
The Blackfyre's Plan

(Third Person POV)

Following the invasion of Dorne, the North also suffered an invasion. They were attacked from both the West and East. The Ironborn on the West, backed by Vaemon Blackfyre on his dragon, and The Black Army on the East, backed by the Unsullied. 

The sudden attack alarmed King Rhaegar who decided to go and aid the North as Lord Robert Baratheon did the same. While Robert sailed in his fleet, taking thousands of Stormlanders in the process, King Rhaegar sent another group of ships led by Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Barristan Selmy to go and aid. He would then take flight on his dragon, Arraxes, and fly over to the North to meet with the Blackfyre and his dragon. 

He did not leave KIng's Landing defenseless, Shaena Targaryen and her dragon were there as Lord Tywin Lannister had raised his own army, sending word to his brother Kevan Lannister in Casterly Rock to send it to King's Landing to defend it. Should the rest of the Realm be attacked, the protection of the Royal Family and the Capital would be a major priority. 

Princess Myrcella was present in King's Landing, worried sick about her husband, Rhaegon Baratheon. Nymeria Sand, Rhaegon's Paramour, constantly assured her that Rhaegon would be difficult to kill, saying that there was nothing to worry about. Shaena was more than confident that her son would be successful, in taking out the Dothraki threat and she said he would soon join them. 

For days after Rhaegar left, there had been nothing but unease in the city. Tywin was acting Regent in the King's stead. He found it absolutely foolish that Rhaegar would go to battle by himself but considering he had taken the two greatest swordsmen with him, meant that he would be fine. One would argue that it was stupid to take two Kingsguard with him, leaving the Royal Family defenseless but Jaime Lannister was arguably the greatest defense that they could have. 

The Golden Lion was fierce, much more fiercer than his younger self, the one that could not save Elia Martell nor her children. But there was not much to worry about in Jaime's eyes considering that nobody would be foolish enough to attack the city, much less the Red Keep with Meylax standing guard. 

Tywin, despite all the defenses placed on the Red Keep, was still worried. He had a terrible feeling about everything else. He did not know what would come and he wanted the Princesses and the Queen to be under strict supervision. 

Whatever came next is not something anyone, including him, would ever see coming. Much like the Dragonstone Incident. 

It was unexpected. 


[King's Landing]

"Should you be here, brother?" Tyrion asked, "Worried about some dwarf we found in the Stormlands? He's not a threat." 

Ser Jaime Lannister walked in front of Sandor Clegane and Bronn, Tyrion was next to them as they made their way to the cells inside the dungeon. 

"There has been a rising activity in thievery." Jaime said, "I have a rousing suspicion about this man." 

Tyrion rolled his eyes, "He gave us all this information on the enemy. The Dragon God, the Blackfyres." He said, "The Dark Order. He deserves at least some rewards from us!" 

"His life is his reward." Sandor grumbled

"Right on that." Bronn chimed in

They reached the cell where Beak was. He sat on a stool at the far end of it, looking down as he held a small cup of water. 

He looked up, "Huh?" 

Jaime looked at him, "You." He said, "The Lord Hand wishes to see you." 

"Me?" Beak said

"Yes, that's what I said." Jaime said as he looked at Sandor, "Open it." 

The Hound opened the door and Bronn walked in, grabbing him by the back of his shirt. 

"Come now." He said, "Last thing we need is to make Lord Tywin annoyed." 

"Go easy on him!" Tyrion exclaimed

"Brother, I don't tell you this much but shut up." Jaime said, "You should go back to the quarters and calm Myrcella down. She's with child and all this stress should not be healthy." 

Tyrion scowled, "I won't." He said, "Listen, just because he is a dwarf, it doesn't mean you can treat him with-" 

"It's fine, I'll cooperate." Beak said, "I have nothing to hide." 

"Good." Jaime said, "Maybe you will tell us if you have anything to do with the thievery in the city. Reports said that one of the thieves was hired by a dwarf. Had scars on his head?" 

"Uh...." Beak said, "That could not be me. I was here the whole time." 

"Sure." Jaime said, "Let's go." 

As they pushed Beak forward, they made their way out of the dungeon and began to make their way through the Red Keep, going outside by the side. Jaime did this so the servants inside do not see them, as per request of his Father. 

As they walked, Beak looked at Tyrion, "What was stolen?" 

"I don't know." Tyrion said, "Something about the alchemical substance; Wildfire." 

"Tyrion, for the love our dead mother, shut the fuck up." Jaime snapped, "You cannot just say that so freely!" 

"He's right, Tyrion." Bronn said

They walked past a small rack of weapons, where there was a small iron axe hanging on it. It looked large enough for a dwarf to wield. 

Beak slipped his hand in his pocket, which Sandor noticed. 

"What do you have there?" He stopped as he looked at him

"Nothing." Beak said with a frown

Jaime stopped and turned to face him, "Enough fooling around." 

Beak turned around pulled a small vial and in a swift motion, he popped it open and drank its contents. 

"What the...." Bronn said as he turned him around, "How did you get that?!" 

Beak gulped the liquid down and suddenly pulled out a sharp object; looking like a ceramic shard. He swung it at Bronn's face, cutting him and causing him to stumble back. 

"Bronn!" Tyrion exclaimed

Jaime placed his hand on his sword as Sandor did the same. Beak then flung something at Jaime, striking him with a needle-like object. It hit him right on the neck and as the Kingsguard clutched his neck, he dropped to his knee. 

"Jaime!" Sandor said as he drew his sword

Beak then jumped for the weapons rack as his eyes went black, grabbed the axe and swiped his hand on the blade, cutting himself. 

He proceeded to chant a few words in YiTish and the axe blade suddenly burst into green flames. 

Sandor had charged for him but stopped, frozen in fear of the flames. Beak swung the Axe at him, a small wave of flames hit Sandor and set his cloak ablaze as he yelled out. 

The Hound dropped to the ground and began to roll frantically as he tried to put the flames out. 

Tyrion was standing there, frozen in shock, as he watched Bronn grab a large tarp to try to set the flames on Sandor out. 

"W-What the..." He said

Beak then lunged at him, swinging his axe at him. 

"Tyrion!!" Jaime exclaimed as he jumped in front of him

Jaime shielded Tyrion from the axe and the blade cut through his armor and wounded him underneath his right shoulder, dropping him to the ground as he yelled in pain. 

Beak then spat some blood out as his eyes reverted back to normal, "A-Aghh..!!" He shouted before dropping the axe and taking off into a sprint

He ran past them, coughing repeatedly. 

Bronn turned to see this, "Shit!" He said, "He got away!! The gates are open!!" 


As the guards of the Red Keep alongside the City Watch were on high alert, searching for the culprit that wounded Ser Jaime Lannister, leaving him bedridden, there was movement in the undercity. In a building, there were several men who were conversing about this. 

Beak burst through the door, holding a small box that contained several sealed jars of a green substance. He was coughing blood out as his eyes were bloodshot; an after-effect of the liquid he drank. 

"Ha.....haaa...." He managed, "I....I was successful.....!" 

A man, whose upper body was shrouded in shadow, turned to face him. There was a glint of white hair that Beak was able to see. 

"Hm...." He said, "Well done." 

Beak panted heavily as he placed the box down, "I am sorry for taking so long....My Prince..." He said, "But I am here with the wildfire...." 

"You did well." The Man said, "I believe the time has come. It does seem that the Stormlands are unattended for and the King has left the city. With the Silver Dragon gone..." 

"The Grey Snake slithers unto the surface."