Kaelarys was in his library studying, writing, and researching possibilities of fire magic. Valyrian magic itself is based on Fire and Blood, most outsiders would consider the Fire to be related to fire magic or dragons, at the same time most people believe that the term Blood comes from the blood of the dragon.
They are wrong, some sorceries require dragonfire such as the creation of Valyrian steel. But the actual magic comes from the fires of the fourteen, those volcanoes are some sort of nexus for the magic of this side of the world. But when it comes to Blood people couldn't be more wrong. The term Blood comes from the sacrifice of the living… they kill slaves, thousands, if required, for the sake of magic.
The Regallyon blood was an outlier of all this, they had magic, and they did not require the fourteen, but they have always been so few in numbers that they can't really cause an imbalance in the overall Freehold power structure. They are number two because they had bodies and magic above human comprehension.
When one considers the question "Quantity or Quality?" that very question is directly related to the two top families of the Freehold. Belaerys had quantity, abnormally so, their harem-based incestuous tradition bred dozens of "pure-blooded" Dragonlords. Individually they were as normal as anyone else, but there is power in numbers.
Regallyon on the other hand was the opposite, it was quality. Their bodies were above human limits, their lifespan was absurdly high considering how long a regular human lived. Considering that in Planetos, an average healthy highborn would live up to his seventies or eighties with outliers such as Aemon Targaryen, Regallyons had an average of a hundred and thirty years of age, with outliers living up to a hundred and eighty!
"But our strength comes with a cost, we are humans and at the same time… we are not… our genes are incompatible, many ancestors tried… we are stronger, faster, live longer, and have unique magic that doesn't really require rituals or conditions… no wonder we are the second regardless of our numbers, who would fight us? We can knock dragonriders off of their dragons with a well-aimed fireball, we don't need a bow and can cast in one hand while steering our own dragon with the other… or holding a sword… it's like we bring guns to a sword fight. The only ones that could challenge us head on would be the Belaerys, but why would they? They are the first… even if they get to knock us down there will be a new second… it would be a never-ending job for them…"
His study time was interrupted by three knocks on the heavy wooden door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"My Lord!" said Valanar "A liaison of the Telaeryen family has arrived, he said that he is here to deliver your armor."
Kael instantly got up and walked towards the door, today he was dressed in new palace robes that he ordered to be made, for both him and his sister. The robes were mainly black and silver with extremely detailed patterns, the inner part had a layer of red velvet and the robes were so long that they would almost touch the ground. Kael constantly would wear the long loose sleeves slightly folded to display the red color; it was his favorite color after all.
[Picture Here, if the webnovel overlords allows it lol.]
He also had a couple of Valyrian steel rings on each hand, the curious part of these rings is that two of them had a hollow area, as if they were crafted to hold a jewel but there was no jewel slotted yet.
"It's about time! They took almost five fucking moons to get it done, and I haven't even requested the helmet yet!" He exclaimed in excitement, but an undertone of snarkiness could be heard from his voice, especially towards the end of his speech.
"You can't really blame them my Lord, you requested their best work and with the details that you provided on your so-called... "schematics" …no wonder it took them so long," said Valanar with a small grin on his face.
Kael could only sigh "I guess you are right, but to think that the armor would only be completed after our scouting party landed on Skagos… it's rather depressing, isn't it? They had a 2 moon headstart."
"To be fair, they only arrived there a week ago, my Lord, they are still preparing the first outpost as per your instructions, they did have some clashes with the local population though, I got the report from captain Vaelen today, not long ago."
"Oh? Tell me the details" requested Kael as they walked down the massive stairway of the Regallyon tower, as pretty as this place was, as magical as this place felt, especially with the sunset sun rays shining through the large windows, these stairs were the work of the devil himself!
'The fucking Night's Watch has an elevator, why we Valyrians can't have one as well? When we move… building elevators will be one of my top priorities! Fuck these stairs!'
"The host of one thousand men encountered a local lord from House Crowl of Deepdown, they had two times our numbers, but even so we won decisively, the difference in the quality of equipment and training showed… according to the reports they were mostly barbarians swinging poorly crafted blades, made of frozen fire."
Kael laughed out loud "Oh that's hilarious, they have such priceless material and can't put it to its proper use, it only shows that treasure in the hands of idiots is no different from shit." Kael had a huge smile on his face "But I'm happy about it… frozen fire, eh? That certainly changes things…"
Valanar nodded "Aye, but the volcano must be dormant for years since no news of they possessing any was ever passed down to others, the Night's Watch would know if it was active. Eastwatch-by-the-Sea has the perfect angle to capture any possible eruptions."
"It's not a problem, it produces frozen fire so it's not extinct, it only makes the island even more desirable now, what if there's more than one? If we can get at least two it would be perfect, having three would be optimal though, it would maximize our productivity"
"Don't be too greedy My Lord, we are lucky with finding one… let's not count on the third yet, you said yourself that the higher the expectation the harsher the disappointment."
"You are right…"
They kept talking about what happened in Skagos as they went down, it took them quite some time to reach the bottom of the tower.
As they reached the door there were two men waiting for him, one was ahead of a carriage of goods, he wore presentable clothes but nothing outstanding or extravagant, the other on the other hand wore luxurious clothes of the highest quality, which made Kael frown.
He turned to Valanar "I thought that you said the liaison of the Telaeryen arrived… you commented nothing about a second one…"
Valanar was about to reply but the man wearing luxurious clothing stepped up.
"Fire and Blood, Lord of Regallyon, as a matter of fact I have just arrived." He said and gave a respectable bow, which eased Kael's eyebrows by quite a bit.
"Fire and Blood, but I must apologize, I don't think we were introduced."
"I came here to deliver this" he handed Kael a very fancy scroll. "This is a summons for the next Dragonlord Conclave, my duty is to bring this to you as your presence is necessary, the other families will be there too, at least the other thirty-nine."
Kael nodded and took the scroll, which prompted the man to bow again and take his leave.
"Lord of Regallyon" said the other man while bowing way lower than the previous liaison. "I came here merely to deliver the goods that you requested, your armor and Valyrian Steel ingots are inside the carriage, your men already confirmed the goods but you are welcome to check them as well. The Lord of Telaeryen is excited to work with you, he said that if you were to send double the amount of ores, he will charge you five percent less on the next order of ingots."
Kael managed to hide his quick frown by pretending to be reading the scroll, placing it in front of his face, he then lowered it and displayed his easy-going smile as always "That would be wonderful, but I don't have the need for more ingots than that, it's merely for research and magic purposes, but tell Lord of Telaeryen that I appreciate the offer."
The man nodded "I shall take my leave then my Lord, Fire and Blood"
"Fire and Blood."
Once the man left Kael's frown came back. "I don't like this…"
Valanar shrugged "They can't do anything, you are not doing anything wrong or suspicious, I believe the main reason why they are keeping an eye on us is because of our interaction with the Targaryen that day, give it time and they will stop once they find nothing."
Kael nodded "Aye, but time is something that we are running out of, and now this damn thing," he said and tossed the scroll to Valanar. "If it looks like a scheme, smells like a scheme and feels like a scheme..."
Valanar just chuckled while reading it "I can't deny that my Lord, but the conclave is a rather common thing, it happened many times for many different reasons in the past, and I doubt that whomever is keeping an eye on us would pull all the other families together just for us, there must be other reasons as well."
Kael nodded "It's not all bad, I can officialize my magic research expedition. It won't be taking place right now but at least that can misdirect prying eyes from our actions, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Valanar I want you to find dirt on the other sacred families, specially Belaerys and Celdaerys."
Valanar raised an eyebrow in confusion, but Kael explained.
"They are the only military focused Dragonlord Families among the sacred five, the Telaeryen only care about forging, the Malgaeron are even less of a problem, they are dragon breeders… find whatever you can in all of them but focus on the first and third family… how much time do we have until the conclave?"
"A fortnight, My Lord."
Kael nodded "Then we have to be quick and efficient, find any shady business that we can use in case they try anything funny."
"Who will accompany you, my Lord?"
"Only you and Vaela will be coming with me."
Valanar wasn't happy about it "My Lord! The other 38 dragonlords will be there!"
"Yes, they will… and in an enclosed space, without their dragons and with limited personnel considering the size of the place… no one would be dumb enough to start a fight with us there, we hold the complete advantage in a place like that… and if they try… well… we will manage to cross a dozen or so dragonlord families from our records." A sinister grin appeared on Kael's lips as he concluded.
Valanar nodded, he agreed with Kael. If anyone was crazy enough to fight with someone with the magical power that Kael had, inside an enclosed space with limited numbers and without dragon advantage… they were fucked.
"What about our operation in Skagos then my Lord? I'm pretty sure they will conclude the outpost in seven days considering the seven hundred new slaves from House Crowl."
"Tell them to not explore on their own and turtle up inside the walls of the outpost. It's only a week's delay, I will be flying there right after the conclave ends. Order them to remain there until I arrive, leave the Skaggs alone until then…. And where is Vaela by the way?" Kael was rather confused; he hasn't seen his soon-to-be wife the whole day.
Valanar just laughed "She was here when the Liaison of the Telaeryen arrived, when she saw your armor, she went straight to her room saying that she will make a schematic for armor for herself… "
Kael laughed as well "Who would've guessed that such a gorgeous and soft girl would understand the beauty of armor and weapons."
"Aye my Lord, quite a catch for you, eh? A lady that can appreciate the beauty of armors, swords and dragons… woman of culture" Valanar said chuckling.
Kael came to his side and tapped his shoulders and smirked at him before walking back up those abysmal stairways.
"Oh, my dear friend... you have no idea…"
I'm sorry for the delay, my editor/grammar checker was taking a long nap... this chapter was written over an hour ago (time of posting), but the wife needs her beauty sleep... lol
I hope yall are enjoying the story, not much to be said here... i like some different theories i've been reading on the comment section, oh i love those and since my last fanfiction i started to understand why George R R Martin does it too, it's so damn entertaining!
Keep up with the good theories, the reception of this fanfiction have been mind-boggling, i don't really understand why but hey i'm not complaining XD thank you for the support :D stay awesome, have a great day or night depending on where you are, and see you on the next chapter!