
Life in Yunkai : A Pimp named Dinak

Ahhhhh goodness that took forever' grumbled Dinak as he collapsed onto his bed clearly tired from the previous night.

He along with Zackre and the rest of the Yellow Harpies spent the night traveling from brothel to brothel all over Yunkai either forcefully claiming it as Thier own or Dinak would have his men frighten the owners and he would use Thier fear to his advantage and manipulate Thier thoughts to have them loyal to him and to follow his every command.

Yunkai was known for its bed slaves and a large number of the cities brothels and bed slaves belonged to him now with him now owning over 56 brothels.They were to help boost his pocket and improve his own personal army by buying them better equipment and trainers.

He also wanted to use the bed slaves as spies and assassin's if possible to get rid of many who might oppose him it was also one of the ways he thought he could kill pig boss Dzodro and Dzora would be okay with that idea of course he had to meet up with them first.

Completely exhausted he laid on his bed looking up at the cracks in the ceiling they were distracting and with what seemed like moments he driffted to sleep.

That night he had the most perculier dream he was riding horses with Dzodro and Dzora in a grassy field, they were having a race Dinak was taking the lead until Dzora dashed ahead of him he tried to catch up but in an instant her head was sent flying they immediately stopped Thier horses and dashed to Dzora's headless corps out of her neck crawled out hundreds upon hundreds of worms quickly he rushed back but Dzodro only stayed still holding his sister's life less body until the worms consumed him.

Looking in absolute horror as his friend was eaten alive by the worms from his sister's body no Dzodro had died the moment Dzora died there was nothing he could do or rather he didn't know what he could have done.

In an instant the field caught fire darkening the sky burning away everything in sight except for him even tho the flame kissed his skin he could feel a small warmth but nothing more. Trying to ignore this he looked around the field and all he saw was flame until there was a human figure aproching it looked like it was in armor Unsallied armor as one appeared so did another until there was a whole army's worth of Unsallied marching though the flames. And in the sky he heard a loud noise


Dinak looked up to were the sound was coming from and there he saw it himself the fierce creature that brought his ancestors of the Ghiscari Empire to Thier knees a large black Dragon it's scales as dark as the night itself it's eyes reptilian and full of pride and bloodlust the beast wanted to fly and consume more and more but it's rider would not let it do as it pleases Dinak looked up at the rider and his eyes light up in amazement the indevidual was just as majestic as the dragon her most obvious and noticeable features were her eyes were violet she had pale skin and long pale silver hair it was her it was Daenerys Targaryen.Next thing he knew her dragon was blasting him with flames but he did not burn then two more dragons fell from the sky and bathed him with fire he felt none of the burns making him chuckle he began to laugh historically for what seemed like hours until he finally burned.

Causing him to jump out of his bed with a yell

WAIT!! he jumped out of his bed until noticing it was just a dream he had almost completely forgotten about the danger of the dragons and Danareys it was still three years before the events of the story but he would be ready by then he would have power by then.

He will make sure he doesn't burn alive by then.

After taking a bath and changing into a purple attire he went to the biggest and most popular brothel in his part of Yunkai the salamander which he now remained the "Yellow Harpie"

It was his biggest source of money at the moment and when he entered he was greeted by the former owner who had presented his best slaves to him each one as beautiful as the last and each had a seductive look about them not that he wasn't tempted as any boy would but at that moment he had to make sure they were properly trained for some tasks he had for them like spy work

fortunately many of the girls here already had such training he put them in charge of training many others mostly the new workers there were also male workers here to satisfy ladies aswell as other getlemen these slaves had similar training aswell so he put the more experienced ones in charge of training the newer slaves.

There were even some workers that tried to talk back and questioned Thier old master on why he had become Dinak and the yellow Harpies lap dog she was extremely disrespectful aswell and at that moment remembering everything he had known about pimps back in his world as if it was a muscle memory he gave a little prayer and sent his hand down guided by the Pimp gods themselves.

He had truly become a Pimp at that moment the former master looked in aww and the other workers simply shrugged it off as normal

Dinak did not know how to feel about that but not many workers spoke up for a while he went to check on Aril who was still studying like crazy she would be the one to manage finances for some time along with some other assistants.

He decided to go visit Dzodro and Dzora next to discuss their plans.

Hmmm I was starting to forget about the characters apearence s so I drew them I like it but it's nothing special but I like it so there.

usually how I see the characters and how the reader sees them can be different but I wonder who has the correct image?

Also thanks for Reading.

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