
Chapter 58

Word soon spread of the Iron Born with House Greyjoy being broken along with House Bolton of the North and House Frey at the Twins meeting their end due to the might of House Targaryen unleashing their dragons on them. Ordinarily, such an act would make many within the Seven Kingdoms, Lords and Ladies alike, feel worried or fearful that they would be next on the whims of someone wielding so much power at their command. However, given the three that were destroyed by House Targaryen, many surprisingly did not feel such things, mainly because who those three Houses were that fell.

One House had flayed people for fun. One was a House of reavers, rapists, and raiders with little love for anything else. The third House were dishonorable opportunist, who took so much and gave so little back.

Of course, there were still some who felt it was unwarranted. Namely the Faith of the Seven. They not only condemned the act simply because it was "unjustified", but it was due to Aegon using his "sorcery" that he had learned of the plot. As far as the faith was concerned, magic had no business being around in the world. It had died with the dragons over a century ago and they wished it to stay dead.

Not to mention they had an issue with Aegon's decision to allow a foreign religion be allowed to setup a temple in King's Landing. Or have several weirwood trees be planted and allowed to grow for those who worshipped the Old Gods. To the High Septon and those who were more zealous of their faith, it was an insult to allow such heathen beliefs be allowed to challenge their own. Their faith was the supreme faith. Not one where you worshipped fire or a tree with a face on it. To them, anyone who thought otherwise in the ways of following a religion should be denied anything and everything from the world.

Though in many ways, the faith had been hypocritical of things when it came to helping the people they preached should be helped. Many of the High Septons were not as holy or religious as they claimed. Some ate almost as well as King Robert did when hosting a massive feast, but on a daily basis. Some of them had been with whores at a brothel while doing it to "help" the "lost" loose women there.

And all the while, the people suffered under them for it. Oh, they "claimed" it was a test by the Seven to see how much the people could endure those of the faith tried to do their best in "healing" the city. But it was lies. All lies. In truth, the fat, covered in jewels, and fine robed High Septon along with those like him had used their position to live content lives at the expense of the people they were supposed to help.

Not that the people below them knew it. Or those further down on the faith's authoritative ladder. As far as these men were concerned regarding their religion, they were the faith, and had the final authority regarding the people because of it.

Though as they would soon find out, their positions as part of the Seven Faith to "guide" the people meant nothing to the dragon.

- The Red Keep -

"The Faith Militant has attacked different parts of the city?" asked Aegon when he saw the rest of the Small Council nod.

"Yes, your Grace. My little birds whisper songs of them attacking taverns and brothels all over the city. They are demanding you denounce the faith of the Old Gods and the Lord of Light. They also demand you convert your faith to the Seven and you denounce using your powers ever again as magic is forbidden," said Varys with Aegon not looking happy with this.

"They have no right to demand that of my nephew. King or not. Everyone has a right to follow a different faith. Provided that faith does not perform dishonorable practices on innocent lives," said Ned Stark with everyone around him nodding.

"The High Septon is a fat man wearing expensive robes of the finest quality and the finest jewels along his form. He walks around like a pompous ass and a stench of arrogance that makes me want to vomit," commented Stannis with a growl in his voice.

"What do we do about the Faith Militant? Any action we take will no doubt give them the justification to attack. On the other hand, if we do nothing, they will perceive us to being weak. Either move could get the people on their side," said Tyrion with concern since the people could be swayed by action or inaction of the Crown.

"Not to mention the High Sparrow from his sect of the faith are doing their part to stir the poor into joining their ranks or the Faith Militant with the way they dress, walk, and talk. We are being assaulted on two fronts within the city representing multiple sides living within King's Landing," said Daenerys with Aegon sitting their in thought.

"We need to reveal just how unfit the current High Septon and his followers really are to be in such a position of leading those of the Seven Faith. As for the High Sparrow and his own birds, we need to show the lowborn and poor of this city how misplaced his actions are against us," replied Aegon while knowing the perception of the people and what they believed of him as King was crucial to ruling.

"Fortunately, we stand in a good position your Grace. Your actions taken since being on the Iron Throne have the people believing your rule will be a good one for years to come. So long as that is proven, the people in the city, if not throughout the Seven Kingdoms would never consider rebellion against you. Through reasons of faith or otherwise," said Mace with Aegon nodding.

"Agreed. But many of these people are also religious and follow the Seven Faith. They may decide its best to fear the wrath of their Gods over loving their King. Even if the wrath they fear will not happen despite what the High Septon or the High Sparrow say to the contrary," said Aegon while many frowned since that was true for most.

"How do you intend to combat the High Septon in this issue your Grace?" asked Varys curiously,

"A man like the High Septon is a clearly a corrupt individual. Hiding behind religion and faith so people will ignore or deny the truth about him. Stannis himself said the man is an arrogant one and I have no doubt the man and those close to with the High Sept are not as...holy as they all claim. I trust your little birds can keep a close eye on him and those he keeps close in confidence?" stated Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Of course, your Grace. I will make sure my little birds whisper to me songs of what the High Septon and those close to him do," answered Varys with Aegon nodding.

"And the High Sparrow? He has many of the lowborn on his side my love. If we were to do anything openly to him, it could only spur the man on further, and take full control of the Faith Militant," said Margery knowing many people in the city were still poor and the idea of being an agent or instrument of Gods authority may cause them to leap into the arms of the Seven Faith.

"We won't do anything openly my dear Margery. We will show the people that the High Sparrow has no position or justification to move against us in any way. To do that, we need our agents to tell the people of what we have been doing since becoming King. I trust we can have some men do that and prove it with more help or aid to those in need of it?" asked Aegon with Ned nodding since he knew what it is the King wanted to do.

"We can have several heralds in place throughout the city and more men giving out food and medical supplies to those in need of them. Such actions will show the High Sparrows view of you or perception of you as false," said Ned knowing the public hearing how the King did wonderful things for the smallfolk would prevent the Faith Militant from acting or giving the Seven Faith a means of gaining public support.

"See to it done Uncle. This meeting is over. Lord Stannis, please wait a moment. I need a word with you," said Aegon with the others leaving with the exception of Stannis.

"Your Grace, you need something from me?" asked Stannis curiously.

"I wanted to know about the former Maester of Dragonstone after he was brought here by Ser Davos. Have you spoken to him yet?" asked Aegon with Stannis gritting his teeth at the mention of the former Maester of Dragonstone.

"I did your Grace. If only briefly," replied Stannis with anger in his voice.

"I take it he tried to beg for his life? Or at least plead his innocence to you?" asked Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"He did," said Stannis while his fists tightened at the memory.


Spare me my Lord. I am innocent. Whatever I have been charged with, it is not true. I swear it!

The King has proof that says otherwise Cressen. I have seen it myself. Your journal was also obtained after Davos had you smuggled to his ship. I read everything in there. Don't bother denying it.

Trickery my Lord. You have been tricked. Why would I agree with the others when they offered you counsel to go to King's Landing when the dragon reclaimed the Iron Throne if I were your enemy?

One of your more recent journal entrees speaks for itself. You were hoping Aegon would kill me soon after my arrival. This would leave my daughter vulnerable enough for you to poison her so she would be too weak to flee and could be slowly poisoned continuously soon after. All at your discretion until she one day died. You have also been sending messages to the Citadel inquiring about poisons or means to slowly end a dragon's life. Either the creature itself or the rider.

It had to be done my Lord. Don't you see? The dragons are beasts. Monsters of old that burn everything in their path! And if that isn't enough, magic returns with them. Magic is not natural. It is vile. Evil. Such powers should die with the beasts. Only science and men who understand it should be allowed to be in power. Not sorcerers. Not magicians. Or whatever they call such people in Essos. Don't you understand my Lord? Only through men like me and those in the Citadel does the world exist and continue to exist.

And just how many people have to die to keep men like you and those in the Citadel in power? How many times did your poisons and concoctions deprive me of a son? How you tried to kill my daughter with Grayscale? How you used your knowledge to leave a scar on her face? Or depriving Shireen of having brothers and siblings?

Your bloodline is tied to dragon. Even if it is just a sliver by comparison, it can awaken in future generations. I did what needed to be done. For the good of all. The dragons must die. All those of its bloodline must die. No matter how small.

Even knowing I am one such person, Cressen? Even Shireen?

Yes, my Lord. Even you and her. The Maesters of the Citadel will soon be the true rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. We, who provide you with advice. We, who provide medicine to you when sick. We, who bring your children into the world. We will be the true power behind the King. Behind the Iron Throne. Our word shall be heard and command the King to do what we wish.

And if he does not? If his children do not?

Kings have a way of dying even under the most simplest of means my Lord.

Perhaps. But you will never succeed here. Whatever plans you have to try taking down the Targaryens again, or their dragons for that matter, it won't work. You and the rest of the filthy rats in the Citadel are going to learn this the hard way soon enough.


"You struck him?" asked Aegon with Stannis looking him in the eyes.

"Aye, I struck him your Grace. Across the face with my fists. Multiple times in fact," replied Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"As was your right my friend. After what he and the other rats in robes did to you, my House, and many others...a few punches were ultimately a small price to pay. At least for the moment," said Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"Will you be visiting him your Grace?" asked Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"Yes. I think I will visit him now. If only to let the fool know that the dragon is not one to be challenged. Especially when the dragon in question is strong in both mind and body," said Aegon while the two walked toward the Black Cells to have a meeting with the now former Maester.