
Game of Thrones : House Karvus

"In the desolate corridors of a pandemic-ridden hospital, a man succumbs to the merciless grip of COVID-19, surrounded by the sick and the departed. Yet, death is not the end for him. He met ROB and awaken in the harsh terrain of Westeros, he is reborn as the child of a minor lord of forgotten house, with wishes. As he grows, the house he belongs to reveals a chilling history, entwined with dark rituals and forgotten sins. Will he suffer a worse fate than before, facing pain and tragedy, or can he use his new life to survive in this dark Game of Thrones world? In a place where danger hides everywhere, he must navigate through forgotten secrets and grim echoes, trying to stay alive in a world using his knowledge where survival might be even harder than his past plain. _______________________________________________ :NOTE: THIS STORY OR CHARACTERS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. IT BELONG TO GEORGE.R .R. MARTIN. ONLY CHARACTERS AND HOUSES CREATED BY ME BELONG TO ME. _______________________________________________

Drunken_writer · Ti vi
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9 Chs


Time Skip 3

It's been nearly three years since I was reborn into this world. At first, I had no motor control over my body, leading to embarrassing moments of soiling my clothes and relying on maids to clean up. During these three years, my routine consisted of drinking milk, shiting , and sleeping. From morning till night, I was always with my mother, occasionally seeing my father in the mornings and evenings. He was an easy-going yet responsible man, currently he making efforts to boost the household income through various means, such as catching exotic fish and breeding them in salt lakes, as well as expanding the number of cattle in our territory. However, the impact of these changes would only become evident in the long term.

Wildlings and slavers posed a constant threat to our fishing villages, with most men succumbing to battles, leaving the villages vulnerable. My father, was striving to address the situation, faced challenges, he even eliminated many bands of wildlings and slavers. Despite his efforts, some families continued to suffer.

Most castle guards and maids treated me with caution and respect, conversing amongst themselves as if I were not a normal child and have aura of an adult. Recently, I started to speak slowly, and my mother aided me in correcting my pronunciation mistakes. When it comes to history of our house, it can be said we had rotten luck, every time we will work hard and smart to achieve results to gain respect and power, only to bring us down even further.

Cryptfall Castle, enveloped in mist and surrounded by dense forest, held its own mysteries. With only two muddy roads connecting it to the fishing villages and Winterfell, I questioned my mother about why commoners didn't reside closer to the castle. She explained that the beasts in this Wolfswood area were extremely ferocious and posed a danger to commoners. After five or six months, I began exploring the expansive castle, marveling at its size it's as big as the White House in Washington, with hundreds of rooms and zigzagging corridors designed to deter invaders.The most interesting things is our crypts, where we rest our dead. Unlike any house it present right beneath out castle basement, thus gaining name cryptfall.

I will go to kitchen, whenever, I became hungry. I will observe sparring of castle guards with the maester at arms. I sometimes go to my father solar to see his work. He will proudly show his work to me.

My mother grew increasingly furious with my attempts to explore the castle, leading her to inform my father. His nonchalant response, asserting that it was natural for boys to be adventurous, resulted in her anger shifting from me to him, earning him a thorough scolding. Undeterred, I continued daily explorations, gaining familiarity with the castle's interior and the gardens where servants cultivated vegetables. Almost mastering the castle layouts, except the crypts.

One day, while playing in the garden, an unexpected coldness enveloped me. Its like something watching me, no it's not any predator, It felt more than just a predator's watchful gaze, something inhuman. The source was the Cryptfall. A sudden longing feeling filled my rapidly beating heart., I sprinted toward the castle, where all the servants had collapsed in fear. Racing toward the crypts, the coldness emanated from within. My fingers and ears burned due to cold, but determination pushed me forward, wanting to understand the mysterious calling.

When I reached entrance, my father was already there.

"Father," I gasped, trying to speak amidst breathlessness. he stopped me with hand gesture and said

" Go on and try. hope you are eligible" he said

Slowly, I entered the crypts, where an eerie calmness prevailed with no lights. Following symbols on the walls, I discovered a chamber, in the chamber, I saw bodies of humans twisted in weird ways and interconnected to each other, forming an arch with door made of muscles and skin. When I touched the door, suddenly the heads of the human zombies turned toward me, chanting spells in an unknown language. The stone platform beneath me opened, plunging me into underground tunnels and eventually a vast chamber filled with ancient scrolls.

The scrolls look like they're going to be destroyed in a couple of decades. I slowly walk towards a big scroll, almost as tall as I am, and start unrolling it. It's an introduction scroll about our family library. The scroll speaks of herbal concoctions, mystical remedies, healing techniques using sacrifices, rituals for making one strong, and creating chimeras of wild animals, among many other techniques, enough to make adults puke.

Delving further, I discovered two mini maces with spikes named "Death Spikes." And a book .Only those deemed worthy could wield these family weapons, the book accompanied with various training methods and deadly combos in detailed. I tried to lift death spikes, surprisingly they are very lite comparing their size.

I collected the Death Spikes and their book along with some books regarding general medicine and started to climb the spiral staircase along the library walls. When I reached the top, there was a door. I opened the door, and surprisingly, I found myself again at the zombie arch but from the inside. Whoever built this library must have been really into dungeons and traps thing.

I swiftly started to run toward my dad; he is waiting for me at the entrance. He quickly took me into his embrace.

" Thanks old gods, thank you for keeping my son safe" he said

"Don't worry, there is no one that can hurt me"

I said with proudful expression

" Well I don't think it's true, you have to face your mother remember " he said

" But..but it's you Who given permission to enter. " I said

" Did I ? ...When?"


"so if you excuse me I like to deal with servants regarding this issues " he said And hurriedly started to go away

" Ethan !!! " I heard my mom voice, she coming towards me with angry expression.

' Ooo. Shit she's gonna kill me'


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