
Game of Thrones: Rise of the Witch-King(EN)

A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.

Lorenzo5798 · Ti vi
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33 Chs

Chapter 22: No Title.

After Astapor was taken, Chaos ensued for a few days, and resistance and criminality were on the rise.

But thanks to the Unsullied, City Guards, and Domeric's Forces the situation improved, anyone who opposed the New Government was arrested or killed.

Grazhein ensured that the Administration was fully loyal to "him", while at the same time he began to prepare the Accords he would make with House Bolton.

Food was taken from the dead Good Masters' estates and other locations in the city, and distributed among the population until Astapor was ready to reopen.

Domeric has been holding back from having the Harpy taken from Astapor, the gold on her wings was almost overwhelming.

Missandei also started to be coached by Domeric, in reading and writing, calculating basic math, she was being fast at it.

But now Domeric would be dealing with the Unsullied, he needs to Power Up their morale and increase their loyalty.

Missandei, Grazhein, and the Commissioner who was in the small Fleet of Domeric stayed behind him, waiting to hear his speech.

Domeric and the group were on top of the Walls of Astapor, right at one of the City Gates.

*Unsullied!* yelled Domeric to the legions of Unsullied in front of him.

The Unsullied were soon in position awaiting further orders as they looked up to see Domeric.

*From this moment on, you are no longer slaves!* yelled Domeric as he lifted the Whip with the Harpy and broke it, then threw it to the ground.

*You are free to decide your own destiny! Anyone who wants to leave won't be hurt or anything like that! However....who wants to continue serving in the House Bolton's Army, needs to know that you will be treated like people! I will not waste your lives like Cattle, I promise you by my Name, to ensure that you'll be the Kings you are meant to be!* Domeric gave his speech while using Charisma Magic, just to increase the odds, after all, he wasn't Daenerys.

Soon silence reigned, not one Unsullied made a sound, everyone behind Domeric was waiting to see if they would leave or stay.

But it didn't take long, as an Unsullied started slamming his spear into the ground, as such, everyone followed suit.

Domeric smiled seeing this, now it was time to deal with the last problems in Astapor and then continue the journey.

4 days later

Domeric was on his ship that was getting ready to leave, Astapor was already ready to be reopened, so his work was done.

12,000 Unsullied would be in Astapor ensuring the safety of the City, as well as ensuring that no one dares to invade this territory.

In Astapor one could see Blue Flags with the symbol being a Double-Headed Eagle with Wings spread out in the center.

The City Guard is in the process of being reformed, but this will require bringing in some Officers and Commissioners to ensure effectiveness and loyalty.

Grazhein, as the High Lord of Astapor, initiated a series of reforms at Domeric's behest, while using whatever connections he had to ensure that no Free City attempted to attack Astapor.

He even hired the Golden Company to strike fear in the other Free Cities and ensure that Astapor's "Independence" continued.

Domeric then signed the necessary Accords for Astapor to become a Protectorate of House Bolton.

The agreement also included commercial deals advantageous to House Bolton, as well as "hiring" the services of Officers and Commissioners to reform the City Watch.

"Missandei, what is our next course?" asked Domeric as he looked out to sea.

"Mi'Lord, we will now go to Pentos and then to Westeros, because of the current political situation, only Pentos has recognized the new Government of Astapor..., for now" Missandei replied cordially as she handed Domeric Milk with Tequila.

"Thank you" Domeric takes the Tequila Milk and drinks it.

"My lord, may I know why you want to go to Pentos?" asked an Unsullied beside Missandei, who was no less affluent than Gray Worm.

Domeric managed to secure the finding of Gray Worm and as such, appointed him Leader of the Unsullied Forces in Westeros.

"Only for business...I want to get honey" replied Domeric while still looking out to sea.

"The sea is beautiful, don't you think?" asked Domeric as he drank his tequila and milk.

The two agreed and continued at their Lord's side.

5 Days/King's Lading.

It's been 5 days since Astapor was fully open again to the world.

In King's Landing, the situation was in a mess, Tywin, who barely left the City had to return in the same instant when he heard the news.

The news reached King's Landing quickly thanks to a certain Spider who had some birds in Astapor, but they had to go without singing during the chaos in the Free City, as the Purge was in full swing.

Cersei called her father to find out how she was going to deal with House Bolton, for some reason the Spider did not tell the King such news, this made Cersei a little suspicious, and the Spider only told part of the events.

"Tell me this is a joke," said Tywin showing a clear sign of concern on his face, which surprised Cersei.

"N-no joke, Astapor took a Coup led by a Faction of Good Masters there, it was bloody and now the 'High Lord of Astapor' wanted to make deals with Domeric Bolton to become a Protectorate of House Bolton" Cersei said as she became suspicious and took a breath, then continued talking.

"From the looks of it, Astapor has been unstable and as such, the High Lord of Astapor decided to get protection from Domeric, as he saw that the Soldiers and Non-Humans of House Bolton would help Astapor a lot, but in the midst of this, he makes several deals that made sure House Bolton had a firm foothold in Essos and fully controlled Astapor" finished Cersei as they walked over to her table and drank some wine.

"But is it the 'Unsullied'? They would probably be enough to protect Astapor." Tywin said seriously but he soon realized the situation.

"I have to say... This boy is smarter than I thought" Said Tywin darkly, Cersei raised an eyebrow to show that she didn't understand, Tywin then had to explain to his daughter.

"He probably bought the Unsullied somehow, he then must have made deals with some Good Masters and manipulated them into a Coup, as they were in a desperate situation and no longer had an Army, they had to make deals with House Bolton for protection" Tywin explained as he sat down in a nearby chair and placed his hands on his head.

'Domeric Bolton, you are too dangerous, I need a way to have you on the side of House Lannister or I'll have to find a way to kill you' Thought Tywin, Domeric was already a dangerous Player, but now his Danger Level has exceeded the heavens.

"But having slaves is a crime in Westeros, couldn't he be arrested and tried for it?" asked Cersei hastily, but Tywin shook his head.

"He probably already freed the Unsullied if the boy was Expert enough, which he was, and also knowing his silver tongue, he must have managed to make the Unsullied serve himself free" Tywin said as he thought of all the situation Westeros will find itself in after this news comes out.

The Political situation would once again be upside down, the Great Houses might even use this as an excuse to try to expand into Essos.

There is also the issue of Astapor being a Protectorate of House Bolton, by being a Protectorate, the City would remain "Independent" in a way, so it could continue to practice Slavery without having repercussions, but it would have several benefits for House Bolton.

"Cersei, Myrcella's marriage to Domeric must now be given top priority, do you understand?" Tywin asked as he looked at Cersei seriously.

Cersei nodded, having House Bolton on the side of the Lannisters is crucial, House Lannister would have a very powerful ally on their side.

"I'll also try to talk to the Domeric boy, everyone who is smart enough knows that House Bolton stopped having ambitions in the North and decided to focus on the Iron Islands" Tywin said as he got up and prepared to leave.

"Wait! You're wanting to support House Bolton in the Iron Islands? But wouldn't that make them more Powerful?" asked Cersei hastily.

"That's why the Marriage between Myrcella and Domeric is essential, so we can make sure House Bolton doesn't step out of line if we have to sacrifice some scum-filled Isles to do so? So be it." Tywin replied as he left the room.