
Chapter 10

Morning came and with it a purpose. I rose feeling like a new man, looking across the camp, the slumbering form of Septon Athen lay. After pillaging his mind I learned his name. He has been a member of the faith since childhood. Raised on the good word, he had a burning desire to spread said word. Turns out he's from White Harbor, the same place I was headed. I need to visit the Sept there, I need to gain more understanding of the religion if I'm to make a play. I would use Septon Athen to gain entry, from there, we'll see.

Waking Athen, he didn't look any different, he was just a means to an end so I didn't need to make any drastic changes. I simply implanted some ideas in his head. He believed that Katyia was a wandering Septa and that I was a holy brother accompanying her. The twins and Lucan were hired to escort us on our travels. I of course implanted everything he knew of the faith into Katyia's mind.

After waking him we continued on our travels to White Harbor. Over the next five days, I went over my plan. Katyia was also tutoring me on the ins and outs of the faith. At least of what she knew, provided by Athen. After a long journey, we finally made it. White Harbor stood in all its glory before us.

Surrounded by large thick walls, Smoke rose from chimneys, and ships of all sizes were either docked or in the process of leaving the harbor. The harbor was divided into inner and outer harbors. We approached the Seal gate, and shops lined the outskirts. As we entered the decently sized town I was amazed. As a former city boy, the number of people wasn't anything new, hell this could even be considered small compared to what I'm used to.

Yet, for a place like the North, this is a sprawling metropolis. Granted, I haven't traveled much but from what I've seen thus far, the North is largely unoccupied. Athen guided us to a decent-looking inn where he left to complete his task. He was to enter the Sept of the Snows, the largest sept in White Harbor, and snatch a set of clothes befitting our station.

As we waited in one of the rooms I continued my lessons until someone knocked on the door. Lucan moved to open the door while the twins stood alert beside me. Athen stood on the other side with heavily laden arms. "Ah, welcome back Athen. I hope everything went as smoothly as we hoped?"

Athen entered the room while Lucan closed and locked the door. Athen placed the bundle on the nearby bed before turning towards me. "No troubles here, I wasn't even noticed. I've brought the things you've asked for."

"Good, good, now remember to come here tomorrow to pick us up. I trust you know what to do from there?" I asked.

"Of course, once inside I'll introduce you to Septa Melahnie." He replied.

"Good, you may go now, I still have some studying to do." I finished before turning back to Katyia. Athen said his farewells and departed. We went over the notes for hours and late into the night, I figured it was time to head to bed. While laying in bed snuggled up to Katyia while she ran her fingers through my hair, I went over my plans.

"Is everything alright my love?" Katyia asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh, nothing at all my dear. Just going over my plans." I replied, I had started referring to her as my dear. I don't remember when it started but it felt right. Funny that, our relationship started as hostile as could be when she was that bitch. Yet now she was basically my closest confidant, funny that.

"Forgive me my love, but I fail to see the significance in aligning ourselves with the religion," Katyia replied.

"There are so many ways to become not only powerful but also influential. This is the path I have chosen." I finished.

"Would it not be best to become a lord?" She asked.

"Becoming a lord does have its benefits, becoming a Septon has even more, however."

"How so?"

"Well, the only way to become the High Septon is to join the religion. From the position of High Septon, I can compete with even the king."

Katyia paused in the stroking of my hair seemingly in deep thought before continuing her actions. "Couldn't you use your power on the king and establish yourself that way?"

"I suppose I could do that, but that won't be an easy task and it would be frot with danger."

Hercules took a step closer from his place at the side of the bed. "We will not allow any harm to befall you, master."

"None will pass us, master." Achilles added from the other side of the bed.

"I'm sure you will, as I was saying, the danger present in exposing myself to the major powers is far too high. Taking this route I can build a solid network, um, power base. Not only that, but I could use the people in ways a lord couldn't."

"In ways, a lord couldn't? What do you mean?" She asked.

"Faith is a powerful tool Katyia, and if weilded correctly would allow me to be so entwined in the lives and thoughts of the kingdom," I replied, thinking of all the wars that were waged on earth in the name of religion.

"I'll give you an example. Let's say I tell the people that the seven have issued a divine command. A decree that states that no man, be he king or peasant is above them. For they are but man, and as such cannot rule above them. That their avatar on this world, yours truly, will be a herald of their divine will. And that I have been told by the seven, that there can be no king of the seven kingdoms if he is not ordained by the seven, by me." I finished will an evil smile.

"I hadn't considered that," Katyia replied, eyes wide.

"Forgive me master, but how is this less dangerous than becoming a lord?" Lucan asked from beside the door.

"I suppose there isn't any real difference in terms of danger. I just like this path over the other." I replied, Lucan simply nodded and remained silent.

"This Septa Melahnie, what role does she play in all this?" Katyia asked. I yawned tiredly before answering.

"Well, the Snowy Sept is run by an Elder Septon. Under him are two Senior members, Septa Melahnie is one of those senior members. She also happens to be the grandmother of our dear Septa Athen. He will get us a private audience with her, from there I will use my power on her. She is in charge of all the Septas and holy sisters, and I assume the other senior member is a man, who would be in charge of the Septons."

"I understand, she will be the key to the faith." Katyia replied.

"Yes, but she is a mere tool. My main target is the Elder Septon, once I have him I'll have control of the entire religious faction. That's the plan for now anyway. Now, enough talk, I wish to sleep. We have a big day before us tomorrow." I finished before closing my eyes and snuggling up to Katyia.

"As you wish, my love." She replied before kissing my brow and wrapping me in her embrace.

Sorry for the delay, classes have started up so I’ve been busy. I plan on alternating between this story and the other GOT ff I have. I even have another ff idea in the notepad. I’ll try to make this story as engaging and entertaining as possible. I’m also not apposed to taking criticism and fresh ideas from the readers, just try to be gentle, my heart is fragile. y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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