
Chapter 3: In the Shadow of Dragons


**Chapter 3: In the Shadow of Dragons**

At just six years old, Maegor Lucaerys felt destined to be one of the future leaders of Valyria. The first thing on his mind upon waking was his dragon, Arrax. In the five years since his birth, Arrax had grown at an incredible rate, becoming one of the fastest-growing dragons in Valyria. Measuring 40 meters in length with an 80-meter wingspan, Arrax boasted a striking appearance with crimson and black scales and a head covered in spiked horns. Under the care of dragon keepers, he was raised in the dragon pit.

Maegor's father, Aemon Lucaerys, also had a dragon. Aemon's dragon, with its black and silver wings, adorned the sky with its powerful presence. Every member of the Lucaerys family had a dragon, symbolizing their power and prestige. Maegor's younger sister, Leana, also had a dragon. Born a year after her, Leana's dragon emerged from its egg as a blue and white dragon with purple eyes. Named Silvy, it was 20 meters long with a 40-meter wingspan.

Aemon took Maegor's training seriously, aiming to develop him into a strong and courageous warrior. That morning was no exception. Aemon woke Maegor for the morning training session. Maegor quickly got out of bed, dressed, and went out to the courtyard. His father held a wooden sword in his hand.

"Today, I'll teach you one of the sword techniques," Aemon said, his eyes filled with pride and expectation. Maegor listened carefully to his father's instructions and followed them with the wooden sword. During the training, Aemon watched Maegor's movements closely, correcting every mistake patiently.

After training, Maegor rested in the shade of a large tree in the courtyard. His younger sister, Leana, brought him water. Despite being only a year younger than Maegor, Leana always tried to support him.

"How was the training?" Leana asked with curiosity.

"It was tough, but I learned what Father taught me," Maegor said, taking a sip of water. "You should see how much Arrax has grown. His wings are almost wide enough to cover the entire sky."

Leana smiled, sharing in Maegor's excitement. "One day, we'll both be dragon riders," she said dreamily.

As the day went on, Maegor and Leana took a stroll through the magnificent streets of Valyria. Like other noble families in Valyria, the Lucaerys family did not interact with ordinary citizens. They were both feared and respected. Maegor and Leana wandered through the most prestigious parts of the city, buying new clothes and jewelry for their mother and themselves. Maegor proudly smiled at the elegant dress and matching jewelry he chose for his sister.

During their shopping, Maegor's attention was drawn to a sword that his father was going to gift him. Later, Aemon called Maegor to a special room. The room was filled with swords made of Valyrian steel, each one a work of art.

"Maegor, I want to give you a gift," Aemon said, looking at him with a serious expression. "This will represent the pride and honor of our family."

Aemon took down a sword from the wall. It was made of Valyrian steel and dazzled with its dragon motifs. The sword was named "Wrath of the Dragon" and had been wielded by the bravest warriors of the Lucaerys family for generations.

"This sword will symbolize your courage and strength," Aemon said, handing the sword to Maegor. Maegor accepted the sword with great honor and excitement. Holding the sword, he felt more powerful and determined.

That evening, Maegor and his family gathered in the grand dining hall. During the meal, conversations and laughter filled the air. One of Maegor's favorite moments was listening to his mother, Viserra, tell ancient Valyrian legends. That night, she recounted the story of one of Valyria's oldest dragons. These tales fueled Maegor's imagination and strengthened his connection to Valyria's rich history.

The next morning, Maegor went to the dragon pit with his uncle Gaelys. Gaelys, an experienced dragon rider, was going to teach Maegor how to train Arrax. When they arrived at the pit, Maegor's heart raced with excitement at Arrax's impressive size and powerful appearance.

"Today, I'll teach you how to earn your dragon's loyalty and how to command it," Gaelys said, looking at Maegor. Arrax approached Maegor, sensing his presence. Maegor looked into his dragon's eyes, feeling the strong bond between them.

Gaelys taught Maegor the basics of dragon training. He gave commands to Arrax and Maegor watched his dragon's reactions closely. This process tested Maegor's patience and determination, but it also brought him great satisfaction and joy.

By evening, Maegor rejoined his family in the grand hall. Conversations and laughter resonated throughout the meal. Maegor's imagination overflowed as he listened to his mother recount more ancient Valyrian legends. Her stories of past dragon riders inspired him to envision his own future.

When the meal ended, Aemon announced that he had an important announcement to make. He revealed that Maegor and Leana were betrothed. Maegor was stunned by the announcement. Such arrangements would be considered improper in his previous world, but in Valyria, family marriages were common and necessary to maintain power.

Leana smiled at her father's words. Maegor, however, tried to hide his discomfort and accepted the news. He hoped he would grow accustomed to it over time. Other family members reacted to the announcement in different ways.

Vaemon, Gaelys, and Baelon expressed their support for the decision. For them, it was a strategic step to reinforce the power of the Lucaerys family. Rhaena and Aemma responded with joy and wished Leana happiness. However, Aerys and Aenys reacted with some surprise and exchanged silent opinions among themselves.

That night, when Maegor retired to his room, his thoughts about the future and his emotions kept him awake. The room was shrouded in silence, with the starlight streaming through the window. As he lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, he began to ponder his family's future.


First of all, hello, dear readers! This is my first time writing this fan fiction novel, so there might be spelling mistakes or plot issues. Please don't mind them. Additionally, I'm looking forward to your comments for more advice. Wishing you all a great day, with love from an amateur writer.


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