
Angelic grace and the birth of Valhalla.

After the discussions regarding Krystal and the need for new staff were done, I ordered my servants to summon everyone outside the castle as I wanna talk to them.

After one hour...

I see my army comprising of unsullied, the dothrakis and the various other slaves and ship builders and everyone else on the island waiting outside for me to address them.

As I approach the podium, everyone goes down on one knee to acknowledge me, the sight of thousands of people on their knees for you out of respect and fear is something I guess I will never forget as long as I live.

"Please stand up, everyone " I addressed the gathering, and then I began speaking ."

" From this day forward, your past lives a d status won't matter and from today onwards till the end of time all of you are free men women and children and all if you are my subjects and always remember that a dragon bows to no one and a dragon is never a slave so from this moment onwards irrespective of whether you all wish to follow me or not all of you are free men and subjects" I declared to them . People roared at the top of their lungs with happiness

"All hail Dragoneel "

"Long live the Dragon "

Everyone shouted.

"Guys, please hold your hand so that we can pray and ask the gods for their blessings as we begin our new lives from today" I said to them while signaling Ayaka to come forward and hold my hand and I started channeling my mana into her whispering her to say a prayer and then to cast Angelic grace on everyone. she nodded in affirmation and then began

"Dragoneel who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins

As we forgive those

Who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.

Bestow on us all your almighty grace.

Dragoneel, the father of dragons

The true God .

To whom we humbly pray

Always and Forever

Bestow on us, your Almighty grace,"

And she casted angelic grace with all her power channeling my infinite magic into the spell on everyone present there.

A white light shot from her very being and took the shape of a mighty dragon as is soared up to the sky and then the sky became black and then it decended down from the heavens on the people present and to their utter surprise started healing them of all their injuries and illnesses entire loss limbs lost eyesight even long term diseases were cured immediately and on that day everyone present had witnessed a miracle an act of God

and they simply shouted

" Long live Mhysa Ayaka.

Long live Dragoneel "

And on that day the old forgotten dragon gods gained thousands of devout followers

as everyone present accepted the

"Sanctum Of Dragoneel "