
Game of Thrones : House Karvus

"In the desolate corridors of a pandemic-ridden hospital, a man succumbs to the merciless grip of COVID-19, surrounded by the sick and the departed. Yet, death is not the end for him. He met ROB and awaken in the harsh terrain of Westeros, he is reborn as the child of a minor lord of forgotten house, with wishes. As he grows, the house he belongs to reveals a chilling history, entwined with dark rituals and forgotten sins. Will he suffer a worse fate than before, facing pain and tragedy, or can he use his new life to survive in this dark Game of Thrones world? In a place where danger hides everywhere, he must navigate through forgotten secrets and grim echoes, trying to stay alive in a world using his knowledge where survival might be even harder than his past plain. _______________________________________________ :NOTE: THIS STORY OR CHARACTERS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. IT BELONG TO GEORGE.R .R. MARTIN. ONLY CHARACTERS AND HOUSES CREATED BY ME BELONG TO ME. _______________________________________________

Drunken_writer · Ti vi
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9 Chs


After I became a page, my entire daily routine changed. I woke up at five o'clock in the morning and bathed with cold water, even when the weather outside was freezing. Maester Rodrey said it will improve my resistance to the cold and help us survive the harsh upcoming winter. After I freshened up, he led us into drills for physical exercises. They included running thirty laps around the training yard, climbing ropes, chopping wood, lifting tree trunks, pushups, sit-ups, crunches, breathing exercises to control our rapid breathing, and sometimes swimming if the weather is not cold. After physical exercises, we had our breakfast. Most of the time, our breakfast consisted of stew of meat, potatoes, and beans with bread, but sometimes it was bread and fish or meat pies with pottage. After our breakfast, we started sparring with each other. Maester Rodrey will instruct and correct any mistakes we make.

After exercise and sparring from early morning to afternoon, I started studying in the crypts. I practice my magic powers to learn how to heal and study various diseases. After studying until evening, I went to my classes with my father on how to rule our territory. Until night, he will teach me how to deal with different situations and how to improve our territory. Finally, at night, my father, mother, and I will have our dinner. We discuss how our day went and various things. Like this, days passed, month after month, I could see changes. My body became accustomed to the cold. My sparring skills improved, and my stamina increased drastically. I began to answer my father's questions skillfully. He gave me some of his paperwork to deal with, making me write letters for different people regarding various problems. He taught me how to address different lords and how to deal with them.

In a surprisingly sunny morning in these cold lands, I started my morning training.

"Hey lad, what are you doing there? Standing like a trunk?!... Get your ass here and start laps around the yard," Maester Rodrey said.

"Yes, sir," I said and started the laps. After morning training, Maester Rodrey made us assemble in the training yard. After some time, my father came.

"My guards, recently the scouts found the traces of the bandits that are harassing our people. They think we are weak because your fathers, brothers, and my soldiers died in battle. They think we are easy to plunder because we are weak. They think we are an easy target. What do you say? Are we an easy target?" my father said.

"'No milord, No milord,'" the soldiers and trainees shouted.

"They are worse than slavers and wildlings. They were born among us and turned their back on us. We don't leave these backstabbing wretched cunts. We will strike into their heart with our knives and show them what a true northerner is," my father said.

"'Ay milord, ay milord,'" soldiers screamed.

"'Trainees will also accompany us. Make sure to protect them. They are the future of this house," my father said.

"Yes milord," soldiers said.

After that maester Rodrey came and started to give information about the bandits, they numbered 150 to 200, mostly peasant and commoners. We only have 400 guards, and most of them not coming they have to protect castle and the fishing villages, only 50 guards and 25 trainees are coming, maester Rodrey will leads the expedition. After wearing my armor, which is leather tunic with iron mesh at fatal sports, I started to go to my father solar.

" Father, I'm ready to go" I said

" I know son, that you are more than ready." He said smiling.

" Ok then, I will take my leave father " I said and started join with my comrades

" Son " he called me

" What father " I replied

" There is a popular saying ' the one who strive to survive In this game of thrones are the one who will win, not the one who will strive to win' so keep that in mind and try to survive in this expedition" he said

" Yes.. father, I will keep that in my mind " I said and started to join the expedition party

3rd pov:

As dawn painted the sky with hues of amber, Ethan, along with maester Rodrey, led the expedition to confront the bandits plaguing his father's territory. Even though he's just a page, his father ordered him to with master Rodrey to learn how to lead people, to win a battle .The chill in the air mirrored the tension that gripped the assembled group of guards, trainees, and Ethan himself. The scent of imminent conflict coursed through the dense wilderness as they tracked the bandits to a hidden encampment.

As they approached, the bandits, oblivious to the impending retribution, were caught off guard by the swift and silent advance of the soldiers. Clad in armor adorned with the ominous Death Spikes, Ethan's silhouette seemed to meld with the shadows, amplifying the aura of dread that naturally surrounded him. The moment arrived for Ethan's first kill, a pivotal test of his resolve. With a breath that carried the weight of his lineage, he struck silently, burst opening the head of a bandit with the chilling precision of his Death Spikes. He didn't feel any disgust or guilty, he feels nothing, he telling himself that it's his duty to kill these scrum, even though there is a part of him, delightful to see their suffering and ending their lives.

The encampment erupted in chaos as the bandits realized they were facing a force unlike any they had encountered before. Ethan, wielding the Death Spikes with a deadly grace, danced through the fray, leaving a trail of fear and incapacitation in his wake. The spikes gleamed in the filtered sunlight as they met flesh and bone, instilling terror in the hearts of the bandits. Each strike echoed with a resounding rhythm, even though its his first time killing, his attacks accurately connected to the fatal point. Soldiers seeing him started follow their young lord who smashing his enemies to pulp.

The bandits, witnessing the ruthless efficiency of Ethan's Death Spikes, were gripped by a primal fear. Their attempts at resistance crumbled as Ethan moved with a calculated ferocity, as a harbinger of justice striking fear into the hearts of those who dared to threaten Cryptfall. The once brazen bandits were reduced to a quivering mass, their arrogance shattered by the embodiment of retribution. As the dust settled and the wilderness reclaimed its stillness, Ethan's first kill marked not only a personal milestone but a declaration to all who sought to defy the honor of Cryptfall – a declaration etched in the chilling silence that followed the clash of Death Spikes against the forces of lawlessness.

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Later that night, they reached to the cryptfall, with prisoners and the loot from the bandit camp. His father give them a choice ' wall or execution, of course all of them took the wall. After this long day, I washed myself from gore, visera. I Eaten my dinner, discussing about the expedition with my father and finally decided to sleep, to resting my aching muscles.


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