
Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Warning: R-18 Restricted. Read all the tags. ======= Damian Silvius is reincarnated into the world of GOT/ASOIAF after meeting an unfortunate end in his previous world. Fortunately, he was born into the Stark Family as the fourth son and fifth youngest child of Rickard and Lyarra Stark. In addition to that, he bounded with a System that was similar to the game he like to play in his previous life. (Will update the synopsis in a few days again) ======== Support me on Patr-eon and access my stock: https://www.patreon.com/Axelwheel ======== Tags related to R-18 content: Smut, Heavy sex, Threesome, Foursome, MFF, MMF and more, Group Sex, Orgy, Double Penetration, Incest, Lesbian, Interracial, Porn with Plot, etc. Mention of Gay, Bi sex for other Game of thrones characters (MC is a straight man) Tags: Action, Magic, Medieval setting, Adventure, KIngdom-Building.

Axel_wheel · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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94 Chs

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Observing Damian with his head bowed in contemplation, Robert refrained from pressuring him for a hasty decision. Damian was clearly engaged in an internal struggle, carefully weighing the implications of accepting such a significant responsibility.

While the notion of ruling over Moat Cailin might encounter minimal opposition from the North, embracing the title of Lord of the Iron Islands presented a considerably more intricate scenario. Damian foresaw potential objections from nearly all the kingdoms in Westeros, save for the North. He doubted whether Robert, despite his forceful nature, could effortlessly quash dissent, as he boldly asserted. Or perhaps he could, but only for a limited time before succumbing to mounting pressure.

However, these weren't the primary concerns. Damian was steadfastly confident that, with the aid of his system and its rewards, he could swiftly consolidate his power once he assumed the mantle of Lord of the Iron Islands.

For Damian, the crux of the matter lay in the choice between an easier, gradual approach or a more challenging, expedited one. Opting for Moat Cailin would grant him dominion over a vast expanse of strategic land, providing access to both the Sunset Sea in the west, via Fever River, and the Narrow Sea, as the territory extended to the coast of The Bite.

The potential applications of Moat Cailin for amassing wealth and influence were myriad, contingent on Damian's dedication to developing the region over the years. For instance, he could envision the creation of a canal linking Fever River to The Bite, effectively shortening the distance between the Sunset Sea and the Narrow Sea.

Though such an endeavour would demand substantial time, finances, and a considerable workforce, the eventual prosperity of Moat Cailin seemed assured in a few decades. This transformative development could trigger a cascade effect, prompting people to migrate south and settle in his lands. The resultant population shift might lead to the North, historically sparsely populated, becoming even more thinly settled.

However, this prosperity could introduce a potential imbalance of power and wealth, potentially causing friction among the northern nobles in the heartland of the North if not managed adeptly. Additionally, the construction of a ship bridge could disrupt the trade routes of Dorne and the Reach, generating tensions due to decreased maritime traffic along their coasts. 

Under the protective wing of his elder brother, Damian might find sanctuary for a while. However, the respite derived from this familial allegiance would inevitably dwindle. Despite their blood ties, the accumulation of such formidable power in Damian's hands could pose a threat to the future of Ned's lineage. Over time, Ned might rue his initial decision, and Damian harboured no desire to witness such regret in his brother.

Peering into the future, Damian envisioned a path where, even in the absence of the War of the Five Kings, he would inevitably strive to ascend to the throne as the King of Westeros or embark on a conquest of Essos—perhaps even both.

Therefore, the allure of the second option beckoned to him. Being the Lord of the Iron Islands would entail substantial system rewards, propelling him to significant power. This newfound strength would facilitate a swifter subjugation of the Iron Islands. Moreover, the prospect of addressing the influence of the Drowned God's religion sooner rather than later held its own appeal. Most crucially, having only Robert Baratheon above him in the hierarchy promised a more streamlined and focused approach to power dynamics. 

As Damian pondered further, the plans taking shape in his mind seemed increasingly promising.

The only drawback: marrying a teenage Asha Greyjoy.

Yet, if he could influence her early on, Asha Greyjoy might become a valuable ally.

When Damian lifted his gaze, he noticed his brother and Robert staring at him in silence, patiently awaiting his decision, which he had already decided, keeping the future events and his goal in mind.

[King Robert Baratheon of the Seven Kingdoms wants to appoint you as the High Lord of Iron Island. Do you accept?


Damian knelt down on one knee and declared, "I accept, Your Grace. I'll strive to transform the Iron Islands for the better, or I'll meet my end in the attempt."

Robert expressed satisfaction at Damian's acceptance of this challenging yet crucial responsibility.

Meanwhile, Eddard shook his head, grappling with the headache induced by contemplating the potential dangers this position could bring to his brother in the future.

. . .

As Damian reentered his tent nestled among the Northern troops, the weight of his recent decision settled upon him. Eager to unveil the bestowed benefits, he turned his attention to the system interface, anticipating the revelations that awaited him

[Congratulation! You have been promoted to Lord of Iron Island] 

[Congratulations! You have gained 5 rewards ]

[ Rewards - All stats (+2), Free Special Attribute Point (+1), Parkour Combat Mastery, Arcane Glyphs: A Guide to Runic Mastery, Random Magic Tool token. 

[ Name: Damian Silvius Stark ]

[ Status: Lord of Iron Island]

[ Age: 14 ]

[ Money: 16342 Gold Coins ]

[ Store ]

[ Build ]

Str -> 14 + 2 -> 16

Dex -> 16 + 2 -> 18

End -> 14 + 2 -> 16

Will -> 9 + 2 -> 11

Int -> 14 + 2 -> 16

Constitution -> 12 + 2 -> 14

Special Stat:

Mana ->13 + 2 -> 15

Free Points -> 0

[Every Five years, on your name day, a free point would be given freely that you can add to any of the above stat.]

Bloodline -> First Men

Special Abilities:

Warg -> 2

Greenseer -> 0

Special Attribute Points -> 1

[Every Ten years you get one free Special Attribute point. To gain more points, practice in the given ability or find other ways.]

[ Special Possessions: Magic Spell-Book of Fertility, Treasure Map (Iron Island), Arcane Glyphs: A Guide to Runic Mastery]

[ Skills: Advanced Jousting Skill, Parkour Skill Mastery]

[ Magic Spells: Bless Strength, Know Weather, Accelerate Plant Growth, Oakskin ]


Chapters until 80 are already posted on my Patre_n page. If you want early access to this novel and "One Piece: Incubus Bloodline System", visit the link p_atre_n.com/Axelwheel. Your support there helps me make a living out of my hobby and motivates me to write more. Even if it is the lowest Tier, please consider joining. Also, a big thank you to all my old and new patrons who subscribed to my page.

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