell and the remaining Starks. Aegon won't run the risk of you sneaking away into the castle to kill them or possibly abandon the Night's Watch to join the Wildlings over the Wall," said Daenerys while Aegon had revealed to her about his ability to see visions of the future from time to time depending on the choices people made.

It was quite an edge to have when running the Seven Kingdoms though Aegon did tell her the visions should not be taken at face value since the future was always in motion. Just because the vision shows something happened, didn't mean it would or will happen at the moment of truth.

"The King is smart. I probably wouldn't stay at the Wall. A vow of celibacy doesn't feel right for someone like me," commented Theon with Daenerys smirking.

"Which is why the choice here is death or living remainder of your life here in the Black Cells. My nephew, being the generous King that he is, decided to be merciful and let you make the choice," said Daenerys with Theon gritting his teeth.

"Some choice," muttered Theon Daenerys raising an eyebrow.

"Be grateful he is giving you the choice. Everyone else wanted to make it for you. Some called for your head on the spot. Lord Hand felt you should live in the Black Cells, but still treated better than most would in your place despite everything," said Daenerys, as she could understand the man's hesitance given his hostage had become close to his son up until recently.

And while it was soft hearted of him, the Dragon Princess believed Ned Stark did this to keep the balance since Lord Stannis felt the Greyjoy should meet his end with a sword to the neck. Ultimately, the decision would be Aegon's to make, but it was clear the King's Uncle didn't want him to become so ruthless while on the Iron Throne that people would fear him over love with the end result risking another rebellion against the dragons.

"He is an honorable fool. Believing I should be treated with measure of mercy and try to change me in the process. I won't change. I can't be changed. I am not a Stark. I am and always will be a Greyjoy. Even if I live here in this Gods damned cell to the end of my days," said Theon with Daenerys nodding.

"Yes, you are a Greyjoy. A squid currently without the water thrive in. You are at your weakest and at the mercy of your enemies. Remember that while being left here to rot," said Daenerys with Theon grumbled in the darkness while the dragon princess left him there.

- King's Landing - Flea Bottom - The High Sparrow's Chambers -

He was praying. As a man of faith should always do when seeking guidance from higher powers to deal with things that required them. The Faith of the Seven despised magic and dragons. It didn't matter if the magic or the dragons helped the realms prosper. The Gods of the Seven could do that without the help of such things. And now, in order to remove the stain of magic and dragons from the realms once more, the High Sparrow sought out guidance from the faith that demanded they die.

One way or another.

Unfortunately, his prayers seemed to be going unanswered as of late. No inspiration. No visions from the Gods. Nothing! It was as if they too were unsure of how to deal with this situation. Though he wasn't one to question the time and place when Gods of the Seven gave their most loyal followers commands or messages. Perhaps they were deciding the proper means of crushing magic and the dragons once and for all. They had set things in motion to ensure they would never return and for their followers to continue the task. It was no secret to the High Sparrow that the Seven expected the faithful to keep things that way and were no doubt disappointed how far those following the Gods had failed in their task.


High Sparrow, we need to do something about the dragons and the King. His actions are an affront to the Seven and their faithful. I know you ordered the Faith Militant officially disbanded, but to let the King go unchallenged cannot continue!

I know brother. And we will do something. Soon. But we must be patient. Rushing into action will only bring about our downfall. We must be cautious. Plan accordingly. We also need the people to support us once we implement our plans. To make them see that our way is right. Is just. And above all else, ordained by the Seven. Without these things, the people will turn their backs on us and the Seven.

Do you or the Gods have a plan High Sparrow?

Not yet. Things like this take time. Time the Gods are no doubt using to assist us with the destruction of the dragons and magic. I will pray and ask for their guidance. Once they have spoken to me on how to make our enemies fall, I will call for you.


And so, the High Sparrow's followers waited for a sign. They waited and waited some more. A week. Two. Three even with no end in sight. Still, they waited patiently while trying to keep those of the faith on their side.

'What have we done wrong to allow such vileness to reclaim King's Landing? Tell me Gods of the Seven so I may correct this error. Who do you wish dead so your greatness can rise again? Who among the sinners of this city must be cleansed? Who here must be purified by our means to remove the dragon's strength now and forever?' thought the High Sparrow while waiting for an answer to his prayers.

And all the while praying, so focused on hearing the words of his Gods, the man failed to notice the ceiling above him start to crack. To slowly crumble. He was so devoted to his cause in the fall of the dragons and magic, the High Sparrow didn't realize he was being sent to the meet them when the ceiling, as well as the entire building he was in to collapse on top of him. The rocks hitting his head, breaking multiple bones in his already aging body, and one of the wooden planks piercing his chest.

And it wasn't just the High Sparrow who was killed. The dwelling from which the man and his followers lived in had killed quite a few of his more devote followers. The people outside had screamed, calling out for help, and wondering what happened to make the building collapse. Some the High Sparrow's followers who remained alive had accused the Crown of killing the High Sparrow, but the King had refuted it saying no one could have caused the building to collapse except the house itself. Aegon had gone further to explain the homes in those areas, especially the one the High Sparrow resided in were not capable of supporting anyone living in them. They were not structurally sound, and it was inevitable they would collapse if left alone to be fixed or torn down.

When the members of the faith had accused the King of allowing such things to happen, Aegon countered again stating he had plans to rebuild or restructure that area before the High Sparrow took it over. The man of the faith had refused to move or relocate with his followers elsewhere, which many could attest to having heard the old man proclamation with his devoted followers standing beside him when he did.

Aegon stated it was not the Crown's fault the building collapse and was respecting the High Sparrow's wishes to leave the building alone because they were being used by men of the Faith. The King even went further to state how he gained nothing from the High Sparrow's death since he had no quarrel with the man.

While not true in the full sense of the word, it was for the most part since Aegon wanted to have peace with the Seven Kingdoms and the High Sparrow was standing in his way of it. Plus, with the man now dead by means outside of himself, as some tried to accuse, no one from the Seven Faith could possibly raise a fuss, much less use the man as some kind of martyr.

The man would die as a man. Not as a religious figure or a martyr to a cause.

"It is finally time. The time to have the royal wedding is upon us. Once the mourning of the High Sparrow is done by the people, we will set things in motion for the wedding to take place," said Aegon once he had time to speak to his Small Council while his future wife smiled beside him.

"The beginning of a new era my love," said Margery with Aegon nodding.

"Indeed. The beginning of a new era. One where there is peace, prosperity, and good will towards others. One I intend to last long after we are gone from this world," said Aegon with Margery holding his hand and smiling.

"Hopefully, that last part will not happen for an exceptionally long time. For all of us of course," said Tyrion with a smirk and got a small chuckle from everyone on the Small Council.

"Your Grace, with your permission, I would like to bring my daughter to King's Landing so she may attend the wedding. There is also the issue of trying to remove the scar she has from her condition," said Stannis with Aegon nodding since he had told the man in private of trying to use his powers to heal his daughter of the remaining mark.

While he couldn't guarantee it would work, which was told to Stannis outright so the man wouldn't get hopes up, it didn't hurt to make the attempt. Besides, Aegon had planned to go North initially to help his cousin Bran with his back and being paralyzed. What was the point of having this power if it couldn't be used to help others in need? In fact, since Stannis could bring his daughter here, why not bring Bran to King's Landing too?

"Granted. Uncle, I suggest you do the same for Bran too. Rickon can stay in Winterfell under the guidance and tutelage of Maester Luwin," said Aegon while Ned nodded, but the issue with the Maesters still fresh in his mind though the Warden/Hand knew better then to question the older man's loyalty to his House.

Maester Luwin brought all his children into the world and never once failed to insure his wife or children would be claimed each night. Luwin was a true Maester and was one you could trust to carry out his duties without straying from the honorable path.

"I will see it done nephew," said Ned knowing it would be a grand occasion to see his son walk again.

It would help symbolize the Seven Kingdoms was able to stand tall once more and it the symbol behind it would be House Targaryen. The House of his nephew.