
Game of Thrones: Breaking Destiny

After watching the last episode of 'Game of Thrones' Alex threw his laptop in anger, disappointment, and a fair bit of rage. "All that build up just to that! come on! What the hell!" Alex yelled in his studio apartment. Alex had not yet noticed the smell of the gas leaking from the stove he had left on and the candle his girlfriend had left burning when she left earlier. And that's how Alex met ROBbert

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5 Chs

Growing Up

My Baby life was slow, So I went over my knowledge of magic and discreetly practiced it. Magic was hard as shit, Especially as a baby, I had barely any magic so all I could do was exert it in order to see if I could train it as a muscle or if it just grew over time.

Every time I ran out of magic I passed out, But since I was a baby and slept most of the time anyway it didn't matter, I made sure to spend plenty of time with my family, I put on a cute and fearless face with them and in general, I tried to have the childhood I never had.

Like this a year went by, I had studied a lot of magic and begun to practice occlumency, It was hard at first as I still had little magic, But the theory that magic capacity grew like a muscle was true, and now I had enough to practice the most basic of magic.

I read about magic, Magic cores, and Magical Energy and how it affects wizards, Magic was an energy produced by the world and flowed through all living things, But only a few had the ability to feel it and Manipulate it, The ones who could were called by a variety of titles, Such as Wizard, Witch, Sorcerer, Mage, and Magi, The list goes on but the preferred title was 'Wizard'.

There were different types of cores, Though a rare occurrence, Cores which are more compatible with elements or specific styles of magic. Beast Cores were rarely found in Wizards but those who did were often more 'animalistic' in nature, they had strong magic and were usually quite violent, But most wizards just had Normal cores.

There were different core states, like the first dubbed 'Fog state' it was the state all magical beings started with, It is the lowest state.

Second, Dubbed 'Liquid state' It was 5 times "stronger" than the 'Fog state', Now It's just more magic or anything, it's far purer.

Third, Dubbed 'Solid state' Is 10 times stronger than the 'Liquid state', The 'Solid state' is purer and had a larger capacity for magic.

Fourth, Was dubbed 'Crystal state' and Is 15 times stronger than 'Solid state' and is the last and most powerful state a Wizard can achieve.

I decided to focus on training my magic, I practiced as much as I could these days, I was only one and had to at least act like a baby, I spent most of my time with Robb as he was my only brother right now.

I was practicing my control over the abilities I receive from the Pheonix force, It was my practicing the Pheonix force, I was trying to levitate a clay vase... Again... When I watched the movies I had come up with many theories on controlling such abilities and I was dead wrong... The Pheonix force apparently doesn't like to be controlled or maybe I was just going about it the wrong way.

I focused harder on trying to levitate the vase, only for nothing to happen not even a wiggle, I threw my fist down against my bed in furious annoyance, The vase exploded throwing shards everywhere, I covered my face from the fragments but a large almost dagger-like shard had embedded itself into my pillow next to my face, I felt a warmth on my face and felt it with my hand only to reveal blood.

The explosion had cut my face but it did teach me something important, I was never sure but today I was, I had Pheonix Immortality, I felt the flames lick at my cut healing it quickly. The explosion also gave me some Inspiration on control I had already known that such abilities respond to emotions, But what if I control my emotion while using this...


4 Years Later

It was my 5th name-day today, I found it a little weird that they were called name-days but hey when in Rome.

I was enjoying my new life as I played with my siblings, Currently, It was only Robb, Me, and Jon, Robb and I actively inclouded Jon in our fun, Today we were going to begin our weapons training and lessons. A lot of people seemed to love me and Robb but hate Jon it was disgusting to see, so we targeted them for our pranks.

I never revealed any of my abilities to anyone, two years ago my mind sort of opened up and I began hearing the thoughts of others, I never delved too deep into the telepathy as I was wary of hurting my family and servents I didn't want to permanently scramble innocent peoples minds...

I had figured out a solid method to control my telekinesis, I used a combination of Willpower, Intent, and focused emotion, It was hard at first but I eventually got the hang of it, I was able to use my telekinesis on things below 300lbs at first it was 1lb so I was pretty proud of myself.

Okay so here's a somewhat of a processing chapter, after the save issue earlier I'm still annoyed... I am Tired as shit and cant think straight, so sorry if this chapter feels a little plain. bare with me though the next chapter is gonna get us started on world domination, jk that will be in a while... maybe...

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