
Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.

Dying was supposed to be the end, but it wasn’t, so I will make the best out of it - - - https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com First novel, I hope you guys enjoy, please let a comment and review if you feel like it. Love y’all.

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159 Chs

Chapter 80

Author Note: This novel is around seventy percent done, so things will start to fall into place and stuff sooner than later!

So if you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have fourteen chapters ahead!

Also I'm starting a new novel on my pàtreon first! But it will come way later on, I will post here once I have 20 chapters at least on patreón, I don't know if some of you remember at the beginning of this novel that I said I had a marvel gamer idea, well, I decided to flesh that out, with the first chapter already being on Patreón.

For that novel the chapters are around 3000-4000 words per chapter.

The first chapter is 3400 words so yeah big bois

Again my dear people, just letting you sexy readers know but I will post here only after I have enough backup for a daily update!


Join the discord channel so we can chat and maybe exchange ideas for novels!



Braavos took my threat seriously because the next day before noon they were openly surrendering.

Braavos was finally mine, but there were a few rats inside the city that I had to eradicate before moving forward, the iron bank being one of them, they were the main poison inside the city, my city, and I was the antidote.

"The nobles have completely surrendered, my king," Ser Barristan said as he knelt before me.

With a smile, I looked at him and said, "Perfect, send the unsullied to collect all the nobles of the city, including the bankers," To make sure I wouldn't suffer a coup in the future I had to first gather all the rats in one place and then purge the untrustworthy ones, leaving only those that I could trust because they were loyal, or they feared me, either one worked.

Ser Barristan stood up from the floor and said, "As you wish, my king," with that the old knight departed to carry out my orders, leaving me in my office alone.

Now that the city was mine, I had no tangible real reason to stay here, I had my army, and no real opposition on this side of the sea, so I had to start planning my invasion of Westeros.

Daenerys would remain on this side of the sea to rule over the cities we had conquered as their Queen while I fought the Lions in the West. There were many other reasons as to why I wanted to leave her on Essos, for one she would be safe and sound and so would the babies

"A man is surprised," an unfamiliar voice said in the shadows.

Following the sound, I found a man who could only be described as a hobo, but had a dangerous air to it, "A faceless men, here for another chat or?" I inquired taking a deep breath, wondering what did they want this time.

The assassin looked at me, his eyes devoid of any emotion and personality, without fear, without anger, nothing but an empty sheet of everything that makes us human, "A man wants nothing, a man can't kill you, but a man can hurt you,"

Immediately my mind went to my children, my wife, if they couldn't kill me, they sure could try and hurt me, but although the idea of my family being hurt terrified me, I had planned ahead against this scenario for a long time. Daenerys had hundreds of animals always keeping an eye on her and the babies, animals that couldn't be fooled by a fake face, my bears alone could smell strange people from miles away.

With a hard look on my face, I turned my gaze to him as I said, "What's to keep me from destroying your region?"

"Valar Dohaeris, Valar Morghulis," The faceless men smiled, "All men must serve, and all men must die, we are not afraid of death, we serve it"

That much was true, they served death, and were like roaches hard to kill, because you dont know who belongs to the order unless you see them in person, "I'll be honest, I'm confused as to why are you here….'

"A man wanted to strike a deal," The faceless man informed me.

"Go on," I sighed, maybe it would be beneficial for me.

The assassin began to explain how the only thing his guild wanted to do in exchange of never targeting or attacking my family by any means was for me to allow his guild bury me when I died. Weird request, but I was still a bit skeptic, but when I asked him if they wanted to use my face or something, he said no. That what they wanted was to give me to the god of death personally.

So seeing that all they were really asking was to be a free burial service for my old body in the future, I nodded, "Deal,"

"A man is pleased," With that the weird assassin left, leaving me with more questions than answer, but at least I had one less thorn on my ass to worry about fully at the very least.

"Well, that was…. Odd," I sighed.


[Oberyn Martell POV]

When I arrived at Braavos I was more than surprised to see the city was… completely taken over by the young bear, he had managed to do it in less than a week. That is surprising and terrifying. Just how good was this brat in war, to lead the Dothraki he had to be strong, and to win wars he had to be smart, a really fearsome combination.

"State you business," I was abruptly stopped by an unsullied warrior, pointing his spear at me.

"My name is Oberyn Martell, I was sent here by the Queen," I chuckled, taking a step back.

"I'll let the King now, don't move," Oh the unsullied, always straight to business, no fun, but how nostalgic, it reminds me of the old days, when I was traveling around Essos training among them.

"Rude, at least give me your name," I smiled.

"Lancelot," Lancelot, well that was a weird name for an unsullied, if I remembered correctly their masters force them to change names every day, and their names would usually be something insulting and demeaning.

"Don't worry I'll wait here!" I waved him off.


[Ronard Mormont POV]

Oberyn has arrived….a tad late if you ask but I suppose is the intention what really matters, with his house I had the support of two out of the six great houses in Westeros…. the Greyjoy's were a thing of the past… so I can't count them.

Now all I had to do was get some ships and move my army to the west, and start planning my strategy, from the top of my head I had many ideas, a lot of them involving rats, for kings landing had thousands of them, but I would have to wait.

"My King," Oberyn bowed.

"Let's get to the point shall we?" I knew what he wanted and he knew what I wanted, so why pretend? "I know the only reason your house is joining us is to destroy the Lannister, which is totally fine, I hate those Lions for the most part too, but what comes after that? After the destruction of you enemies… what comes next?" I didn't want allies that would turn their backs at me once their own personal vendetta was complete, I wanted to know to what extent they would stay.

Oberyn looked at me and after a second of humming started to laugh, "A straight to business man, I can respect that… don't worry… you will have Dorne's loyalty as long as you let us have our retribution….." by the end of that his tone of voice was dark and cold, the complete opposite to his normal cheerful demeanor, as if a switch inside of him had been turned off.

"Then we won't have a problem," I nodded, if all they wanted in exchange of their loyalty was Tywin, the mountain and the other idiot that fucked their family, they could have them, "They are yours to do as you please, but leave Joffrey to me,"

"Then, I will do my best to serve you my king," Oberyn smiled.