
Game of Thrones: The Dragon Twins

Desmond Eves, a 27 years old war veteran dies from artillery shell explosions and reincarnates into game of thrones as Daeron Targaryen, the twin brother of Daenerys Targaryen. 284 AC, Dragonstone. After Rhaella Targaryen birthed twins, a huge storm hit dragonstone threatening to split the island apart destroying the Targaryen fleet in its wake. In her arms lay two beautiful babes sleeping soundly, staring at them with love and affection, one of the twins slowly woke up showing two pairs of beautiful violet eyes that gleamed with intelligence and curiosity staring back at her before quickly drifting back to sleep. She chuckles lovingly looking at them with a sad smile and tears running down her face before naming the boy Daeron Targaryen and the girl Daenerys Targaryen. Looking at them, she reluctantly hands her children over to one of her most trusted dragonguard and orders him to take her children away from this place drawing her last breath. The guard kneels down sadly before getting up holding the twins and hurrying off to drag young Viserys to board a ship and set sail to Essos. Plunged in a bloody world full of schemes and treachery where everyone is a pawn on someone’s board, will he be able to survive and protect himself and his sister from the usurper or better yet, play the game of thrones and conquer the known world? Follow Daeron Targaryen as he begins his conquest with Fire and Blood. ———————————— #Incest English isn’t my first language so if you find any grammatical errors please tell me so I can correct it. I plan to focus the kingdom building part on Essos since not many fanfics do that. The updates will be slow and irregular because I’ll be focusing on uni.

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2 Chs

Auxiliary Chapter

MC: Daeron Targryen

Love Interest: Daenerys Targaryen.

Dragons: Aelora, The Blood Fire.

- Powers -

Valyrian Magic: Grants immunity to fire and the ability to use fire magic, forge valyrian steel with magic and bond with dragons. (Valyrian Magic is the reason he's able to use Pyrokinesis, Thermokinesis and Fire breathing).

Pyrokinesis: The ability to ignite weapons with flames. (Similar to what Beric Dondarrion did to his sword and to what Melisandre did to the dothraki weapons).

Fire breathing: The ability to breathe fire large enough to engulf two to three adults and hot enough to melt iron and steel.

Thermokinesis: The ability to mentally control and manipulate heat. (He'll use it for smithing, fire breathing and cooking).

Blood Magic: (Give me some ideas about it).

Warging: The ability to enter an animal's mind to perceive the world through their senses and control their actions.

- Innate Talent -

Magic: Check powers above.

Dragonrider: Need I explain?

Weapon & Combat Mastery: Mastery over the sword, spear, dagger and martial arts. (Talent kicks in when training).

Stealth Mastery

Survival Instinct: The ability to sense danger & killing intent. (Talent kicks in when experiencing dangers).

Killing intent: The ability to give off murderous intent to paralyze victims in fear. Able to use after killing people, animals not counted. (Doesn't work on battle hardened and strong willed people but they will feel it).

Self healing: The ability to heal injuries and fatal wounds. Immune to sickness and poison. (You could say a nerfed version of self healing. Scars will remain, can't regenerate limbs and takes a long while to heal from fatal injuries that could kill a normal human).

Eidetic memory: The ability to recall any memory and record vast amount of information much more readily than normal humans.

Smithing: Forging weapons, armors n shit.

Alchemy: Create potions using valyrian magic and blood magic.

Fluent in High Valyrian language and able to communicate with dragons through their thoughts.

- God's gift -

(They're found in an inventory space, the inventory disappears for good after all items are out).

2 Elixir's that enhances the bloodline and negates all defects permanently. (For that targaryen madness thing and valyrian magic).