
Gin Alley

(Rhaegon's POV)

"Fancy meeting you lot here." Nymeria said as she walked up to us, "Oh. Who's this behemoth?" 

We were walking down the street, following Sandor who merely stopped, looked at Nymeria and looked back at me. 

"There's a third one? Holy shit..." He grumbled before shaking his head and walking away

"That's the Hound, sister." Obara said

"The Hound? This one? I figured he was the Mountain." Nymeria said as she walked up to me and hugged my arm

"Don't let him hear you say that." I muttered

"Hey, that's my side." Tyene said as she pushed Nymeria away

"Oh, is that so? You've finally decided to stop being a moody bitch?" Nymeria taunted, "He was mine first." 

"Don't start." I grumbled with a frown

"Hehe." Obara chuckled as he grabbed my right hand, "I bet you would love to be seen with Nymeria, right?" 

"Oh? You jealous, sister?" Nymeria said, "I met his mother, she's as beautiful as Father described. Such a wonderful woman, you would like her." 

"Lucky bitch." Tyene said

"Hey, you idiots!" Sandor called, "Quit yer yammering and keep up! I'd rather stay with the Imp than deal with you lot." 

I looked at the girls, "This one can be a cranky bitch." I said, "Let's get along. And no fighting between each other, got that?" 

"Okay, lover." Nymeria gave me a wink

"Stop that." Tyene warned

I sighed and walked ahead as the three of them giggled amongst each other, they sure love making my life impossible sometimes. 

As I reached Sandor while the three followed us, the Hound gave me a scowl. 

"What?" I said

"I never took you to be like Tyrion." He said

"I'm not." I said, "I didn't pay them." 

"Aye, you did." He said, "Your Dragon was payment." 

"How do you know about it, anyway?" I asked him

"Tyrion Lannister has ears everywhere." He said

"Of course he does." I said as we made our way down the street, "You got a problem with it?" 

"No." He said, "What the fuck do I care how many women you bed?" 

"Well, that's a good mindset." I said, "Say, I got a question." 

"What is it?" He asked

"You wouldn't hold it against me if I kill your brother, right?" I asked

"Don't give two shits about that prick." He said, "You can kill him if you want." 

"Good, glad we got that sorted out." I said

"Why'd you wanna kill him anyway?" He asked

"I don't like him." I said

"Heh." He chuckled

"What?" I asked

He looked at me,

"I knew you were a killer." 


"It smells like booze and shit here." Nymeria said

"It's Gin Alley." Sandor grumbled

Tyene and Obara were leaning against the wall as Sandor walked toward a group of people. 

Nymeria was holding my hand as she twirled her hair on her finger. 

"See?" Obara whispered to Tyene, "There you go, they're holding hands in front of everyone." 

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck's sake..." I groaned as I let go of Nymeria's hand and walked away

"Hey!" Nymeria exclaimed, "You bitch, Obara..." 

I glanced at them, "Stay there." I said as I pointed at them, "Don't fight." 

I walked over to Sandor who stood in front of group of thugs and without warning, he punched one to the ground as the others began to scatter. 

"Dumb fuck." Sandor said as he picked up the thug, "You know who sent that stupid blonde to kill the Lannister Imp, do you?" 

"N-No!" He said as he bled from his nose, "Spare me, Ser!" 

"I'm no knight." Sandor said as he punched his stomach, "Tell me the truth." 

"Gahh!" He exclaimed, "I swear it!" 

"Yea yea." He said as he punched the guy on the face again

"They won't speak if they're dead, Sandor." I said as I pulled him back from the thug, "You have to threaten them right." 

"S-Ser, please...." the thug pleaded as I picked him up

"There you go..." I said as I patted his shoulder, "Take it easy, buddy. Say, you see those beauties over there?" 

I pointed at the Sand Snakes who were a few meters away, looking at us. Tyene waved at us with a smile. 

"Y-Yea..." He said

"They'll probably cut your cock off." I said, "See, I know you, i think. Weren't you at one of the brothels in the Street of Silk? Didn't you attempt to rape one of the girls?" 

"I...." He said, "That was a long time ago." 

"But you still did it right?" I asked, "Tell me, who hired the cutthroat to kill Tyrion Lannister?" 

"I..." He gulped, "I don't-" 

His head suddenly jerked forward and I noticed a small knife lodged into the back of his skull as his entire body hunched forwards and leaned against me. 

"What the..." I said as I moved out the way and watched his body drop down to the ground

I looked ahead to see a man holding a bottle of booze while drawing a knife. 

"You stupid fuckers." He said as he smirked, "You were stupid, coming here." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Who the fuck is this?" 

"Some cunt." Sandor said

"I suppose this idiot did know the answer to our question." I said gesturing at the dead body, "Considering this one took him out." 

"He definitely doesn't want the information to leak out." Sandor said, "You wanna take this one or should i?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know, whatever you want." 

"You idiots know who you're messing with?" The man said as he dropped the bottle to the ground and drew another knife, "I'm Karl fucking Tanner!!" 

"Oh. Him." Sandor said

I looked at him, "You know him?" 

"Apparently he's the top-paid cutthroat in Fleabottom." Sandor said, "But my point still stands. He's some cunt with two knives, that's all." 

"I'll show you." Karl Tanner said as he walked towards us

"Huh, how about that." I said drawing my sword, "I'll take this one." 

Karl lunged at me, swinging his blades at me, "Fuck you!" 

I blocked his attack with my sword and pushed him off and followed up with a thrust, aiming at his shoulder, but he was agile enough to dodge it. 

"Oh?" I said as he immediately rushed me

I dodged his dagger swipes and parried his follow up, causing him to stumble. The moment he straightened up, a saw a small projectile hit him in the neck and his eyes widened as he clutched it. 

I frowned, "What?" 

He then collapsed to his knees and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, "Guhh...." He groaned as he fell on his stomach

I rolled my eyes, "Tyene...." I said

"What?" Tyene said as she walked towards me, "It's not poison. Just a little sedative." 

"Who's this joker?" Nymeria said as she stood next to the unconscious body of Karl Tanner and kicked it, "Trying to hurt our man." 

"I would've killed him." Obara said, "Man, I should've brought my spear." 

I crouched down and took out the dart from the cutthroat's neck, "I suppose we can interrogate him." I said, "You know any interrogation techniques, Sandor? Good ones that aren't beating someone half to death?" 

"Not necessarily." He said

"Well...." I said with a sigh, "We leave it to this one.....I know I said she shouldn't do it, but...." 

"Tyene will poison the truth out of it, I guess.